#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2021 Luca Paris #This file is part of masync. #masync is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. #masync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with masync. If not, see . ## REQUIREMENT # apt-get install inotify-tools # @1 hash to retrieve sync # @2 local path to sync # @3 remote path to sync #echo "$1, $2, $3" source ~/bin/.filetemplates.sh source ~/bin/.synccmd.sh source ~/bin/.colordef.sh tmpqueuefile=$(format ${TMPQUEUEFILE} hash=$1) tmpqueuedeletes=$(format ${TMPQUEUEDELETES} hash=$1) LOCALPATH_HASH=$1 LOCALPATH=$2 REMOTEPATH=$3 REMOTEHOST=$(echo "$REMOTEPATH" | cut -d : -f 1 | cut -d @ -f 2) REMOTERELATIVEPATH=$(echo "$REMOTEPATH" | cut -d : -f 2) #acquire lock_deletes file descritptor exec {lock_deletes}>>${tmpqueuedeletes} #acquire lock queue file descriptor exec {lock_queue}>>${tmpqueuefile} min() { if [ $1 -gt $2 ]; then echo $2 else echo $1 fi } synccycle() { lastsynctime="$(date -u +%s.%N)" ### initial max waiting time for pull (seconds) used as unit ### first pulliteration zero cause immediate pulling from remote pulllimitunit=60 pulliteration=0 maxpulliteration=5 let "maxpulllimit = $pulllimitunit * $pulliteration" ### max waiting time for pull (seconds) 10 min thresholdpulllimit=600 while : do if [ -f "$tmpqueuefile" ] || [ -f "$tmpqueuedeletes" ]; then ### DELETES WHILE LOOP if [ -f "$tmpqueuedeletes" ]; then ndeletes=$(wc -l < ${tmpqueuedeletes}) while [ $ndeletes -gt 0 ]; do echo -n -e "[Masync log - PUSH FILES TO DELETE] to remote: ${RED}$(head -n $ndeletes ${tmpqueuedeletes} | tr '\n', ' ')${ENDCOLOR}" ssh $REMOTEHOST "rm -rf $(head -n $ndeletes ${tmpqueuedeletes} | tr '\n', ' ')" echo -e " ${PURPLE}DONE${ENDCOLOR}" # remove the first ndeletes lines flock $lock_deletes tmpfile=$(mktemp) tail -n +$(expr ${ndeletes} + 1) < ${tmpqueuedeletes} > ${tmpfile} cat ${tmpfile} > ${tmpqueuedeletes} rm -f ${tmpfile} flock -u $lock_deletes ndeletes=$(wc -l < ${tmpqueuedeletes}) done fi ### PUSH WHILE LOOP if [ -f "$tmpqueuefile" ]; then nqueue=$(wc -l < ${tmpqueuefile}) while [ $nqueue -gt 0 ]; do #echo "${tmpqueuefile} not empty consume ${nqueue} updates in queue" echo -n -e "[Masync log - PUSH FILES] to remote: ${GREEN}$(head -n ${nqueue} ${tmpqueuefile} | tr '\n', ' ')${ENDCOLOR}" sync $LOCALPATH_HASH $LOCALPATH $REMOTEPATH echo -e " ${PURPLE}DONE${ENDCOLOR}" # remove the first nqueue lines from queue flock $lock_queue tmpfile=$(mktemp) tail -n +$(expr ${nqueue} + 1) < ${tmpqueuefile} > ${tmpfile} cat ${tmpfile} > ${tmpqueuefile} rm -f ${tmpfile} flock -u $lock_queue #lastsynctime="$(date -u +%s.%N)" nqueue=$(wc -l < ${tmpqueuefile}) done fi fi now="$(date -u +%s.%N)" elapsed="$(bc <<<"$now-$lastsynctime")" ## if elapsed is greater than maxpulllimit sync from remote with delete option if [ 1 -eq $(echo "$elapsed>$maxpulllimit" | bc) ]; then echo -n "[Masync log - PULL LIMIT reached] $maxpulllimit seconds reached: sync from remote with --delete option..." sync $LOCALPATH_HASH $REMOTEPATH $LOCALPATH '--delete' echo -e " ${PURPLE}DONE${ENDCOLOR}" lastsynctime="$(date -u +%s.%N)" ## increment the pull iteration or reset it if [ ${pulliteration} -eq ${maxpulliteration} ]; then pulliteration=0 else let pulliteration++ fi let "limit = $pulliteration * $pulliteration * $pulllimitunit" maxpulllimit=$(min $limit $thresholdpulllimit) fi sleep 10 done } synccycle & # exclude swp,swpx and 4913 files created by vim inotifywait -m -r -e create -e close_write -e move -e delete --exclude "\.swp|\.swx|4913|.txt~" $LOCALPATH | while read dir action file; do if [ $action = 'DELETE' ] || [ $action = 'DELETE,ISDIR' ] || [ $action = 'MOVED_FROM' ] || [ $action = 'MOVED_FROM,ISDIR' ]; then echo -e "[Masync log - ENQUEUE delete] $dir$file" flock $lock_deletes echo $dir$file | sed -e "s~$LOCALPATH~$REMOTERELATIVEPATH~g" | tee -a ${tmpqueuedeletes} 1>/dev/null flock -u $lock_deletes else flock $lock_queue ## add to queue only if not already in it if [ $(grep -E ${file}$ ${tmpqueuefile} | wc -l) -lt 1 ]; then #echo "Add notify to queue: file '$file' in directory '$dir' for '$action'" | tee -a ${tmpqueuefile} echo -e "[Masync log - ENQUEUE file] $dir$file" # AVOID TO USE TEE: SIMPLY append #echo ${dir}${file} | tee -a ${tmpqueuefile} echo ${dir}${file} >> ${tmpqueuefile} fi flock -u $lock_queue fi done