using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub.Converters; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub.Models; using BirdsiteLive.Common.Regexes; using BirdsiteLive.Common.Settings; using BirdsiteLive.Cryptography; using BirdsiteLive.DAL.Models; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.BusinessUseCases; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Repository; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Statistics; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Tools; using BirdsiteLive.Twitter; using BirdsiteLive.Twitter.Models; using Tweetinvi.Core.Exceptions; using Tweetinvi.Models; namespace BirdsiteLive.Domain { public interface IUserService { Actor GetUser(TwitterUser twitterUser, SyncTwitterUser dbTwitterUser); Task FollowRequestedAsync(string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityFollow activity, string body); Task UndoFollowRequestedAsync(string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityUndoFollow activity, string body); Task SendRejectFollowAsync(ActivityFollow activity, string followerHost); Task DeleteRequestedAsync(string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityDelete activity, string body); } public class UserService : IUserService { private readonly IProcessDeleteUser _processDeleteUser; private readonly IProcessFollowUser _processFollowUser; private readonly IProcessUndoFollowUser _processUndoFollowUser; private readonly InstanceSettings _instanceSettings; private readonly ICryptoService _cryptoService; private readonly IActivityPubService _activityPubService; private readonly IStatusExtractor _statusExtractor; private readonly IExtractionStatisticsHandler _statisticsHandler; private readonly ITwitterUserService _twitterUserService; private readonly IModerationRepository _moderationRepository; #region Ctor public UserService(InstanceSettings instanceSettings, ICryptoService cryptoService, IActivityPubService activityPubService, IProcessFollowUser processFollowUser, IProcessUndoFollowUser processUndoFollowUser, IStatusExtractor statusExtractor, IExtractionStatisticsHandler statisticsHandler, ITwitterUserService twitterUserService, IModerationRepository moderationRepository, IProcessDeleteUser processDeleteUser) { _instanceSettings = instanceSettings; _cryptoService = cryptoService; _activityPubService = activityPubService; _processFollowUser = processFollowUser; _processUndoFollowUser = processUndoFollowUser; _statusExtractor = statusExtractor; _statisticsHandler = statisticsHandler; _twitterUserService = twitterUserService; _moderationRepository = moderationRepository; _processDeleteUser = processDeleteUser; } #endregion public Actor GetUser(TwitterUser twitterUser, SyncTwitterUser dbTwitterUser) { var actorUrl = UrlFactory.GetActorUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, twitterUser.Acct); var acct = twitterUser.Acct.ToLowerInvariant(); // Extract links, mentions, etc var description = twitterUser.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { var extracted = _statusExtractor.Extract(description, _instanceSettings.ResolveMentionsInProfiles); description = extracted.content; _statisticsHandler.ExtractedDescription(extracted.tags.Count(x => x.type == "Mention")); } var user = new Actor { id = actorUrl, type = "Service", followers = $"{actorUrl}/followers", preferredUsername = acct, name = twitterUser.Name, inbox = $"{actorUrl}/inbox", summary = description, url = actorUrl, manuallyApprovesFollowers = twitterUser.Protected, discoverable = false, publicKey = new PublicKey() { id = $"{actorUrl}#main-key", owner = actorUrl, publicKeyPem = _cryptoService.GetUserPem(acct) }, icon = new Image { mediaType = "image/jpeg", url = twitterUser.ProfileImageUrl }, image = new Image { mediaType = "image/jpeg", url = twitterUser.ProfileBannerURL }, attachment = new [] { new UserAttachment { type = "PropertyValue", name = "Official Account", value = $"{acct}" }, new UserAttachment { type = "PropertyValue", name = "Disclaimer", value = "This is an automatically created and managed mirror profile from Twitter. While it reflects exactly the content of the original account, it doesn't provide support for interactions and replies. It is an equivalent view from other 3rd party Twitter client apps and uses the same technical means to provide it." }, new UserAttachment { type = "PropertyValue", name = "Take control of the account", value = $"https://{_instanceSettings.Domain}" } }, endpoints = new EndPoints { sharedInbox = $"https://{_instanceSettings.Domain}/inbox" }, movedTo = dbTwitterUser?.MovedTo }; return user; } public async Task FollowRequestedAsync(string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityFollow activity, string body) { // Validate var sigValidation = await ValidateSignature(, signature, method, path, queryString, requestHeaders, body); if (!sigValidation.SignatureIsValidated) return false; // Prepare data var followerUserName = SigValidationResultExtractor.GetUserName(sigValidation); var followerHost = SigValidationResultExtractor.GetHost(sigValidation); var followerInbox = sigValidation.User.inbox; var followerSharedInbox = SigValidationResultExtractor.GetSharedInbox(sigValidation); var twitterUser = activity.apObject.Split('/').Last().Replace("@", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); // Make sure to only keep routes followerInbox = OnlyKeepRoute(followerInbox, followerHost); followerSharedInbox = OnlyKeepRoute(followerSharedInbox, followerHost); // Validate Moderation status var followerModPolicy = _moderationRepository.GetModerationType(ModerationEntityTypeEnum.Follower); if (followerModPolicy != ModerationTypeEnum.None) { var followerStatus = _moderationRepository.CheckStatus(ModerationEntityTypeEnum.Follower, $"@{followerUserName}@{followerHost}"); if(followerModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.WhiteListing && followerStatus != ModeratedTypeEnum.WhiteListed || followerModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.BlackListing && followerStatus == ModeratedTypeEnum.BlackListed) return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } // Validate TwitterAccount status var twitterAccountModPolicy = _moderationRepository.GetModerationType(ModerationEntityTypeEnum.TwitterAccount); if (twitterAccountModPolicy != ModerationTypeEnum.None) { var twitterUserStatus = _moderationRepository.CheckStatus(ModerationEntityTypeEnum.TwitterAccount, twitterUser); if (twitterAccountModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.WhiteListing && twitterUserStatus != ModeratedTypeEnum.WhiteListed || twitterAccountModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.BlackListing && twitterUserStatus == ModeratedTypeEnum.BlackListed) return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } // Validate User Protected var user = _twitterUserService.GetUser(twitterUser); if (!user.Protected) { // Execute await _processFollowUser.ExecuteAsync(followerUserName, followerHost, twitterUser, followerInbox, followerSharedInbox,; return await SendAcceptFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } else { return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } } private async Task SendAcceptFollowAsync(ActivityFollow activity, string followerHost) { var acceptFollow = new ActivityAcceptFollow() { context = "", id = $"{activity.apObject}#accepts/follows/{Guid.NewGuid()}", type = "Accept", actor = activity.apObject, apObject = new ActivityFollow() { id =, type = activity.type, actor =, apObject = activity.apObject } }; var result = await _activityPubService.PostDataAsync(acceptFollow, followerHost, activity.apObject); return result == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || result == HttpStatusCode.OK; //TODO: revamp this for better error handling } public async Task SendRejectFollowAsync(ActivityFollow activity, string followerHost) { var acceptFollow = new ActivityRejectFollow() { context = "", id = $"{activity.apObject}#rejects/follows/{Guid.NewGuid()}", type = "Reject", actor = activity.apObject, apObject = new ActivityFollow() { id =, type = activity.type, actor =, apObject = activity.apObject } }; var result = await _activityPubService.PostDataAsync(acceptFollow, followerHost, activity.apObject); return result == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || result == HttpStatusCode.OK; //TODO: revamp this for better error handling } private string OnlyKeepRoute(string inbox, string host) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inbox)) return null; if (inbox.Contains(host)) inbox = inbox.Split(new[] { host }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last(); return inbox; } public async Task UndoFollowRequestedAsync(string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityUndoFollow activity, string body) { // Validate var sigValidation = await ValidateSignature(, signature, method, path, queryString, requestHeaders, body); if (!sigValidation.SignatureIsValidated) return false; // Save Follow in DB var followerUserName = sigValidation.User.preferredUsername.ToLowerInvariant(); var followerHost = sigValidation.User.url.Replace("https://", string.Empty).Split('/').First(); //var followerInbox = sigValidation.User.inbox; var twitterUser = activity.apObject.apObject.Split('/').Last().Replace("@", string.Empty); await _processUndoFollowUser.ExecuteAsync(followerUserName, followerHost, twitterUser); // Send Accept Activity var acceptFollow = new ActivityAcceptUndoFollow() { context = "", id = $"{activity.apObject.apObject}#accepts/undofollows/{Guid.NewGuid()}", type = "Accept", actor = activity.apObject.apObject, apObject = new ActivityUndoFollow() { id =, type = activity.type, actor =, apObject = activity.apObject } }; var result = await _activityPubService.PostDataAsync(acceptFollow, followerHost, activity.apObject.apObject); return result == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || result == HttpStatusCode.OK; //TODO: revamp this for better error handling } public async Task DeleteRequestedAsync(string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityDelete activity, string body) { // Validate var sigValidation = await ValidateSignature(, signature, method, path, queryString, requestHeaders, body); if (!sigValidation.SignatureIsValidated) return false; // Remove user and followings var followerUserName = SigValidationResultExtractor.GetUserName(sigValidation); var followerHost = SigValidationResultExtractor.GetHost(sigValidation); await _processDeleteUser.ExecuteAsync(followerUserName, followerHost); return true; } private async Task ValidateSignature(string actor, string rawSig, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, string body) { //Check Date Validity var date = requestHeaders["date"]; var d = DateTime.Parse(date).ToUniversalTime(); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var delta = Math.Abs((d - now).TotalSeconds); if (delta > 30) return new SignatureValidationResult { SignatureIsValidated = false }; //Check Digest var digest = requestHeaders["digest"]; var digestHash = digest.Split(new [] {"SHA-256="},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).LastOrDefault(); var calculatedDigestHash = _cryptoService.ComputeSha256Hash(body); if (digestHash != calculatedDigestHash) return new SignatureValidationResult { SignatureIsValidated = false }; //Check Signature var signatures = rawSig.Split(','); var signature_header = new Dictionary(); foreach (var signature in signatures) { var m = HeaderRegexes.HeaderSignature.Match(signature); signature_header.Add(m.Groups[1].ToString(), m.Groups[2].ToString()); } var key_id = signature_header["keyId"]; var headers = signature_header["headers"]; var algorithm = signature_header["algorithm"]; var sig = Convert.FromBase64String(signature_header["signature"]); // Retrieve User var remoteUser = await _activityPubService.GetUser(actor); // Prepare Key data var toDecode = remoteUser.publicKey.publicKeyPem.Trim().Remove(0, remoteUser.publicKey.publicKeyPem.IndexOf('\n')); toDecode = toDecode.Remove(toDecode.LastIndexOf('\n')).Replace("\n", ""); var signKey = ASN1.ToRSA(Convert.FromBase64String(toDecode)); var toSign = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var headerKey in headers.Split(' ')) { if (headerKey == "(request-target)") toSign.Append($"(request-target): {method.ToLower()} {path}{queryString}\n"); else toSign.Append($"{headerKey}: {string.Join(", ", requestHeaders[headerKey])}\n"); } toSign.Remove(toSign.Length - 1, 1); // Import key var key = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); var rsaKeyInfo = key.ExportParameters(false); rsaKeyInfo.Modulus = Convert.FromBase64String(toDecode); key.ImportParameters(rsaKeyInfo); // Trust and Verify var result = signKey.VerifyData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toSign.ToString()), sig, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1); return new SignatureValidationResult() { SignatureIsValidated = result, User = remoteUser }; } } public class SignatureValidationResult { public bool SignatureIsValidated { get; set; } public Actor User { get; set; } } }