
297 lines
10 KiB

package ackhandler
import (
type ecnState uint8
const (
ecnStateInitial ecnState = iota
// must fit into an uint8, otherwise numSentTesting and numLostTesting must have a larger type
const numECNTestingPackets = 10
type ecnHandler interface {
SentPacket(protocol.PacketNumber, protocol.ECN)
Mode() protocol.ECN
HandleNewlyAcked(packets []*packet, ect0, ect1, ecnce int64) (congested bool)
// The ecnTracker performs ECN validation of a path.
// Once failed, it doesn't do any re-validation of the path.
// It is designed only work for 1-RTT packets, it doesn't handle multiple packet number spaces.
// In order to avoid revealing any internal state to on-path observers,
// callers should make sure to start using ECN (i.e. calling Mode) for the very first 1-RTT packet sent.
// The validation logic implemented here strictly follows the algorithm described in RFC 9000 section 13.4.2 and A.4.
type ecnTracker struct {
state ecnState
numSentTesting, numLostTesting uint8
firstTestingPacket protocol.PacketNumber
lastTestingPacket protocol.PacketNumber
firstCapablePacket protocol.PacketNumber
numSentECT0, numSentECT1 int64
numAckedECT0, numAckedECT1, numAckedECNCE int64
tracer *logging.ConnectionTracer
logger utils.Logger
var _ ecnHandler = &ecnTracker{}
func newECNTracker(logger utils.Logger, tracer *logging.ConnectionTracer) *ecnTracker {
return &ecnTracker{
firstTestingPacket: protocol.InvalidPacketNumber,
lastTestingPacket: protocol.InvalidPacketNumber,
firstCapablePacket: protocol.InvalidPacketNumber,
state: ecnStateInitial,
logger: logger,
tracer: tracer,
func (e *ecnTracker) SentPacket(pn protocol.PacketNumber, ecn protocol.ECN) {
//nolint:exhaustive // These are the only ones we need to take care of.
switch ecn {
case protocol.ECNNon:
case protocol.ECT0:
case protocol.ECT1:
case protocol.ECNUnsupported:
if e.state != ecnStateFailed {
panic("didn't expect ECN to be unsupported")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("sent packet with unexpected ECN marking: %s", ecn))
if e.state == ecnStateCapable && e.firstCapablePacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber {
e.firstCapablePacket = pn
if e.state != ecnStateTesting {
if e.firstTestingPacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber {
e.firstTestingPacket = pn
if e.numSentECT0+e.numSentECT1 >= numECNTestingPackets {
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateUnknown, logging.ECNTriggerNoTrigger)
e.state = ecnStateUnknown
e.lastTestingPacket = pn
func (e *ecnTracker) Mode() protocol.ECN {
switch e.state {
case ecnStateInitial:
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateTesting, logging.ECNTriggerNoTrigger)
e.state = ecnStateTesting
return e.Mode()
case ecnStateTesting, ecnStateCapable:
return protocol.ECT0
case ecnStateUnknown, ecnStateFailed:
return protocol.ECNNon
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown ECN state: %d", e.state))
func (e *ecnTracker) LostPacket(pn protocol.PacketNumber) {
if e.state != ecnStateTesting && e.state != ecnStateUnknown {
if !e.isTestingPacket(pn) {
// Only proceed if we have sent all 10 testing packets.
if e.state != ecnStateUnknown {
if e.numLostTesting >= e.numSentTesting {
e.logger.Debugf("Disabling ECN. All testing packets were lost.")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedLostAllTestingPackets)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
// Path validation also fails if some testing packets are lost, and all other testing packets where CE-marked
// HandleNewlyAcked handles the ECN counts on an ACK frame.
// It must only be called for ACK frames that increase the largest acknowledged packet number,
// see section of RFC 9000.
func (e *ecnTracker) HandleNewlyAcked(packets []*packet, ect0, ect1, ecnce int64) (congested bool) {
if e.state == ecnStateFailed {
return false
// ECN validation can fail if the received total count for either ECT(0) or ECT(1) exceeds
// the total number of packets sent with each corresponding ECT codepoint.
if ect0 > e.numSentECT0 || ect1 > e.numSentECT1 {
e.logger.Debugf("Disabling ECN. Received more ECT(0) / ECT(1) acknowledgements than packets sent.")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedMoreECNCountsThanSent)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
return false
// Count ECT0 and ECT1 marks that we used when sending the packets that are now being acknowledged.
var ackedECT0, ackedECT1 int64
for _, p := range packets {
//nolint:exhaustive // We only ever send ECT(0) and ECT(1).
switch e.ecnMarking(p.PacketNumber) {
case protocol.ECT0:
case protocol.ECT1:
// If an ACK frame newly acknowledges a packet that the endpoint sent with either the ECT(0) or ECT(1)
// codepoint set, ECN validation fails if the corresponding ECN counts are not present in the ACK frame.
