Installing brutaldon ==================== Brutaldon is a perfectly normal Django app, so if you've ever installed a Django app, it should be straightforward. It will work either as a local application, or installed on a server. For either case, you will need Python 3 installed to start with, including pip. Common steps --------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't already, you need to install [Pipenv][pe], a tool for managing Python virtual environments. You can install it just with `pip install pipenv`. [pe]: Development or local install ------------------------------------------------ In the top brutaldon directory, run `pipenv install`. This will install all the dependencies. Then run `pipenv run python ./ migrate`. That will create a SQLite database the application needs. Then run `pipenv run python ./ migrate`. That will start a local server on http://localhost:8000/. Point your browser to that address and log in to your instance. You will have to log in with the alternate (username and password) method. Server installation ---------------------------------------- This will depend on your server setup, and you should consult [Deploying Django][dd]. Be sure to read the [Deployment checklist][dc], because some things in it are security critical. One common step would be to install dependencies like this: `PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install`. This will install dependencies within the project folder. Then edit brutaldon/ You definitely need to change the values of SECRET_KEY and ALLOWED_HOSTS. I installed brutaldon with Apache and mod_wsgi. If you installed brutaldon in /usr/local/share/, you'd add config lines something like this to the virtual host brutaldon is installed in. ``` Alias /brutaldon/static /usr/local/share/brutaldon/brutaldon/static Require all granted WSGIScriptAlias /brutaldon /usr/local/share/brutaldon/brutaldon/ WSGIDaemonProcess brutaldon python-path=/usr/local/share/brutaldon python-home=/usr/local/share/brutaldon/.venv Require all granted ``` Be sure you serve the entire site over https only. [dd]: [dc]: