#!/usr/bin/env python # Safe Eyes is a utility to remind you to take break frequently # to protect your eyes from eye strain. # Copyright (C) 2017 Gobinath # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ PluginManager loads all enabled plugins and call their lifecycle methods. A plugin must have the following directory structure: |- config.json |- plugin.py |- icon.png (Optional) The plugin.py can have following methods but all are optional: - description() If a custom description has to be displayed, use this function - init(context, safeeyes_config, plugin_config) Initialize the plugin. Will be called after loading and after every changes in configuration - on_start() Executes when Safe Eyes is enabled - on_stop() Executes when Safe Eyes is disabled - on_exit() Executes before Safe Eyes exits - on_pre_break(break_obj) Executes at the start of the prepare time for a break - on_start_break(break_obj) Executes when a break starts - on_stop_break() Executes when a break stops - on_countdown(countdown, seconds) Executes every second throughout a break - update_next_break(break_obj, break_time) Executes when the next break changes - enable() Executes once the plugin.py is loaded as a module - disable() Executes if the plugin is disabled at the runtime by the user """ import importlib import logging import os import sys from safeeyes import utility from safeeyes.model import RequiredPluginException sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(utility.SYSTEM_PLUGINS_DIR)) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(utility.USER_PLUGINS_DIR)) HORIZONTAL_LINE_LENGTH = 64 class PluginManager: """ Imports the Safe Eyes plugins and calls the methods defined in those plugins. """ def __init__(self): logging.info('Load all the plugins') self.__plugins = {} self.__plugins_on_init = [] self.__plugins_on_start = [] self.__plugins_on_stop = [] self.__plugins_on_exit = [] self.__plugins_on_pre_break = [] self.__plugins_on_start_break = [] self.__plugins_on_stop_break = [] self.__plugins_on_countdown = [] self.__plugins_update_next_break = [] self.__widget_plugins = [] self.__tray_actions_plugins = [] self.last_break = None self.horizontal_line = '─' * HORIZONTAL_LINE_LENGTH def init(self, context, config): """ Initialize all the plugins with init(context, safe_eyes_config, plugin_config) function. """ # Load the plugins for plugin in config.get('plugins'): try: self.__load_plugin(plugin) except RequiredPluginException as e: raise e except BaseException as e: traceback_wanted = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG if traceback_wanted: import traceback traceback.print_exc() logging.error('Error in loading the plugin %s: %s', plugin['id'], e) continue # Initialize the plugins for plugin in self.__plugins_on_init: plugin['module'].init(context, config, plugin['config']) return True def start(self): """ Execute the on_start() function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_on_start: plugin['module'].on_start() return True def stop(self): """ Execute the on_stop() function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_on_stop: plugin['module'].on_stop() return True def exit(self): """ Execute the on_exit() function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_on_exit: plugin['module'].on_exit() return True def pre_break(self, break_obj): """ Execute the on_pre_break(break_obj) function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_on_pre_break: if break_obj.plugin_enabled(plugin['id'], plugin['enabled']): if plugin['module'].on_pre_break(break_obj): return False return True def start_break(self, break_obj): """ Execute the start_break(break_obj) function of plugins. """ self.last_break = break_obj for plugin in self.__plugins_on_start_break: if break_obj.plugin_enabled(plugin['id'], plugin['enabled']): if plugin['module'].on_start_break(break_obj): return False return True def stop_break(self): """ Execute the stop_break() function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_on_stop_break: if self.last_break.plugin_enabled(plugin['id'], plugin['enabled']): plugin['module'].on_stop_break() def countdown(self, countdown, seconds): """ Execute the on_countdown(countdown, seconds) function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_on_countdown: if self.last_break.plugin_enabled(plugin['id'], plugin['enabled']): plugin['module'].on_countdown(countdown, seconds) def update_next_break(self, break_obj, break_time): """ Execute the update_next_break(break_time) function of plugins. """ for plugin in self.__plugins_update_next_break: plugin['module'].update_next_break(break_obj, break_time) return True def get_break_screen_widgets(self, break_obj): """ Return the HTML widget generated by the plugins. The widget is generated by calling the get_widget_title and get_widget_content functions of plugins. """ widget = '' for plugin in self.