# Safe Eyes is a utility to remind you to take break frequently # to protect your eyes from eye strain. # Copyright (C) 2017 Gobinath # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') gi.require_version('AppIndicator3', '0.1') from gi.repository import AppIndicator3 as appindicator from gi.repository import Gtk import logging from safeeyes import Utility import threading """ Safe Eyes tray icon plugin """ APPINDICATOR_ID = 'safeeyes_2' context = None tray_icon = None safeeyes_config = None class TrayIcon(object): """ Create and show the tray icon along with the tray menu. """ def __init__(self, context, plugin_config): self.context = context self.on_show_settings = context['api']['show_settings'] self.on_show_about = context['api']['show_about'] self.quit = context['api']['quit'] self.on_enable = context['api']['enable_safeeyes'] self.on_disable = context['api']['disable_safeeyes'] self.take_break = context['api']['take_break'] self.has_breaks = context['api']['has_breaks'] self.plugin_config = plugin_config self.date_time = None self.active = True self.wakeup_time = None self.idle_condition = threading.Condition() self.lock = threading.Lock() # Construct the tray icon self.indicator = appindicator.Indicator.new( APPINDICATOR_ID, "safeeyes_enabled", appindicator.IndicatorCategory.APPLICATION_STATUS) self.indicator.set_status(appindicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE) # Construct the context menu self.menu = Gtk.Menu() # Next break info menu item self.item_info = Gtk.ImageMenuItem() img_timer = Gtk.Image() img_timer.set_from_icon_name("safeeyes_timer", 16) self.item_info.set_image(img_timer) self.item_separator = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() self.item_enable = Gtk.MenuItem() self.item_enable.connect('activate', self.on_enable_clicked) self.item_disable = Gtk.MenuItem() self.item_disable.connect('activate', self.on_disable_clicked) self.sub_menu_disable = Gtk.Menu() self.sub_menu_items = [] # Read disable options and build the sub menu for disable_option in plugin_config['disable_options']: time_in_minutes = disable_option['time'] label = [] # Validate time value if not isinstance(time_in_minutes, int) or time_in_minutes <= 0: logging.error('Invalid time in disable option: ' + str(time_in_minutes)) continue time_unit = disable_option['unit'].lower() if time_unit == 'seconds' or time_unit == 'second': time_in_minutes = int(time_in_minutes / 60) label = ['For %d Second', 'For %d Seconds'] elif time_unit == 'minutes' or time_unit == 'minute': time_in_minutes = int(time_in_minutes * 1) label = ['For %d Minute', 'For %d Minutes'] elif time_unit == 'hours' or time_unit == 'hour': time_in_minutes = int(time_in_minutes * 60) label = ['For %d Hour', 'For %d Hours'] else: # Invalid unit logging.error('Invalid unit in disable option: ' + str(disable_option)) continue # Create submenu sub_menu_item = Gtk.MenuItem() sub_menu_item.connect('activate', self.on_disable_clicked, time_in_minutes) self.sub_menu_items.append([sub_menu_item, label, disable_option['time']]) self.sub_menu_disable.append(sub_menu_item) # Disable until restart submenu self.sub_menu_item_until_restart = Gtk.MenuItem() self.sub_menu_item_until_restart.connect('activate', self.on_disable_clicked, -1) self.sub_menu_disable.append(self.sub_menu_item_until_restart) # Add the sub menu to the enable/disable menu self.item_disable.set_submenu(self.sub_menu_disable) # Settings menu item self.item_manual_break = Gtk.MenuItem() self.item_manual_break.connect('activate', self.on_manual_break_clicked) # Settings menu item self.item_settings = Gtk.MenuItem() self.item_settings.connect('activate', self.show_settings) # About menu item self.item_about = Gtk.MenuItem() self.item_about.connect('activate', self.show_about) # Quit menu item self.item_quit = Gtk.MenuItem() self.item_quit.connect('activate', self.quit_safe_eyes) self.set_labels() # At startup, no need for activate menu self.item_enable.set_sensitive(False) # Append all menu items and show the menu self.menu.append(self.item_info) self.menu.append(self.item_separator) self.menu.append(self.item_enable) self.menu.append(self.item_disable) self.menu.append(self.item_manual_break) self.menu.append(self.item_settings) self.menu.append(self.item_about) self.menu.append(self.item_quit) self.menu.show_all() self.indicator.set_menu(self.menu) def initialize(self, plugin_config): """ Initialize the tray icon by setting the config. """ self.plugin_config = plugin_config self.set_labels() def set_labels(self): """ Update the text of menu items based on the selected language. """ for entry in self.sub_menu_items: # print(self.context['locale'].ngettext('For %d Hour', 'For %d Hours', 1) % 1) entry[0].set_label(self.context['locale'].ngettext(entry[1][0], entry[1][1], entry[2]) % entry[2]) self.sub_menu_item_until_restart.set_label(_('Until restart')) self.item_enable.set_label(_('Enable Safe Eyes')) self.item_disable.set_label(_('Disable Safe Eyes')) breaks_found = self.has_breaks() if breaks_found: if self.active: if self.date_time: self.