
653 lines
21 KiB

package types
import (
const GINKGO_TIME_FORMAT = "01/02/06 15:04:05.999"
// Report captures information about a Ginkgo test run
type Report struct {
//SuitePath captures the absolute path to the test suite
SuitePath string
//SuiteDescription captures the description string passed to the DSL's RunSpecs() function
SuiteDescription string
//SuiteLabels captures any labels attached to the suite by the DSL's RunSpecs() function
SuiteLabels []string
//SuiteSucceeded captures the success or failure status of the test run
//If true, the test run is considered successful.
//If false, the test run is considered unsuccessful
SuiteSucceeded bool
//SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus captures whether the test suite has a test or set of tests that are programmatically focused
//(i.e an `FIt` or an `FDescribe`
SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus bool
//SpecialSuiteFailureReasons may contain special failure reasons
//For example, a test suite might be considered "failed" even if none of the individual specs
//have a failure state. For example, if the user has configured --fail-on-pending the test suite
//will have failed if there are pending tests even though all non-pending tests may have passed. In such
//cases, Ginkgo populates SpecialSuiteFailureReasons with a clear message indicating the reason for the failure.
//SpecialSuiteFailureReasons is also populated if the test suite is interrupted by the user.
//Since multiple special failure reasons can occur, this field is a slice.
SpecialSuiteFailureReasons []string
//PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used
//by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)
//and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters.
PreRunStats PreRunStats
//StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the test run
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
//RunTime captures the duration of the test run
RunTime time.Duration
//SuiteConfig captures the Ginkgo configuration governing this test run
//SuiteConfig includes information necessary for reproducing an identical test run,
//such as the random seed and any filters applied during the test run
SuiteConfig SuiteConfig
//SpecReports is a list of all SpecReports generated by this test run
SpecReports SpecReports
//PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used
//by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)
//and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters.
type PreRunStats struct {
TotalSpecs int
SpecsThatWillRun int
//Add is ued by Ginkgo's parallel aggregation mechanisms to combine test run reports form individual parallel processes
//to form a complete final report.
func (report Report) Add(other Report) Report {
report.SuiteSucceeded = report.SuiteSucceeded && other.SuiteSucceeded
if other.StartTime.Before(report.StartTime) {
report.StartTime = other.StartTime
if other.EndTime.After(report.EndTime) {
report.EndTime = other.EndTime
specialSuiteFailureReasons := []string{}
reasonsLookup := map[string]bool{}
for _, reasons := range [][]string{report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, other.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons} {
for _, reason := range reasons {
if !reasonsLookup[reason] {
reasonsLookup[reason] = true
specialSuiteFailureReasons = append(specialSuiteFailureReasons, reason)
report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = specialSuiteFailureReasons
report.RunTime = report.EndTime.Sub(report.StartTime)
reports := make(SpecReports, len(report.SpecReports)+len(other.SpecReports))
for i := range report.SpecReports {
reports[i] = report.SpecReports[i]
offset := len(report.SpecReports)
for i := range other.SpecReports {
reports[i+offset] = other.SpecReports[i]
report.SpecReports = reports
return report
// SpecReport captures information about a Ginkgo spec.
type SpecReport struct {
// ContainerHierarchyTexts is a slice containing the text strings of
// all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy.
ContainerHierarchyTexts []string
// ContainerHierarchyLocations is a slice containing the CodeLocations of
// all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy.
ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation
// ContainerHierarchyLabels is a slice containing the labels of
// all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy
ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string
// LeafNodeType, LeadNodeLocation, LeafNodeLabels and LeafNodeText capture the NodeType, CodeLocation, and text
// of the Ginkgo node being tested (typically an NodeTypeIt node, though this can also be
// one of the NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes node types)
LeafNodeType NodeType
LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation
LeafNodeLabels []string
LeafNodeText string
// State captures whether the spec has passed, failed, etc.