// This check detects:
// * paths that bleach all ECN marks, and
// * peers that don't report any ECN counts
if (ackedECT0 > 0 || ackedECT1 > 0) && ect0 == 0 && ect1 == 0 && ecnce == 0 {
e.logger.Debugf("Disabling ECN. ECN-marked packet acknowledged, but no ECN counts on ACK frame.")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedNoECNCounts)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
return false
// Determine the increase in ECT0, ECT1 and ECNCE marks
newECT0 := ect0 - e.numAckedECT0
newECT1 := ect1 - e.numAckedECT1
newECNCE := ecnce - e.numAckedECNCE
// We're only processing ACKs that increase the Largest Acked.
// Therefore, the ECN counters should only ever increase.
// Any decrease means that the peer's counting logic is broken.
if newECT0 < 0 || newECT1 < 0 || newECNCE < 0 {
e.logger.Debugf("Disabling ECN. ECN counts decreased unexpectedly.")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedDecreasedECNCounts)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
return false
// ECN validation also fails if the sum of the increase in ECT(0) and ECN-CE counts is less than the number
// of newly acknowledged packets that were originally sent with an ECT(0) marking.
// This could be the result of (partial) bleaching.
if newECT0+newECNCE < ackedECT0 {
e.logger.Debugf("Disabling ECN. Received less ECT(0) + ECN-CE than packets sent with ECT(0).")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedTooFewECNCounts)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
return false
// Similarly, ECN validation fails if the sum of the increases to ECT(1) and ECN-CE counts is less than
// the number of newly acknowledged packets sent with an ECT(1) marking.
if newECT1+newECNCE < ackedECT1 {
e.logger.Debugf("Disabling ECN. Received less ECT(1) + ECN-CE than packets sent with ECT(1).")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedTooFewECNCounts)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
return false
// update our counters
e.numAckedECT0 = ect0
e.numAckedECT1 = ect1
e.numAckedECNCE = ecnce
// Detect mangling (a path remarking all ECN-marked testing packets as CE),
// once all 10 testing packets have been sent out.
if e.state == ecnStateUnknown {
if e.state == ecnStateFailed {
return false
if e.state == ecnStateTesting || e.state == ecnStateUnknown {
var ackedTestingPacket bool
for _, p := range packets {
if e.isTestingPacket(p.PacketNumber) {
ackedTestingPacket = true
// This check won't succeed if the path is mangling ECN-marks (i.e. rewrites all ECN-marked packets to CE).
if ackedTestingPacket && (newECT0 > 0 || newECT1 > 0) {
e.logger.Debugf("ECN capability confirmed.")
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateCapable, logging.ECNTriggerNoTrigger)
e.state = ecnStateCapable
// Don't trust CE marks before having confirmed ECN capability of the path.
// Otherwise, mangling would be misinterpreted as actual congestion.
return e.state == ecnStateCapable && newECNCE > 0
// failIfMangled fails ECN validation if all testing packets are lost or CE-marked.
func (e *ecnTracker) failIfMangled() {
numAckedECNCE := e.numAckedECNCE + int64(e.numLostTesting)
if e.numSentECT0+e.numSentECT1 > numAckedECNCE {
if e.tracer != nil && e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated != nil {
e.tracer.ECNStateUpdated(logging.ECNStateFailed, logging.ECNFailedManglingDetected)
e.state = ecnStateFailed
func (e *ecnTracker) ecnMarking(pn protocol.PacketNumber) protocol.ECN {
if pn < e.firstTestingPacket || e.firstTestingPacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber {
return protocol.ECNNon
if pn < e.lastTestingPacket || e.lastTestingPacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber {
return protocol.ECT0
if pn < e.firstCapablePacket || e.firstCapablePacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber {
return protocol.ECNNon
// We don't need to deal with the case when ECN validation fails,
// since we're ignoring any ECN counts reported in ACK frames in that case.
return protocol.ECT0
func (e *ecnTracker) isTestingPacket(pn protocol.PacketNumber) bool {
if e.firstTestingPacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber {
return false
return pn >= e.firstTestingPacket && (pn <= e.lastTestingPacket || e.lastTestingPacket == protocol.InvalidPacketNumber)