
134 lines
4.4 KiB

package generators
import (
sprig "github.com/go-task/slim-sprig"
func BuildBootstrapCommand() command.Command {
conf := GeneratorsConfig{}
flags, err := types.NewGinkgoFlagSet(
{Name: "agouti", KeyPath: "Agouti",
Usage: "If set, bootstrap will generate a bootstrap file for writing Agouti tests"},
{Name: "nodot", KeyPath: "NoDot",
Usage: "If set, bootstrap will generate a bootstrap test file that does not dot-import ginkgo and gomega"},
{Name: "internal", KeyPath: "Internal",
Usage: "If set, bootstrap will generate a bootstrap test file that uses the regular package name (i.e. `package X`, not `package X_test`)"},
{Name: "template", KeyPath: "CustomTemplate",
UsageArgument: "template-file",
Usage: "If specified, generate will use the contents of the file passed as the bootstrap template"},
{Name: "template-data", KeyPath: "CustomTemplateData",
UsageArgument: "template-data-file",
Usage: "If specified, generate will use the contents of the file passed as data to be rendered in the bootstrap template"},
if err != nil {
return command.Command{
Name: "bootstrap",
Usage: "ginkgo bootstrap",
ShortDoc: "Bootstrap a test suite for the current package",
Documentation: `Tests written in Ginkgo and Gomega require a small amount of boilerplate to hook into Go's testing infrastructure.
{{bold}}ginkgo bootstrap{{/}} generates this boilerplate for you in a file named X_suite_test.go where X is the name of the package under test.`,
DocLink: "generators",
Flags: flags,
Command: func(_ []string, _ []string) {
type bootstrapData struct {
Package string
FormattedName string
GinkgoImport string
GomegaImport string
GinkgoPackage string
GomegaPackage string
CustomData map[string]any
func generateBootstrap(conf GeneratorsConfig) {
packageName, bootstrapFilePrefix, formattedName := getPackageAndFormattedName()
data := bootstrapData{
Package: determinePackageName(packageName, conf.Internal),
FormattedName: formattedName,
GinkgoImport: `. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"`,
GomegaImport: `. "github.com/onsi/gomega"`,
GinkgoPackage: "",
GomegaPackage: "",
if conf.NoDot {
data.GinkgoImport = `"github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"`
data.GomegaImport = `"github.com/onsi/gomega"`
data.GinkgoPackage = `ginkgo.`
data.GomegaPackage = `gomega.`
targetFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s_suite_test.go", bootstrapFilePrefix)
if internal.FileExists(targetFile) {
command.AbortWith("{{bold}}%s{{/}} already exists", targetFile)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Generating ginkgo test suite bootstrap for %s in:\n\t%s\n", packageName, targetFile)
f, err := os.Create(targetFile)
command.AbortIfError("Failed to create file:", err)
defer f.Close()
var templateText string
if conf.CustomTemplate != "" {
tpl, err := os.ReadFile(conf.CustomTemplate)
command.AbortIfError("Failed to read custom bootstrap file:", err)
templateText = string(tpl)
if conf.CustomTemplateData != "" {
var tplCustomDataMap map[string]any
tplCustomData, err := os.ReadFile(conf.CustomTemplateData)
command.AbortIfError("Failed to read custom boostrap data file:", err)
if !json.Valid([]byte(tplCustomData)) {
command.AbortWith("Invalid JSON object in custom data file.")
//create map from the custom template data
json.Unmarshal(tplCustomData, &tplCustomDataMap)
data.CustomData = tplCustomDataMap
} else if conf.Agouti {
templateText = agoutiBootstrapText
} else {
templateText = bootstrapText
//Setting the option to explicitly fail if template is rendered trying to access missing key
bootstrapTemplate, err := template.New("bootstrap").Funcs(sprig.TxtFuncMap()).Option("missingkey=error").Parse(templateText)
command.AbortIfError("Failed to parse bootstrap template:", err)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
//Being explicit about failing sooner during template rendering
//when accessing custom data rather than during the go fmt command
err = bootstrapTemplate.Execute(buf, data)
command.AbortIfError("Failed to render bootstrap template:", err)