@set @_cmd=1 /* @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions title DNSCrypt-Proxy whoami /groups | find "S-1-16-12288" >nul && goto :admin if "%~1"=="RunAsAdmin" goto :error echo Requesting privileges elevation for managing the dnscrypt-proxy service . . . cscript /nologo /e:javascript "%~f0" || goto :error exit /b :error echo. echo Error: Administrator privileges elevation failed, echo please manually run this script as administrator. echo. goto :end :admin pushd "%~dp0" dnscrypt-proxy.exe -service install dnscrypt-proxy.exe -service start popd echo. echo Thank you for using DNSCrypt-Proxy! :end set /p =Press [Enter] to exit . . . exit /b */ // JScript, restart batch script as administrator var objShell = WScript.CreateObject('Shell.Application'); var ComSpec = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell').ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%ComSpec%'); objShell.ShellExecute(ComSpec, '/c ""' + WScript.ScriptFullName + '" RunAsAdmin"', '', 'runas', 1);