__set_next_break_info() self.indicator.set_icon("safeeyes_enabled") else: if self.wakeup_time: self.item_info.set_label(_('Disabled until %s') % Utility.format_time(self.wakeup_time)) else: self.item_info.set_label(_('Disabled until restart')) self.indicator.set_label('', '') self.indicator.set_icon("safeeyes_disabled") else: self.item_info.set_label(_('No Breaks Available')) self.indicator.set_label('', '') self.indicator.set_icon("safeeyes_disabled") self.item_info.set_sensitive(breaks_found and self.active) self.item_enable.set_sensitive(breaks_found and not self.active) self.item_disable.set_sensitive(breaks_found and self.active) self.item_manual_break.set_sensitive(breaks_found and self.active) self.item_manual_break.set_label(_('Take a break now')) self.item_settings.set_label(_('Settings')) self.item_about.set_label(_('About')) self.item_quit.set_label(_('Quit')) def show_icon(self): """ Show the tray icon. """ self.indicator.set_status(appindicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE) def hide_icon(self): """ Hide the tray icon. """ self.indicator.set_status(appindicator.IndicatorStatus.PASSIVE) def quit_safe_eyes(self, *args): """ Handle Quit menu action. This action terminates the application. """ with self.lock: self.active = True # Notify all schedulers self.idle_condition.acquire() self.idle_condition.notify_all() self.idle_condition.release() self.quit() def show_settings(self, *args): """ Handle Settings menu action. This action shows the Settings dialog. """ self.on_show_settings() def show_about(self, *args): """ Handle About menu action. This action shows the About dialog. """ self.on_show_about() def next_break_time(self, dateTime): """ Update the next break time to be displayed in the menu and optionally in the tray icon. """ logging.info("Update next break information") self.date_time = dateTime self.__set_next_break_info() def __set_next_break_info(self): """ A private method to be called within this class to update the next break information using self.dateTime. """ formatted_time = Utility.format_time(self.date_time) message = _('Next break at %s') % (formatted_time) # Update the menu item label Utility.execute_main_thread(self.item_info.set_label, message) # Update the tray icon label if self.plugin_config.get('show_time_in_tray', False): self.indicator.set_label(formatted_time, '') else: self.indicator.set_label('', '') def on_manual_break_clicked(self, *args): """ Trigger a break manually. """ self.take_break() def on_enable_clicked(self, *args): """ Handle 'Enable Safe Eyes' menu action. This action enables the application if it is currently disabled. """ # active = self.item_enable.get_active() if not self.active: with self.lock: self.enable_ui() self.on_enable() # Notify all schedulers self.idle_condition.acquire() self.idle_condition.notify_all() self.idle_condition.release() def on_disable_clicked(self, *args): """ Handle the menu actions of all the sub menus of 'Disable Safe Eyes'. This action disables the application if it is currently active. """ # active = self.item_enable.get_active() if self.active and len(args) > 1: self.disable_ui() time_to_wait = args[1] if time_to_wait <= 0: info = _('Disabled until restart') self.on_disable(info) self.wakeup_time = None self.item_info.set_label(info) else: self.wakeup_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=time_to_wait) info = _('Disabled until %s') % Utility.format_time(self.wakeup_time) self.on_disable(info) self.item_info.set_label(info) Utility.start_thread(self.__schedule_resume, time_minutes=time_to_wait) def lock_menu(self): """ This method is called by the core to prevent user from disabling Safe Eyes after the notification. """ if self.active: self.menu.set_sensitive(False) def unlock_menu(self): """ This method is called by the core to activate the menu after the the break. """ if self.active: self.menu.set_sensitive(True) def disable_ui(self): """ Change the UI to disabled state. """ if self.active: logging.info('Disable Safe Eyes') self.active = False self.indicator.set_icon("safeeyes_disabled") self.item_info.set_label(_('Disabled until restart')) self.indicator.set_label('', '') self.item_info.set_sensitive(False) self.item_enable.set_sensitive(True) self.item_disable.set_sensitive(False) self.item_manual_break.set_sensitive(False) def enable_ui(self): """ Change the UI to enabled state. """ if not self.active: logging.info('Enable Safe Eyes') self.active = True self.indicator.set_icon("safeeyes_enabled") self.item_info.set_sensitive(True) self.item_enable.set_sensitive(False) self.item_disable.set_sensitive(True) self.item_manual_break.set_sensitive(True) def __schedule_resume(self, time_minutes): """ Schedule a local timer to enable Safe Eyes after the given timeout. """ self.idle_condition.acquire() self.idle_condition.wait(time_minutes * 60) # Convert to seconds self.idle_condition.release() with self.lock: if not self.active: Utility.execute_main_thread(self.item_enable.activate) def init(ctx, safeeyes_cfg, plugin_config): """ Initialize the tray icon. """ global context global tray_icon global safeeyes_config logging.debug('Initialize Tray Icon plugin') context = ctx safeeyes_config = safeeyes_cfg if not tray_icon: tray_icon = TrayIcon(context, plugin_config) else: tray_icon.initialize(plugin_config) def update_next_break(break_obj, next_break_time): """ Update the next break time. """ tray_icon.next_break_time(next_break_time) def on_pre_break(break_obj): """ Disable the menu if strict_break is enabled """ if safeeyes_config.get('strict_break'): tray_icon.lock_menu() threading.Timer(safeeyes_config.get('pre_break_warning_time'), __unlock_menu).start() def __unlock_menu(): """ Unlock the menu """ Utility.execute_main_thread(tray_icon.unlock_menu) def on_start(): """ Enable the tray icon. """ tray_icon.enable_ui() def on_stop(): """ Disable the tray icon. """ tray_icon.disable_ui()