State SpecState
// IsSerial captures whether the spec has the Serial decorator
IsSerial bool
// IsInOrderedContainer captures whether the spec appears in an Ordered container
IsInOrderedContainer bool
// StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the spec
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
// RunTime captures the duration of the spec
RunTime time.Duration
// ParallelProcess captures the parallel process that this spec ran on
ParallelProcess int
//Failure is populated if a spec has failed, panicked, been interrupted, or skipped by the user (e.g. calling Skip())
//It includes detailed information about the Failure
Failure Failure
// NumAttempts captures the number of times this Spec was run. Flakey specs can be retried with
// ginkgo --flake-attempts=N
NumAttempts int
// CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput contains text printed to the GinkgoWriter
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string
// CapturedStdOutErr contains text printed to stdout/stderr (when running in parallel)
// This is always empty when running in series or calling CurrentSpecReport()
// It is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter
CapturedStdOutErr string
// ReportEntries contains any reports added via `AddReportEntry`
ReportEntries ReportEntries
// ProgressReports contains any progress reports generated during this spec. These can either be manually triggered, or automatically generated by Ginkgo via the PollProgressAfter() decorator
ProgressReports []ProgressReport
func (report SpecReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
//All this to avoid emitting an empty Failure struct in the JSON
out := struct {
ContainerHierarchyTexts []string
ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation
ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string
LeafNodeType NodeType
LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation
LeafNodeLabels []string
LeafNodeText string
State SpecState
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
RunTime time.Duration
ParallelProcess int
Failure *Failure `json:",omitempty"`
NumAttempts int
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string `json:",omitempty"`
CapturedStdOutErr string `json:",omitempty"`
ReportEntries ReportEntries `json:",omitempty"`
ProgressReports []ProgressReport `json:",omitempty"`
ContainerHierarchyTexts: report.ContainerHierarchyTexts,
ContainerHierarchyLocations: report.ContainerHierarchyLocations,
ContainerHierarchyLabels: report.ContainerHierarchyLabels,
LeafNodeType: report.LeafNodeType,
LeafNodeLocation: report.LeafNodeLocation,
LeafNodeLabels: report.LeafNodeLabels,
LeafNodeText: report.LeafNodeText,
State: report.State,
StartTime: report.StartTime,
EndTime: report.EndTime,
RunTime: report.RunTime,
ParallelProcess: report.ParallelProcess,
Failure: nil,
ReportEntries: nil,
NumAttempts: report.NumAttempts,
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput: report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput,
CapturedStdOutErr: report.CapturedStdOutErr,
if !report.Failure.IsZero() {
out.Failure = &(report.Failure)
if len(report.ReportEntries) > 0 {
out.ReportEntries = report.ReportEntries
if len(report.ProgressReports) > 0 {
out.ProgressReports = report.ProgressReports
return json.Marshal(out)
// CombinedOutput returns a single string representation of both CapturedStdOutErr and CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput
// Note that both are empty when using CurrentSpecReport() so CurrentSpecReport().CombinedOutput() will always be empty.
// CombinedOutput() is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter.
func (report SpecReport) CombinedOutput() string {
if report.CapturedStdOutErr == "" {
return report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput
if report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput == "" {
return report.CapturedStdOutErr
return report.CapturedStdOutErr + "\n" + report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput
//Failed returns true if report.State is one of the SpecStateFailureStates
// (SpecStateFailed, SpecStatePanicked, SpecStateinterrupted, SpecStateAborted)
func (report SpecReport) Failed() bool {
return report.State.Is(SpecStateFailureStates)
//FullText returns a concatenation of all the report.ContainerHierarchyTexts and report.LeafNodeText
func (report SpecReport) FullText() string {
texts := []string{}
texts = append(texts, report.ContainerHierarchyTexts...)
if report.LeafNodeText != "" {
texts = append(texts, report.LeafNodeText)
return strings.Join(texts, " ")
//Labels returns a deduped set of all the spec's Labels.
