
472 lines
11 KiB

package syntax
import (
type ParserOptions struct {
// NoLiterals disables OpChar merging into OpLiteral.
NoLiterals bool
func NewParser(opts *ParserOptions) *Parser {
return newParser(opts)
type Parser struct {
out Regexp
lexer lexer
exprPool []Expr
prefixParselets [256]prefixParselet
infixParselets [256]infixParselet
charClass []Expr
allocated uint
opts ParserOptions
// ParsePCRE parses PHP-style pattern with delimiters.
// An example of such pattern is `/foo/i`.
func (p *Parser) ParsePCRE(pattern string) (*RegexpPCRE, error) {
pcre, err := p.newPCRE(pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if pcre.HasModifier('x') {
return nil, errors.New("'x' modifier is not supported")
re, err := p.Parse(pcre.Pattern)
if re != nil {
pcre.Expr = re.Expr
return pcre, err
func (p *Parser) Parse(pattern string) (result *Regexp, err error) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
if err2, ok := r.(ParseError); ok {
err = err2
p.allocated = 0
p.out.Pattern = pattern
if pattern == "" {
p.out.Expr = *p.newExpr(OpConcat, Position{})
} else {
p.out.Expr = *p.parseExpr(0)
if !p.opts.NoLiterals {
return &p.out, nil
type prefixParselet func(token) *Expr
type infixParselet func(*Expr, token) *Expr
func newParser(opts *ParserOptions) *Parser {
var p Parser
if opts != nil {
p.opts = *opts
p.exprPool = make([]Expr, 256)
for tok, op := range tok2op {
if op != 0 {
p.prefixParselets[tokenKind(tok)] = p.parsePrefixElementary
p.prefixParselets[tokEscapeHexFull] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.newExprForm(OpEscapeHex, FormEscapeHexFull, tok.pos)
p.prefixParselets[tokEscapeUniFull] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.newExprForm(OpEscapeUni, FormEscapeUniFull, tok.pos)
p.prefixParselets[tokLparen] = func(tok token) *Expr { return p.parseGroup(OpCapture, tok) }
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenAtomic] = func(tok token) *Expr { return p.parseGroup(OpAtomicGroup, tok) }
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenPositiveLookahead] = func(tok token) *Expr { return p.parseGroup(OpPositiveLookahead, tok) }
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenNegativeLookahead] = func(tok token) *Expr { return p.parseGroup(OpNegativeLookahead, tok) }
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenPositiveLookbehind] = func(tok token) *Expr { return p.parseGroup(OpPositiveLookbehind, tok) }
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenNegativeLookbehind] = func(tok token) *Expr { return p.parseGroup(OpNegativeLookbehind, tok) }
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenName] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.parseNamedCapture(FormDefault, tok)
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenNameAngle] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.parseNamedCapture(FormNamedCaptureAngle, tok)
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenNameQuote] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.parseNamedCapture(FormNamedCaptureQuote, tok)
p.prefixParselets[tokLparenFlags] = p.parseGroupWithFlags
p.prefixParselets[tokPipe] = func(tok token) *Expr {
// We need prefix pipe parselet to handle `(|x)` syntax.
