function getRelease(v, count = 5) { $.getJSON( `${v}/releases`, function (releases) { $(`#last-updated-${v}`).text(dayjs(releases[0].published_at).fromNow()); for (let i = 0; i < releases.length; ++i) { const release = releases[i]; let release_date = dayjs(release.published_at).fromNow(); let release_commit = release.assets[0].name .split("-") .pop() .trim() .split(".")[0]; let release_commit_url = `${v}/commit/${release_commit}`; let release_title = ""; if (v == "nightly") { release_title = "Nightly Build"; } else if (v == "canary") { release_title = "Canary Build"; } else if (v == "android") { release_title = "Android Build"; } if (release_commit) { release_title += " - " + release_commit; } let download_span = ""; let table_style = ""; if (i == 0) { table_style = "table-first"; } release.assets.forEach(function (asset) { const is_windows ="windows") ||"exe"); if ("nupkg")) return; if (".aab")) return; if (!is_windows &&".7z")) return; if (is_windows &&".tar.gz")) return; if ("RELEASES")) return; /* We only want to provide mingw builds on the downloads page. */ if ("-msvc-")) return; let env_icon = "/images/icons/file.png"; if (is_windows) env_icon = "/images/icons/windows.png"; else if ("macos")) env_icon = "/images/icons/apple.png"; else if ("linux")) env_icon = "/images/icons/linux.png"; else if (".apk")) env_icon = "/images/icons/android.png"; else if ("unified-source")) env_icon = "/images/icons/file-code.png"; let download_url = `${v}/releases/download/${release.tag_name}/${}`; download_span += ``; }); /* Generate the link to the Github release. */ download_span += ``; if (release_commit_url != null) { $(`#downloads-${v}`).append( `${release_date}` + `${release_title}${download_span}` ); } else { $(`#downloads-${v}`).append( `${release_date}` + `${release_title}${download_span}` ); } if (i + 1 >= count) { break; } } } ); } function fetchReleases() { getRelease("nightly"); getRelease("canary"); getRelease("android"); } dayjs.extend(dayjs_plugin_relativeTime); // Attempt autodetection of their operating system const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); const allPlatforms = ["windows", "mac", "linux", "android"]; let os = undefined; if (userAgent.indexOf("windows") !== -1) { os = "Windows"; } else if ( userAgent.indexOf("mac") !== -1 && userAgent.indexOf("mobile") === -1 && userAgent.indexOf("phone") === -1 ) { os = "Mac"; } else if ( userAgent.indexOf("linux") !== -1 && userAgent.indexOf("android") === -1 ) { os = "Linux"; } else if (userAgent.indexOf("android") !== -1) { os = "Android"; } if (os !== undefined) { $("#dl-" + os.toLowerCase() + "-x64").css("display", "block"); const autodetect = $("#dl-autodetect"); autodetect.text("Autodetected platform: " + os); autodetect.css("display", "inline"); } else { $("#dl-unknown").css("display", "block"); } $("#no-js-view").css("display", "none"); $("#updater-view").css("display", "block"); $("#other-platforms-link").click(function () { for (let i = 0; i < allPlatforms.length; i++) { const platform = allPlatforms[i]; $("#dl-" + platform + "-x64").css("display", "block"); $("#other-container").css("display", "none"); } }); $("#manual-link").click(function () { $("#updater-view").css("display", "none"); $("#manual-view").css("display", "block"); fetchReleases(); });