func (report SpecReport) Labels() []string {
out := []string{}
seen := map[string]bool{}
for _, labels := range report.ContainerHierarchyLabels {
for _, label := range labels {
if !seen[label] {
seen[label] = true
out = append(out, label)
for _, label := range report.LeafNodeLabels {
if !seen[label] {
seen[label] = true
out = append(out, label)
return out
//MatchesLabelFilter returns true if the spec satisfies the passed in label filter query
func (report SpecReport) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) (bool, error) {
filter, err := ParseLabelFilter(query)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return filter(report.Labels()), nil
//FileName() returns the name of the file containing the spec
func (report SpecReport) FileName() string {
return report.LeafNodeLocation.FileName
//LineNumber() returns the line number of the leaf node
func (report SpecReport) LineNumber() int {
return report.LeafNodeLocation.LineNumber
//FailureMessage() returns the failure message (or empty string if the test hasn't failed)
func (report SpecReport) FailureMessage() string {
return report.Failure.Message
//FailureLocation() returns the location of the failure (or an empty CodeLocation if the test hasn't failed)
func (report SpecReport) FailureLocation() CodeLocation {
return report.Failure.Location
type SpecReports []SpecReport
//WithLeafNodeType returns the subset of SpecReports with LeafNodeType matching one of the requested NodeTypes
func (reports SpecReports) WithLeafNodeType(nodeTypes NodeType) SpecReports {
count := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].LeafNodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {
out := make(SpecReports, count)
j := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].LeafNodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {
out[j] = reports[i]
return out
//WithState returns the subset of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates
func (reports SpecReports) WithState(states SpecState) SpecReports {
count := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(states) {
out, j := make(SpecReports, count), 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(states) {
out[j] = reports[i]
return out
//CountWithState returns the number of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates
func (reports SpecReports) CountWithState(states SpecState) int {
n := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(states) {
n += 1
return n
//CountWithState returns the number of SpecReports that passed after multiple attempts
func (reports SpecReports) CountOfFlakedSpecs() int {
n := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(SpecStatePassed) && reports[i].NumAttempts > 1 {
n += 1
return n
// Failure captures failure information for an individual test
type Failure struct {
// Message - the failure message passed into Fail(...). When using a matcher library
// like Gomega, this will contain the failure message generated by Gomega.
// Message is also populated if the user has called Skip(...).
Message string
// Location - the CodeLocation where the failure occurred
// This CodeLocation will include a fully-populated StackTrace
Location CodeLocation
// ForwardedPanic - if the failure represents a captured panic (i.e. Summary.State == SpecStatePanicked)
// then ForwardedPanic will be populated with a string representation of the captured panic.
ForwardedPanic string `json:",omitempty"`
// FailureNodeContext - one of three contexts describing the node in which the failure occurred:
// FailureNodeIsLeafNode means the failure occurred in the leaf node of the associated SpecReport. None of the other FailureNode fields will be populated
// FailureNodeAtTopLevel means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined at the top-level of the spec (i.e. not in a container). FailureNodeType and FailureNodeLocation will be populated.
// FailureNodeInContainer means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined within a container. FailureNodeType, FailureNodeLocation, and FailureNodeContainerIndex will be populated.
// FailureNodeType will contain the NodeType of the node in which the failure occurred.
// FailureNodeLocation will contain the CodeLocation of the node in which the failure occurred.
// If populated, FailureNodeContainerIndex will be the index into SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyTexts and SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyLocations that represents the parent container of the node in which the failure occurred.
FailureNodeContext FailureNodeContext
FailureNodeType NodeType
FailureNodeLocation CodeLocation
FailureNodeContainerIndex int
//ProgressReport is populated if the spec was interrupted or timed out
ProgressReport ProgressReport
func (f Failure) IsZero() bool {
return f.Message == "" && (f.Location == CodeLocation{})
// FailureNodeContext captures the location context for the node containing the failing line of code
type FailureNodeContext uint
const (
FailureNodeContextInvalid FailureNodeContext = iota
var fncEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(FailureNodeContextInvalid): "INVALID FAILURE NODE CONTEXT",
uint(FailureNodeIsLeafNode): "leaf-node",
uint(FailureNodeAtTopLevel): "top-level",
uint(FailureNodeInContainer): "in-container",
func (fnc FailureNodeContext) String() string {
return fncEnumSupport.String(uint(fnc))
