{{with .PDoc}} # Go Strcase [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/ettle/strcase)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/ettle/strcase) [![Coverage](http://gocover.io/_badge/github.com/ettle/strcase?0)](http://gocover.io/github.com/ettle/strcase) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/ettle/strcase?status.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ettle/strcase) Convert strings to `snake_case`, `camelCase`, `PascalCase`, `kebab-case` and more! Supports Go initialisms, customization, and Unicode. `import "{{.ImportPath}}"` ## Overview {{comment_md .Doc}} {{example_html $ ""}} ## Index{{if .Consts}} * [Constants](#pkg-constants){{end}}{{if .Vars}} * [Variables](#pkg-variables){{end}}{{- range .Funcs -}}{{$name_html := html .Name}} * [{{node_html $ .Decl false | sanitize}}](#{{$name_html}}){{- end}}{{- range .Types}}{{$tname_html := html .Name}} * [type {{$tname_html}}](#{{$tname_html}}){{- range .Funcs}}{{$name_html := html .Name}} * [{{node_html $ .Decl false | sanitize}}](#{{$name_html}}){{- end}}{{- range .Methods}}{{$name_html := html .Name}} * [{{node_html $ .Decl false | sanitize}}](#{{$tname_html}}.{{$name_html}}){{- end}}{{- end}}{{- if $.Notes}}{{- range $marker, $item := $.Notes}} * [{{noteTitle $marker | html}}s](#pkg-note-{{$marker}}){{end}}{{end}} {{if $.Examples}} #### Examples{{- range $.Examples}} * [{{example_name .Name}}](#example_{{.Name}}){{- end}}{{- end}} {{with .Consts}}## Constants {{range .}}{{node $ .Decl | pre}} {{comment_md .Doc}}{{end}}{{end}} {{with .Vars}}## Variables {{range .}}{{node $ .Decl | pre}} {{comment_md .Doc}}{{end}}{{end}} {{range .Funcs}}{{$name_html := html .Name}}## func [{{$name_html}}]({{gh_url $ .Decl}}) {{node $ .Decl | pre}} {{comment_md .Doc}} {{example_html $ .Name}} {{callgraph_html $ "" .Name}}{{end}} {{range .Types}}{{$tname := .Name}}{{$tname_html := html .Name}}## type [{{$tname_html}}]({{gh_url $ .Decl}}) {{node $ .Decl | pre}} {{comment_md .Doc}}{{range .Consts}} {{node $ .Decl | pre }} {{comment_md .Doc}}{{end}}{{range .Vars}} {{node $ .Decl | pre }} {{comment_md .Doc}}{{end}} {{example_html $ $tname}} {{implements_html $ $tname}} {{methodset_html $ $tname}} {{range .Funcs}}{{$name_html := html .Name}}### func [{{$name_html}}]({{gh_url $ .Decl}}) {{node $ .Decl | pre}} {{comment_md .Doc}} {{example_html $ .Name}}{{end}} {{callgraph_html $ "" .Name}} {{range .Methods}}{{$name_html := html .Name}}### func ({{md .Recv}}) [{{$name_html}}]({{gh_url $ .Decl}}) {{node $ .Decl | pre}} {{comment_md .Doc}} {{$name := printf "%s_%s" $tname .Name}}{{example_html $ $name}} {{callgraph_html $ .Recv .Name}} {{end}}{{end}}{{end}} {{with $.Notes}} {{range $marker, $content := .}} ## {{noteTitle $marker | html}}s {{end}} {{end}} {{if .Dirs}} ## Subdirectories {{range $.Dirs.List}} {{indent .Depth}}* [{{.Name | html}}]({{print "./" .Path}}){{if .Synopsis}} {{ .Synopsis}}{{end -}} {{end}} {{end}}