right := p.parseExpr(1)
return p.newExpr(OpAlt, tok.pos, p.newEmpty(tok.pos), right)
p.prefixParselets[tokLbracket] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.parseCharClass(OpCharClass, tok)
p.prefixParselets[tokLbracketCaret] = func(tok token) *Expr {
return p.parseCharClass(OpNegCharClass, tok)
p.infixParselets[tokRepeat] = func(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
repeatLit := p.newExpr(OpString, tok.pos)
return p.newExpr(OpRepeat, combinePos(left.Pos, tok.pos), left, repeatLit)
p.infixParselets[tokStar] = func(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
return p.newExpr(OpStar, combinePos(left.Pos, tok.pos), left)
p.infixParselets[tokConcat] = func(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
right := p.parseExpr(2)
if left.Op == OpConcat {
left.Args = append(left.Args, *right)
left.Pos.End = right.End()
return left
return p.newExpr(OpConcat, combinePos(left.Pos, right.Pos), left, right)
p.infixParselets[tokPipe] = p.parseAlt
p.infixParselets[tokMinus] = p.parseMinus
p.infixParselets[tokPlus] = p.parsePlus
p.infixParselets[tokQuestion] = p.parseQuestion
return &p
func (p *Parser) setValues(e *Expr) {
for i := range e.Args {
e.Value = p.exprValue(e)
func (p *Parser) exprValue(e *Expr) string {
return p.out.Pattern[e.Begin():e.End()]
func (p *Parser) mergeChars(e *Expr) {
for i := range e.Args {
if e.Op != OpConcat || len(e.Args) < 2 {
args := e.Args[:0]
i := 0
for i < len(e.Args) {
first := i
chars := 0
for j := i; j < len(e.Args) && e.Args[j].Op == OpChar; j++ {
if chars > 1 {
c1 := e.Args[first]
c2 := e.Args[first+chars-1]
lit := p.newExpr(OpLiteral, combinePos(c1.Pos, c2.Pos))
for j := 0; j < chars; j++ {
lit.Args = append(lit.Args, e.Args[first+j])
args = append(args, *lit)
i += chars
} else {
args = append(args, e.Args[i])
if len(args) == 1 {
*e = args[0] // Turn OpConcat into OpLiteral
} else {
e.Args = args
func (p *Parser) newEmpty(pos Position) *Expr {
return p.newExpr(OpConcat, pos)
func (p *Parser) newExprForm(op Operation, form Form, pos Position, args ...*Expr) *Expr {
e := p.newExpr(op, pos, args...)
e.Form = form
return e
func (p *Parser) newExpr(op Operation, pos Position, args ...*Expr) *Expr {
e := p.allocExpr()
*e = Expr{
Op: op,
Pos: pos,
Args: e.Args[:0],
for _, arg := range args {
e.Args = append(e.Args, *arg)
return e
func (p *Parser) allocExpr() *Expr {
i := p.allocated
if i < uint(len(p.exprPool)) {
return &p.exprPool[i]
return &Expr{}
func (p *Parser) expect(kind tokenKind) Position {
tok := p.lexer.NextToken()
if tok.kind != kind {
throwErrorf(int(tok.pos.Begin), int(tok.pos.End), "expected '%s', found '%s'", kind, tok.kind)
return tok.pos
func (p *Parser) parseExpr(precedence int) *Expr {
tok := p.lexer.NextToken()
prefix := p.prefixParselets[tok.kind]
if prefix == nil {
throwfPos(tok.pos, "unexpected token: %v", tok)
left := prefix(tok)
for precedence < p.precedenceOf(p.lexer.Peek()) {
tok := p.lexer.NextToken()
infix := p.infixParselets[tok.kind]
left = infix(left, tok)
return left
func (p *Parser) parsePrefixElementary(tok token) *Expr {
return p.newExpr(tok2op[tok.kind], tok.pos)
func (p *Parser) parseCharClass(op Operation, tok token) *Expr {
var endPos Position
p.charClass = p.charClass[:0]
for {
p.charClass = append(p.charClass, *p.parseExpr(0))
next := p.lexer.Peek()
if next.kind == tokRbracket {
endPos = next.pos
if next.kind == tokNone {
throwfPos(tok.pos, "unterminated '['")
result := p.newExpr(op, combinePos(tok.pos, endPos))
result.Args = append(result.Args, p.charClass...)
return result
func (p *Parser) parseMinus(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
if p.isValidCharRangeOperand(left) {
if p.lexer.Peek().kind != tokRbracket {
right := p.parseExpr(2)
return p.newExpr(OpCharRange, combinePos(left.Pos, right.Pos), left, right)
p.charClass = append(p.charClass, *left)
return p.newExpr(OpChar, tok.pos)
func (p *Parser) isValidCharRangeOperand(e *Expr) bool {
switch e.Op {
case OpEscapeHex, OpEscapeOctal, OpEscapeMeta, OpChar:
return true
case OpEscapeChar:
switch p.exprValue(e) {
case `\\`, `\|`, `\*`, `\+`, `\?`, `\.`, `\[`, `\^`, `\$`, `\(`, `\)`:
return true
return false
func (p *Parser) parsePlus(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
op := OpPlus
switch left.Op {
case OpPlus, OpStar, OpQuestion, OpRepeat:
op = OpPossessive
return p.newExpr(op, combinePos(left.Pos, tok.pos), left)
func (p *Parser) parseQuestion(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
op := OpQuestion
switch left.Op {
case OpPlus, OpStar, OpQuestion, OpRepeat:
op = OpNonGreedy
return p.newExpr(op, combinePos(left.Pos, tok.pos), left)
func (p *Parser) parseAlt(left *Expr, tok token) *Expr {
var right *Expr
switch p.lexer.Peek().kind {
case tokRparen, tokNone:
// This is needed to handle `(x|)` syntax.
