This commit is contained in:
Frank Denis 2018-01-17 11:30:29 +01:00
parent 3fffbaa2a2
commit cf20bc85af
1 changed files with 26 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -8,32 +8,32 @@ A modern client implementation of the [DNSCrypt](
## Current status/features
| Features | dnscrypt-proxy 1.x | dnscrypt-proxy 2.x |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Status | Old PoC, barely maintained any more | Very new, but quickly evolving |
| Code quality | Big ugly mess | Readable, easy to work on |
| Reliability | Poor, due to completely broken handling of edge cases | Excellent |
| Security | Written in C, bundles patched versions from old branches of system libraries | Written in standard and portable Go |
| Dependencies | Specific versions of dnscrypt-proxy, libldns and libtool | None |
| Upstream connections using TCP | Catastrophic, requires client retries | Implemented as anyone would expect, works well with TOR |
| XChaCha20 support | Only if compiled with recent versions of libsodium | Yes, always available |
| Support of links with small MTU | Unreliable due to completely broken padding | Reliable, properly implemented |
| Support for multiple servers | Nonexistent | Yes, with automatic failover and load-balancing |
| Custom additions | C API, requires libldns for sanity | Simple Go structures using miekg/dns |
| AAAA blocking for IPv4-only networks | Yes | Yes |
| DNS caching | Yes, with ugly hacks for DNSSEC support | Yes, without ugly hacks |
| EDNS support | Broken with custom records | Yes |
| Asynchronous filters | Lol, no, filters block everything | Of course, thanks to Go |
| Session-local storage for extensions | Impossible | Yes |
| Multicore support | Nonexistent | Yes, thanks to Go |
| Efficient padding of queries | Couldn't be any worse | Yes |
| Multiple local sockets | Impossible | Of course. IPv4, IPv6, as many as you like |
| Automatically picks the fastest servers | Lol, it supports only one at a time, anyway | Yes, out of the box |
| Official, always up-to-date pre-built libraries | None | Yes, for many platforms. See below. |
| Automatically downloads and verifies servers lists | No. Requires custom scripts, cron jobs and dependencies (minisign) | Yes, built-in, including signature verification |
| Advanced expressions in blacklists (ads*.example[0-9]*.com) | No | Yes |
| Forwarding with load balancing | No | Yes |
| Built-in system installation | Only on Windows | Install/uninstall/start/stop as a service on Windows, Linux/(systemd | Upstart | SysV), and macOS/Launchd |
| Features | dnscrypt-proxy 1.x | dnscrypt-proxy 2.x |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Status | Old PoC, barely maintained any more | Very new, but quickly evolving |
| Code quality | Big ugly mess | Readable, easy to work on |
| Reliability | Poor, due to completely broken handling of edge cases | Excellent |
| Security | Written in C, bundles patched versions from old branches of system libraries | Written in standard and portable Go |
| Dependencies | Specific versions of dnscrypt-proxy, libldns and libtool | None |
| Upstream connections using TCP | Catastrophic, requires client retries | Implemented as anyone would expect, works well with TOR |
| XChaCha20 support | Only if compiled with recent versions of libsodium | Yes, always available |
| Support of links with small MTU | Unreliable due to completely broken padding | Reliable, properly implemented |
| Support for multiple servers | Nonexistent | Yes, with automatic failover and load-balancing |
| Custom additions | C API, requires libldns for sanity | Simple Go structures using miekg/dns |
| AAAA blocking for IPv4-only networks | Yes | Yes |
| DNS caching | Yes, with ugly hacks for DNSSEC support | Yes, without ugly hacks |
| EDNS support | Broken with custom records | Yes |
| Asynchronous filters | Lol, no, filters block everything | Of course, thanks to Go |
| Session-local storage for extensions | Impossible | Yes |
| Multicore support | Nonexistent | Yes, thanks to Go |
| Efficient padding of queries | Couldn't be any worse | Yes |
| Multiple local sockets | Impossible | Of course. IPv4, IPv6, as many as you like |
| Automatically picks the fastest servers | Lol, it supports only one at a time, anyway | Yes, out of the box |
| Official, always up-to-date pre-built libraries | None | Yes, for many platforms. See below. |
| Automatically downloads and verifies servers lists | No. Requires custom scripts, cron jobs and dependencies (minisign) | Yes, built-in, including signature verification |
| Advanced expressions in blacklists (ads*.example[0-9]*.com) | No | Yes |
| Forwarding with load balancing | No | Yes |
| Built-in system installer | Only on Windows | Install/uninstall/start/stop/restart as a service on Windows, Linux/(systemd,Upstart,SysV), and macOS/launchd |
## Planned features