# Firefox Privacy Settings Go to Settings. ## General #### Files and Applications - Always ask you where to save files #### Browsing - Recommend extensions as you browse: Off - Recommend features as you browse: Off ## Home #### Firefox Home Content - Shortcuts > Sponsored shortcuts: Off - Recommended by Pocket: Off - Snippets: Off ## Search #### Default Search Engine - DuckDuckGo or add any other privacy respecting search engine. #### Search Suggestions - Provide search suggestions: Off ## Privacy & Security #### Enhanced Tracking Protection - Strict - Send websites a “Do Not Track” signal that you don’t want to be tracked: Always #### Logins and Passwords - Ask to save logins and passwords for websites: Off NOTE: Never save passwords in browsers. Use a password manager instead. Check out [recommendations, alternatives & reviews](https://github.com/the-weird-aquarian/privacy-settings#recommendations-alternatives--reviews). #### Permissions - Warn you when websites try to install add-ons: On #### Firefox Data Collection and Use - Turn off everything #### Security - Turn on everything - Certificates > - Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates: On #### HTTPS-Only Mode - Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows #### DNS over HTTPS - Enable secure DNS using: Max Protection > - Choose provider: NextDNS/Cloudflare or select Custom and provide URL for other secure DNS from [this list](https://www.privacyguides.org/dns/). Example: For Quad9, enter https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query --- --- ## Further Hardening - For further hardening of Firefox, check out [arkenfox user.js](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js).