func (fnc *FailureNodeContext) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := fncEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*fnc = FailureNodeContext(out)
return err
func (fnc FailureNodeContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return fncEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(fnc))
// SpecState captures the state of a spec
// To determine if a given `state` represents a failure state, use `state.Is(SpecStateFailureStates)`
type SpecState uint
const (
SpecStateInvalid SpecState = 0
SpecStatePending SpecState = 1 << iota
var ssEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(SpecStateInvalid): "INVALID SPEC STATE",
uint(SpecStatePending): "pending",
uint(SpecStateSkipped): "skipped",
uint(SpecStatePassed): "passed",
uint(SpecStateFailed): "failed",
uint(SpecStateAborted): "aborted",
uint(SpecStatePanicked): "panicked",
uint(SpecStateInterrupted): "interrupted",
func (ss SpecState) String() string {
return ssEnumSupport.String(uint(ss))
func (ss *SpecState) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := ssEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*ss = SpecState(out)
return err
func (ss SpecState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return ssEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(ss))
var SpecStateFailureStates = SpecStateFailed | SpecStateAborted | SpecStatePanicked | SpecStateInterrupted
func (ss SpecState) Is(states SpecState) bool {
return ss&states != 0
// ProgressReport captures the progress of the current spec. It is, effectively, a structured Ginkgo-aware stack trace
type ProgressReport struct {
ParallelProcess int
RunningInParallel bool
Time time.Time
ContainerHierarchyTexts []string
LeafNodeText string
LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation
SpecStartTime time.Time
CurrentNodeType NodeType
CurrentNodeText string
CurrentNodeLocation CodeLocation
CurrentNodeStartTime time.Time
CurrentStepText string
CurrentStepLocation CodeLocation
CurrentStepStartTime time.Time
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string `json:",omitempty"`
GinkgoWriterOffset int
Goroutines []Goroutine
func (pr ProgressReport) IsZero() bool {
return pr.CurrentNodeType == NodeTypeInvalid
func (pr ProgressReport) SpecGoroutine() Goroutine {
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine {
return goroutine
return Goroutine{}
func (pr ProgressReport) HighlightedGoroutines() []Goroutine {
out := []Goroutine{}
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine || !goroutine.HasHighlights() {
out = append(out, goroutine)
return out
func (pr ProgressReport) OtherGoroutines() []Goroutine {
out := []Goroutine{}
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine || goroutine.HasHighlights() {
out = append(out, goroutine)
return out
func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutCapturedGinkgoWriterOutput() ProgressReport {
out := pr
out.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput = ""
return out
type Goroutine struct {
ID uint64
State string
Stack []FunctionCall
IsSpecGoroutine bool
func (g Goroutine) IsZero() bool {
return g.ID == 0
func (g Goroutine) HasHighlights() bool {
for _, fc := range g.Stack {
if fc.Highlight {
return true
return false
type FunctionCall struct {
Function string
Filename string
Line int
Highlight bool `json:",omitempty"`
Source []string `json:",omitempty"`
SourceHighlight int `json:",omitempty"`
// NodeType captures the type of a given Ginkgo Node
type NodeType uint
const (
NodeTypeInvalid NodeType = 0
NodeTypeContainer NodeType = 1 << iota
var NodeTypesForContainerAndIt = NodeTypeContainer | NodeTypeIt
var NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes = NodeTypeBeforeSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite | NodeTypeAfterSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | NodeTypeReportAfterSuite | NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite
var ntEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(NodeTypeInvalid): "INVALID NODE TYPE",
uint(NodeTypeContainer): "Container",
uint(NodeTypeIt): "It",
uint(NodeTypeBeforeEach): "BeforeEach",
uint(NodeTypeJustBeforeEach): "JustBeforeEach",
uint(NodeTypeAfterEach): "AfterEach",
uint(NodeTypeJustAfterEach): "JustAfterEach",
uint(NodeTypeBeforeAll): "BeforeAll",
uint(NodeTypeAfterAll): "AfterAll",
uint(NodeTypeBeforeSuite): "BeforeSuite",
uint(NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite): "SynchronizedBeforeSuite",
uint(NodeTypeAfterSuite): "AfterSuite",
uint(NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite): "SynchronizedAfterSuite",
uint(NodeTypeReportBeforeEach): "ReportBeforeEach",
uint(NodeTypeReportAfterEach): "ReportAfterEach",
uint(NodeTypeReportAfterSuite): "ReportAfterSuite",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupInvalid): "INVALID CLEANUP NODE",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach): "DeferCleanup",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll): "DeferCleanup (All)",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite): "DeferCleanup (Suite)",
func (nt NodeType) String() string {
return ntEnumSupport.String(uint(nt))
func (nt *NodeType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := ntEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*nt = NodeType(out)
return err
func (nt NodeType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return ntEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(nt))
func (nt NodeType) Is(nodeTypes NodeType) bool {
return nt&nodeTypes != 0