
69 lines
2.9 KiB

package quic
import (
//go:generate sh -c "echo '// Code generated by go generate. DO NOT EDIT.\n// Source: sys_conn_buffers.go\n' > sys_conn_buffers_write.go && sed -e 's/SetReadBuffer/SetWriteBuffer/g' -e 's/setReceiveBuffer/setSendBuffer/g' -e 's/inspectReadBuffer/inspectWriteBuffer/g' -e 's/protocol\\.DesiredReceiveBufferSize/protocol\\.DesiredSendBufferSize/g' -e 's/forceSetReceiveBuffer/forceSetSendBuffer/g' -e 's/receive buffer/send buffer/g' sys_conn_buffers.go | sed '/^\\/\\/go:generate/d' >> sys_conn_buffers_write.go"
func setReceiveBuffer(c net.PacketConn, logger utils.Logger) error {
conn, ok := c.(interface{ SetReadBuffer(int) error })
if !ok {
return errors.New("connection doesn't allow setting of receive buffer size. Not a *net.UDPConn?")
var syscallConn syscall.RawConn
if sc, ok := c.(interface {
SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)
}); ok {
var err error
syscallConn, err = sc.SyscallConn()
if err != nil {
syscallConn = nil
// The connection has a SetReadBuffer method, but we couldn't obtain a syscall.RawConn.
// This shouldn't happen for a net.UDPConn, but is possible if the connection just implements the
// net.PacketConn interface and the SetReadBuffer method.
// We have no way of checking if increasing the buffer size actually worked.
if syscallConn == nil {
return conn.SetReadBuffer(protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize)
size, err := inspectReadBuffer(syscallConn)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to determine receive buffer size: %w", err)
if size >= protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize {
logger.Debugf("Conn has receive buffer of %d kiB (wanted: at least %d kiB)", size/1024, protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize/1024)
return nil
// Ignore the error. We check if we succeeded by querying the buffer size afterward.
_ = conn.SetReadBuffer(protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize)
newSize, err := inspectReadBuffer(syscallConn)
if newSize < protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize {
// Try again with RCVBUFFORCE on Linux
_ = forceSetReceiveBuffer(syscallConn, protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize)
newSize, err = inspectReadBuffer(syscallConn)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to determine receive buffer size: %w", err)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to determine receive buffer size: %w", err)
if newSize == size {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to increase receive buffer size (wanted: %d kiB, got %d kiB)", protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize/1024, newSize/1024)
if newSize < protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: %d kiB, wanted: %d kiB, got: %d kiB)", size/1024, protocol.DesiredReceiveBufferSize/1024, newSize/1024)
logger.Debugf("Increased receive buffer size to %d kiB", newSize/1024)
return nil