#!/usr/bin/env python # Safe Eyes is a utility to remind you to take break frequently # to protect your eyes from eye strain. # Copyright (C) 2016 Gobinath # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging import os import threading import time import gi from safeeyes import Utility from Xlib.display import Display from Xlib.display import X gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gtk BREAK_SCREEN_GLADE = os.path.join(Utility.BIN_DIRECTORY, "glade/break_screen.glade") class BreakScreen(object): """ The fullscreen window which prevents users from using the computer. This class reads the break_screen.glade and build the user interface. """ def __init__(self, context, on_skip, on_postpone, style_sheet_path): self.context = context self.count_labels = [] self.display = Display() self.enable_postpone = False self.enable_shortcut = False self.is_pretified = False self.keycode_shortcut_postpone = 65 self.keycode_shortcut_skip = 9 self.on_postpone = on_postpone self.on_skip = on_skip self.shortcut_disable_time = 2 self.strict_break = False self.windows = [] # Initialize the theme css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() css_provider.load_from_path(style_sheet_path) Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default(), css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) def initialize(self, config): """ Initialize the internal properties from configuration """ logging.info("Initialize the break screen") self.enable_postpone = config.get('allow_postpone', False) self.keycode_shortcut_postpone = config.get('shortcut_postpone', 65) self.keycode_shortcut_skip = config.get('shortcut_skip', 9) self.shortcut_disable_time = config.get('shortcut_disable_time', 2) self.strict_break = config.get('strict_break', False) def skip_break(self): """ Skip the break from the break screen """ logging.info("User skipped the break") # Must call on_skip before close to lock screen before closing the break screen self.on_skip() self.close() def postpone_break(self): """ Postpone the break from the break screen """ logging.info("User postponed the break") self.on_postpone() self.close() def on_window_delete(self, *args): """ Window close event handler. """ logging.info("Closing the break screen") self.close() def on_skip_clicked(self, button): """ Skip button press event handler. """ self.skip_break() def on_postpone_clicked(self, button): """ Postpone button press event handler. """ self.postpone_break() def show_count_down(self, countdown, seconds): """ Show/update the count down on all screens. """ self.enable_shortcut = not self.strict_break and self.shortcut_disable_time <= seconds mins, secs = divmod(countdown, 60) timeformat = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs) GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.__update_count_down(timeformat)) def show_message(self, break_obj, widget, tray_actions=[]): """ Show the break screen with the given message on all displays. """ message = break_obj.name image_path = break_obj.image self.enable_shortcut = not self.strict_break and self.shortcut_disable_time <= 0 GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.__show_break_screen(message, image_path, widget, tray_actions)) def close(self): """ Hide the break screen from active window and destroy all other windows """ logging.info("Close the break screen(s)") self.__release_keyboard() # Destroy other windows if exists GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.__destroy_all_screens()) def __tray_action(self, button, tray_action): """ Tray action handler. Hides all toolbar buttons for this action and call the action provided by the plugin. """ tray_action.reset() tray_action.action() def __show_break_screen(self, message, image_path, widget, tray_actions): """ Show an empty break screen on all screens. """ # Lock the keyboard Utility.start_thread(self.__lock_keyboard) screen = Gtk.Window().get_screen() no_of_monitors = screen.get_n_monitors() logging.info("Show break screens in %d display(s)", no_of_monitors) for monitor in range(no_of_monitors): monitor_gemoetry = screen.get_monitor_geometry(monitor) x = monitor_gemoetry.x y = monitor_gemoetry.y builder = Gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(BREAK_SCREEN_GLADE) builder.connect_signals(self) window = builder.get_object("window_main") lbl_message = builder.get_object("lbl_message") lbl_count = builder.get_object("lbl_count") lbl_widget = builder.get_object("lbl_widget") img_break = builder.get_object("img_break") box_buttons = builder.get_object("box_buttons") toolbar = builder.get_object("toolbar") for tray_action in tray_actions: toolbar_button = None if tray_action.system_icon: toolbar_button = Gtk.ToolButton.new_from_stock(tray_action.get_icon()) else: toolbar_button = Gtk.ToolButton.new(tray_action.get_icon(), tray_action.name) tray_action.add_toolbar_button(toolbar_button) toolbar_button.connect("clicked", lambda button, action: self.__tray_action(button, action), tray_action) toolbar_button.set_tooltip_text(_(tray_action.name)) toolbar.add(toolbar_button) toolbar_button.show() # Add the buttons if not self.strict_break: # Add postpone button if self.enable_postpone: btn_postpone = Gtk.Button(_('Postpone')) btn_postpone.get_style_context().add_class('btn_postpone') btn_postpone.connect('clicked', self.on_postpone_clicked) btn_postpone.set_visible(True) box_buttons.pack_start(btn_postpone, True, True, 0) # Add the skip button btn_skip = Gtk.Button(_('Skip')) btn_skip.get_style_context().add_class('btn_skip') btn_skip.connect('clicked', self.on_skip_clicked) btn_skip.set_visible(True) box_buttons.pack_start(btn_skip, True, True, 0) # Set values if image_path: img_break.set_from_file(image_path) lbl_message.set_label(message) lbl_widget.set_markup(widget) self.windows.append(window) self.count_labels.append(lbl_count) # Set visual to apply css theme. It should be called before show method. window.set_visual(window.get_screen().get_rgba_visual()) if self.context['desktop'] == 'kde': # Fix flickering screen in KDE by setting opacity to 1 window.set_opacity(0.9) # In Unity, move the window before present window.move(x, y) window.stick() window.set_keep_above(True) window.present() # In other desktop environments, move the window after present # if self.context['desktop'] != 'unity': window.move(x, y) window.resize(monitor_gemoetry.width, monitor_gemoetry.height) logging.info("Moved break screen to Display[%d, %d]", x, y) window.fullscreen() def __update_count_down(self, count): """ Update the countdown on all break screens. """ for label in self.count_labels: label.set_text(count) def __lock_keyboard(self): """ Lock the keyboard to prevent the user from using keyboard shortcuts """ logging.info("Lock the keyboard") self.lock_keyboard = True # Grab the keyboard root = self.display.screen().root root.change_attributes(event_mask=X.KeyPressMask | X.KeyReleaseMask) root.grab_keyboard(True, X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync, X.CurrentTime) # Consume keyboard events while self.lock_keyboard: if self.display.pending_events() > 0: # Avoid waiting for next event by checking pending events event = self.display.next_event() if self.enable_shortcut and event.type == X.KeyPress: if event.detail == self.keycode_shortcut_skip: self.skip_break() break elif self.enable_postpone and event.detail == self.keycode_shortcut_postpone: self.postpone_break() break else: # Reduce the CPU usage by sleeping for a second time.sleep(1) def __release_keyboard(self): """ Release the locked keyboard. """ logging.info("Unlock the keyboard") self.lock_keyboard = False self.display.ungrab_keyboard(X.CurrentTime) self.display.flush() def __destroy_all_screens(self): """ Close all the break screens. """ for win in self.windows: win.destroy() del self.windows[:] del self.count_labels[:]