package main import ( "" "" ) type PluginCaptivePortal struct { captivePortalMap *CaptivePortalMap } func (plugin *PluginCaptivePortal) Name() string { return "captive portal handlers" } func (plugin *PluginCaptivePortal) Description() string { return "Handle test queries operating systems make to detect Wi-Fi captive portal" } func (plugin *PluginCaptivePortal) Init(proxy *Proxy) error { plugin.captivePortalMap = proxy.captivePortalMap dlog.Notice("Captive portals handler enabled") return nil } func (plugin *PluginCaptivePortal) Drop() error { return nil } func (plugin *PluginCaptivePortal) Reload() error { return nil } func (plugin *PluginCaptivePortal) Eval(pluginsState *PluginsState, msg *dns.Msg) error { question, ips := plugin.captivePortalMap.GetEntry(msg) if ips == nil { return nil } if synth := HandleCaptivePortalQuery(msg, question, ips); synth != nil { pluginsState.synthResponse = synth pluginsState.action = PluginsActionSynth dlog.Notice("Response to captive portal query synthesized") } return nil }