#!/usr/bin/env python # Safe Eyes is a utility to remind you to take break frequently # to protect your eyes from eye strain. # Copyright (C) 2016 Gobinath # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ SafeEyesCore provides the core functionalities of Safe Eyes. """ import datetime import logging import threading import time from safeeyes import utility from safeeyes.model import Break from safeeyes.model import BreakType from safeeyes.model import BreakQueue from safeeyes.model import EventHook from safeeyes.model import State class SafeEyesCore: """ Core of Safe Eyes runs the scheduler and notifies the breaks. """ def __init__(self, context): """ Create an instance of SafeEyesCore and initialize the variables. """ self.break_queue = None self.postpone_duration = 0 self.default_postpone_duration = 0 self.pre_break_warning_time = 0 self.running = False self.scheduled_next_break_timestamp = -1 self.scheduled_next_break_time = None self.paused_time = -1 # This event is fired before for a break self.on_pre_break = EventHook() # This event is fired just before the start of a break self.on_start_break = EventHook() # This event is fired at the start of a break self.start_break = EventHook() # This event is fired during every count down self.on_count_down = EventHook() # This event is fired at the end of a break self.on_stop_break = EventHook() # This event is fired when deciding the next break time self.on_update_next_break = EventHook() self.waiting_condition = threading.Condition() self.lock = threading.Lock() self.context = context self.context['skipped'] = False self.context['postponed'] = False self.context['skip_button_disabled'] = False self.context['postpone_button_disabled'] = False self.context['state'] = State.WAITING def initialize(self, config): """ Initialize the internal properties from configuration """ logging.info("Initialize the core") self.pre_break_warning_time = config.get('pre_break_warning_time') self.break_queue = BreakQueue(config, self.context) self.default_postpone_duration = config.get('postpone_duration') * 60 # Convert to seconds self.postpone_duration = self.default_postpone_duration def start(self, next_break_time=-1, reset_breaks=False): """ Start Safe Eyes is it is not running already. """ if self.break_queue.is_empty(): return with self.lock: if not self.running: logging.info("Start Safe Eyes core") if reset_breaks: logging.info("Reset breaks to start from the beginning") self.break_queue.reset() self.running = True self.scheduled_next_break_timestamp = int(next_break_time) utility.start_thread(self.__scheduler_job) def stop(self, is_resting=False): """ Stop Safe Eyes if it is running. """ with self.lock: if not self.running: return logging.info("Stop Safe Eyes core") self.paused_time = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() # Stop the break thread self.waiting_condition.acquire() self.running = False if self.context['state'] != State.QUIT: self.context['state'] = State.RESTING if (is_resting) else State.STOPPED self.waiting_condition.notify_all() self.waiting_condition.release() def skip(self): """ User skipped the break using Skip button """ self.context['skipped'] = True def postpone(self, duration=-1): """ User postponed the break using Postpone button """ if duration > 0: self.postpone_duration = duration else: self.postpone_duration = self.default_postpone_duration logging.debug("Postpone the break for %d seconds", self.postpone_duration) self.context['postponed'] = True def get_break_time(self, break_type = None): """ Returns the next break time """ break_obj = self.break_queue.get_break(break_type) if not break_obj: return False time = self.scheduled_next_break_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=break_obj.time - self.break_queue.get_break().time) return time def take_break(self, break_type = None): """ Calling this method stops the scheduler and show the next break screen """ if self.break_queue.is_empty(): return if not self.context['state'] == State.WAITING: return utility.start_thread(self.__take_break, break_type=break_type) def has_breaks(self, break_type = None): """ Check whether Safe Eyes has breaks or not. Use the break_type to check for either short or long break. """ return not self.break_queue.is_empty(break_type) def __take_break(self, break_type = None): """ Show the next break screen """ logging.info('Take a break due to external request') with self.lock: if not self.running: return logging.info("Stop the scheduler") # Stop the break thread self.waiting_condition.acquire() self.running = False self.waiting_condition.notify_all() self.waiting_condition.release() time.sleep(1) # Wait for 1 sec to ensure the scheduler is dead self.running = True if break_type is not None and self.break_queue.get_break().type != break_type: self.break_queue.next(break_type) utility.execute_main_thread(self.