right = p.newEmpty(tok.pos)
right = p.parseExpr(1)
if left.Op == OpAlt {
left.Args = append(left.Args, *right)
left.Pos.End = right.End()
return left
return p.newExpr(OpAlt, combinePos(left.Pos, right.Pos), left, right)
func (p *Parser) parseGroupItem(tok token) *Expr {
if p.lexer.Peek().kind == tokRparen {
// This is needed to handle `() syntax.`
return p.newEmpty(tok.pos)
return p.parseExpr(0)
func (p *Parser) parseGroup(op Operation, tok token) *Expr {
x := p.parseGroupItem(tok)
result := p.newExpr(op, tok.pos, x)
result.Pos.End = p.expect(tokRparen).End
return result
func (p *Parser) parseNamedCapture(form Form, tok token) *Expr {
prefixLen := len("(?<")
if form == FormDefault {
prefixLen = len("(?P<")
name := p.newExpr(OpString, Position{
Begin: tok.pos.Begin + uint16(prefixLen),
End: tok.pos.End - uint16(len(">")),
x := p.parseGroupItem(tok)
result := p.newExprForm(OpNamedCapture, form, tok.pos, x, name)
result.Pos.End = p.expect(tokRparen).End
return result
func (p *Parser) parseGroupWithFlags(tok token) *Expr {
var result *Expr
val := p.out.Pattern[tok.pos.Begin+1 : tok.pos.End]
switch {
case !strings.HasSuffix(val, ":"):
flags := p.newExpr(OpString, Position{
Begin: tok.pos.Begin + uint16(len("(?")),
End: tok.pos.End,
result = p.newExpr(OpFlagOnlyGroup, tok.pos, flags)
case val == "?:":
x := p.parseGroupItem(tok)
result = p.newExpr(OpGroup, tok.pos, x)
flags := p.newExpr(OpString, Position{
Begin: tok.pos.Begin + uint16(len("(?")),
End: tok.pos.End - uint16(len(":")),
x := p.parseGroupItem(tok)
result = p.newExpr(OpGroupWithFlags, tok.pos, x, flags)
result.Pos.End = p.expect(tokRparen).End
return result
func (p *Parser) precedenceOf(tok token) int {
switch tok.kind {
case tokPipe:
return 1
case tokConcat, tokMinus:
return 2
case tokPlus, tokStar, tokQuestion, tokRepeat:
return 3
return 0
func (p *Parser) newPCRE(source string) (*RegexpPCRE, error) {
if source == "" {
return nil, errors.New("empty pattern: can't find delimiters")
delim := source[0]
endDelim := delim
switch delim {
case '(':
endDelim = ')'
case '{':
endDelim = '}'
case '[':
endDelim = ']'
case '<':
endDelim = '>'
case '\\':
return nil, errors.New("'\\' is not a valid delimiter")
if isSpace(delim) {
return nil, errors.New("whitespace is not a valid delimiter")
if isAlphanumeric(delim) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%c' is not a valid delimiter", delim)
j := strings.LastIndexByte(source, endDelim)
if j == -1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't find '%c' ending delimiter", endDelim)
pcre := &RegexpPCRE{
Pattern: source[1:j],
Source: source,
Delim: [2]byte{delim, endDelim},
Modifiers: source[j+1:],
return pcre, nil
var tok2op = [256]Operation{
tokDollar: OpDollar,
tokCaret: OpCaret,
tokDot: OpDot,
tokChar: OpChar,
tokMinus: OpChar,
tokEscapeChar: OpEscapeChar,
tokEscapeMeta: OpEscapeMeta,
tokEscapeHex: OpEscapeHex,
tokEscapeOctal: OpEscapeOctal,
tokEscapeUni: OpEscapeUni,
tokPosixClass: OpPosixClass,
tokQ: OpQuote,
tokComment: OpComment,