// Copyright 2019 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include "common/alignment.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_instance.h" #include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_memory_util.h" #include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_scheduler.h" #include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_stream_buffer.h" namespace Vulkan { namespace { std::string_view BufferTypeName(BufferType type) { switch (type) { case BufferType::Upload: return "Upload"; case BufferType::Download: return "Download"; case BufferType::Stream: return "Stream"; default: return "Invalid"; } } vk::MemoryPropertyFlags MakePropertyFlags(BufferType type) { switch (type) { case BufferType::Upload: return vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible | vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent; case BufferType::Download: return vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible | vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent | vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCached; case BufferType::Stream: return vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eDeviceLocal | vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible | vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent; default: UNREACHABLE_MSG("Unknown buffer type {}", type); return vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible; } } /// Get the preferred host visible memory type. u32 GetMemoryType(const vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties& properties, BufferType type) { vk::MemoryPropertyFlags flags = MakePropertyFlags(type); std::optional preferred_type = FindMemoryType(properties, flags); constexpr std::array remove_flags = { vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCached, vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent, }; for (u32 i = 0; i < remove_flags.size() && !preferred_type; i++) { flags &= ~remove_flags[i]; preferred_type = FindMemoryType(properties, flags); } ASSERT_MSG(preferred_type, "No suitable memory type found"); return preferred_type.value(); } constexpr u64 WATCHES_INITIAL_RESERVE = 0x4000; constexpr u64 WATCHES_RESERVE_CHUNK = 0x1000; } // Anonymous namespace StreamBuffer::StreamBuffer(const Instance& instance_, Scheduler& scheduler_, vk::BufferUsageFlags usage_, u64 size, BufferType type_) : instance{instance_}, scheduler{scheduler_}, device{instance.GetDevice()}, stream_buffer_size{size}, usage{usage_}, type{type_} { CreateBuffers(size); ReserveWatches(current_watches, WATCHES_INITIAL_RESERVE); ReserveWatches(previous_watches, WATCHES_INITIAL_RESERVE); } StreamBuffer::~StreamBuffer() { device.unmapMemory(memory); device.destroyBuffer(buffer); device.freeMemory(memory); } std::tuple StreamBuffer::Map(u64 size, u64 alignment) { if (!is_coherent && type == BufferType::Stream) { size = Common::AlignUp(size, instance.NonCoherentAtomSize()); } ASSERT(size <= stream_buffer_size); mapped_size = size; if (alignment > 0) { offset = Common::AlignUp(offset, alignment); } bool invalidate{false}; if (offset + size > stream_buffer_size) { // The buffer would overflow, save the amount of used watches and reset the state. invalidate = true; invalidation_mark = current_watch_cursor; current_watch_cursor = 0; offset = 0; // Swap watches and reset waiting cursors. std::swap(previous_watches, current_watches); wait_cursor = 0; wait_bound = 0; } const u64 mapped_upper_bound = offset + size; WaitPendingOperations(mapped_upper_bound); return std::make_tuple(mapped + offset, offset, invalidate); } void StreamBuffer::Commit(u64 size) { if (!is_coherent && type == BufferType::Stream) { size = Common::AlignUp(size, instance.NonCoherentAtomSize()); } ASSERT_MSG(size <= mapped_size, "Reserved size {} is too small compared to {}", mapped_size, size); const vk::MappedMemoryRange range = { .memory = memory, .offset = offset, .size = size, }; if (!is_coherent && type == BufferType::Download) { device.invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(range); } else if (!is_coherent) { device.flushMappedMemoryRanges(range); } offset += size; if (current_watch_cursor + 1 >= current_watches.size()) { // Ensure that there are enough watches. ReserveWatches(current_watches, WATCHES_RESERVE_CHUNK); } auto& watch = current_watches[current_watch_cursor++]; watch.upper_bound = offset; watch.tick = scheduler.CurrentTick(); } void StreamBuffer::CreateBuffers(u64 prefered_size) { const vk::Device device = instance.GetDevice(); const auto memory_properties = instance.GetPhysicalDevice().getMemoryProperties(); const u32 preferred_type = GetMemoryType(memory_properties, type); const vk::MemoryType mem_type = memory_properties.memoryTypes[preferred_type]; const u32 preferred_heap = mem_type.heapIndex; is_coherent = static_cast(mem_type.propertyFlags & vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent); // Substract from the preferred heap size some bytes to avoid getting out of memory. const vk::DeviceSize heap_size = memory_properties.memoryHeaps[preferred_heap].size; // As per DXVK's example, using `heap_size / 2` const vk::DeviceSize allocable_size = heap_size / 2; buffer = device.createBuffer({ .size = std::min(prefered_size, allocable_size), .usage = usage, }); const auto requirements_chain = device .getBufferMemoryRequirements2( {.buffer = buffer}); const auto& requirements = requirements_chain.get(); const auto& dedicated_requirements = requirements_chain.get(); stream_buffer_size = static_cast(requirements.memoryRequirements.size); LOG_INFO(Render_Vulkan, "Creating {} buffer with size {} KB with flags {}", BufferTypeName(type), stream_buffer_size / 1024, vk::to_string(mem_type.propertyFlags)); if (dedicated_requirements.prefersDedicatedAllocation) { vk::StructureChain alloc_chain = {}; auto& alloc_info = alloc_chain.get(); alloc_info.allocationSize = requirements.memoryRequirements.size; alloc_info.memoryTypeIndex = preferred_type; auto& dedicated_alloc_info = alloc_chain.get(); dedicated_alloc_info.buffer = buffer; memory = device.allocateMemory(alloc_chain.get()); } else { memory = device.allocateMemory({ .allocationSize = requirements.memoryRequirements.size, .memoryTypeIndex = preferred_type, }); } device.bindBufferMemory(buffer, memory, 0); mapped = reinterpret_cast(device.mapMemory(memory, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE)); } void StreamBuffer::ReserveWatches(std::vector& watches, std::size_t grow_size) { watches.resize(watches.size() + grow_size); } void StreamBuffer::WaitPendingOperations(u64 requested_upper_bound) { if (!invalidation_mark) { return; } while (requested_upper_bound > wait_bound && wait_cursor < *invalidation_mark) { auto& watch = previous_watches[wait_cursor]; wait_bound = watch.upper_bound; scheduler.Wait(watch.tick); ++wait_cursor; } } } // namespace Vulkan