instable, to check

This commit is contained in:
Amber 2024-10-25 17:11:43 +02:00
parent 66c9cbcbd9
commit f2ed6de92e

View File

@ -291,6 +291,51 @@ class Manager():
remote_mount_point = self.get_remote_mount_point(node)
return agent.copy_dir(absolute_local_path, remote_mount_point)
def ___(node, version_kept):
before copying the node we expect:
1. last_hash of remote is equal to node['last_hash'] -> this means in local we modified the server version
2. if there is a conflict remote_hash is None if file is not in remote
rstatus = self.get_rnode_status(node)
rfile_buf, rhash, rexists = map(rstatus.get, ['iobuffer', 'hash', 'exists'])
if not rexists and version_kept == 'keep_local':
return True, 'You push local version on remote'
remote_hash = node['remote_hash']
if not (remote_hash == rhash):
unmerged = self.load_unmerged_diff()
name = node['name']
path = node['rel_path']
unmerged = self.load_unmerged_diff()
found = {}
for n, unode in enumerate(unmerged):
if unode['name'] == name and unode['rel_path'] == path:
found = unode
n = -1
if n == -1:
return 'No node conflicting'
print(f'remote hash changed you...generate a new conflict')
## update the conflicting node by index
(cur_hash, cur_buf) = _genlocal.generate_file_hash(self.get_absolute_local_path(found))
found['cur_hash'] = cur_hash
found['last_hash'] = found['remote_hash']
found['remote_hash'] = rhash
found['remote_file_buf'] = rfile_buf
## store diff in diffs path
return False, 'Generate conflict'
def show_conflicts(self):
unmerged = self.load_unmerged_diff()
@ -317,6 +362,7 @@ class Manager():
absolute_local_path = colors.CYAN(self.get_absolute_local_path(unode))
absolute_remote_path = colors.CYAN(self.get_absolute_remote_path(unode))
if version_kept == 'keep_local':
# before copy check the remote
## copy node to remote
print(f'Push local node: {absolute_local_path} to remote path: {absolute_remote_path}')
@ -362,7 +408,7 @@ class Manager():
print(f'remote hash changed you...generate a new conflict')
## update the conflicting node by index
(cur_hash, cur_buf) = _genlocal.generate_file_hash(self.get_absolute_local_path(found))
found['cur_hash'] = self.get_absolute_local_path(found)
found['cur_hash'] = cur_hash
found['last_hash'] = found['remote_hash']
found['remote_hash'] = rhash
found['remote_file_buf'] = rfile_buf