__fire_start_break) def __scheduler_job(self): """ Scheduler task to execute during every interval """ if not self.running: return current_time = datetime.datetime.now() current_timestamp = current_time.timestamp() if self.context['state'] == State.RESTING and self.paused_time > -1: # Safe Eyes was resting paused_duration = int(current_timestamp - self.paused_time) self.paused_time = -1 if paused_duration > self.break_queue.get_break(BreakType.LONG_BREAK).duration: logging.info('Skip next long break due to the pause %ds longer than break duration', paused_duration) # Skip the next long break self.break_queue.reset() if self.context['postponed']: # Previous break was postponed logging.info('Prepare for postponed break') time_to_wait = self.postpone_duration self.context['postponed'] = False elif current_timestamp < self.scheduled_next_break_timestamp: # Non-standard break was set. time_to_wait = round(self.scheduled_next_break_timestamp - current_timestamp) self.scheduled_next_break_timestamp = -1 else: # Use next break, convert to seconds time_to_wait = self.break_queue.get_break().time * 60 self.scheduled_next_break_time = current_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_to_wait) self.context['state'] = State.WAITING utility.execute_main_thread(self.__fire_on_update_next_break, self.scheduled_next_break_time) # Wait for the pre break warning period logging.info("Waiting for %d minutes until next break", (time_to_wait / 60)) self.__wait_for(time_to_wait) logging.info("Pre-break waiting is over") if not self.running: return utility.execute_main_thread(self.__fire_pre_break) def __fire_on_update_next_break(self, next_break_time): """ Pass the next break information to the registered listeners. """ self.on_update_next_break.fire(self.break_queue.get_break(), next_break_time) def __fire_pre_break(self): """ Show the notification and start the break after the notification. """ self.context['state'] = State.PRE_BREAK if not self.on_pre_break.fire(self.break_queue.get_break()): # Plugins wanted to ignore this break self.__start_next_break() return utility.start_thread(self.__wait_until_prepare) def __wait_until_prepare(self): logging.info("Wait for %d seconds before the break", self.pre_break_warning_time) # Wait for the pre break warning period self.__wait_for(self.pre_break_warning_time) if not self.running: return utility.execute_main_thread(self.__fire_start_break) def __postpone_break(self): self.__wait_for(self.postpone_duration) utility.execute_main_thread(self.__fire_start_break) def __fire_start_break(self): break_obj = self.break_queue.get_break() # Show the break screen if not self.on_start_break.fire(break_obj): # Plugins want to ignore this break self.__start_next_break() return if self.context['postponed']: # Plugins want to postpone this break self.context['postponed'] = False # Update the next break time self.scheduled_next_break_time = self.scheduled_next_break_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.postpone_duration) self.__fire_on_update_next_break(self.scheduled_next_break_time) # Wait in user thread utility.start_thread(self.__postpone_break) else: self.start_break.fire(break_obj) utility.start_thread(self.__start_break) def __start_break(self): """ Start the break screen. """ self.context['state'] = State.BREAK break_obj = self.break_queue.get_break() countdown = break_obj.duration total_break_time = countdown while countdown and self.running and not self.context['skipped'] and not self.context['postponed']: seconds = total_break_time - countdown self.on_count_down.fire(countdown, seconds) time.sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 second countdown -= 1 utility.execute_main_thread(self.__fire_stop_break) def __fire_stop_break(self): # Loop terminated because of timeout (not skipped) -> Close the break alert if not self.context['skipped'] and not self.context['postponed']: logging.info("Break is terminated automatically") self.on_stop_break.fire() # Reset the skipped flag self.context['skipped'] = False self.context['skip_button_disabled'] = False self.context['postpone_button_disabled'] = False self.__start_next_break() def __wait_for(self, duration): """ Wait until someone wake up or the timeout happens. """ self.waiting_condition.acquire() self.waiting_condition.wait(duration) self.waiting_condition.release() def __start_next_break(self): if not self.context['postponed']: self.break_queue.next() if self.running: # Schedule the break again utility.start_thread(self.__scheduler_job)