__widget_plugins: if break_obj.plugin_enabled(plugin['id'], plugin['enabled']): try: title = plugin['module'].get_widget_title(break_obj).upper().strip() if title == '': continue content = plugin['module'].get_widget_content(break_obj) if content == '': continue widget += '{}\n{}\n{}\n\n\n'.format(title, self.horizontal_line, content) except BaseException: continue return widget.strip() def get_break_screen_tray_actions(self, break_obj): """ Return Tray Actions. """ actions = [] for plugin in self.__tray_actions_plugins: if break_obj.plugin_enabled(plugin['id'], plugin['enabled']): action = plugin['module'].get_tray_action(break_obj) if action: actions.append(action) return actions def __load_plugin(self, plugin): """ Load the given plugin. """ plugin_enabled = plugin['enabled'] if plugin['id'] in self.__plugins and not plugin_enabled: # A disabled plugin but that was loaded earlier plugin_obj = self.__plugins[plugin['id']] if plugin_obj['enabled']: # Previously enabled but now disabled plugin_obj['enabled'] = False utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_start, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_stop, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_exit, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_update_next_break, plugin_obj) # Call the plugin.disable method if available if utility.has_method(plugin_obj['module'], 'disable'): plugin_obj['module'].disable() logging.info("Successfully unloaded the plugin '%s'", plugin['id']) if not plugin_obj['break_override_allowed']: # Remaining methods also should be removed utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_init, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_pre_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_start_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_stop_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_countdown, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__widget_plugins, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__tray_actions_plugins, plugin_obj) del self.__plugins[plugin['id']] return # Look for plugin.py if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(utility.SYSTEM_PLUGINS_DIR, plugin['id'], 'plugin.py')): plugin_dir = utility.SYSTEM_PLUGINS_DIR elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(utility.USER_PLUGINS_DIR, plugin['id'], 'plugin.py')): plugin_dir = utility.USER_PLUGINS_DIR else: logging.error('plugin.py not found for the plugin: %s', plugin['id']) return # Look for config.json plugin_path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, plugin['id']) plugin_config_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, 'config.json') if not os.path.isfile(plugin_config_path): logging.error('config.json not found for the plugin: %s', plugin['id']) return plugin_config = utility.load_json(plugin_config_path) if plugin_config is None: return if plugin_enabled or plugin_config.get('break_override_allowed', False): if plugin['id'] in self.__plugins: # The plugin is already enabled or partially loaded due to break_override_allowed # Validate the dependencies again if utility.check_plugin_dependencies(plugin['id'], plugin_config, plugin.get('settings', {}), plugin_path): plugin_obj['enabled'] = False utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_start, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_stop, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_exit, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_update_next_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_init, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_pre_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_start_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_stop_break, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__plugins_on_countdown, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__widget_plugins, plugin_obj) utility.remove_if_exists(self.__tray_actions_plugins, plugin_obj) del self.__plugins[plugin['id']] # Use the existing plugin object plugin_obj = self.__plugins[plugin['id']] # Update the config plugin_obj['config'] = dict(plugin.get('settings', {})) plugin_obj['config']['path'] = os.path.join(plugin_dir, plugin['id']) if plugin_obj['enabled']: # Already loaded completely return # Plugin was partially loaded due to break_override_allowed if plugin_enabled: # Load the rest of the methods plugin_obj['enabled'] = True module = plugin_obj['module'] self.__init_plugin(module, plugin_obj) else: # This is the first time to load the plugin # Check for dependencies message = utility.check_plugin_dependencies(plugin['id'], plugin_config, plugin.get('settings', {}), plugin_path) if message: if plugin_config['required_plugin']: raise RequiredPluginException( plugin['id'], plugin_config['meta']['name'], message ) return # Load the plugin module module = importlib.import_module((plugin['id'] + '.plugin')) logging.info("Successfully loaded %s", str(module)) plugin_obj = {'id': plugin['id'], 'module': module, 'config': dict(plugin.get( 'settings', {})), 'enabled': plugin_enabled, 'break_override_allowed': plugin_config.get('break_override_allowed', False)} # Inject the plugin directory into the config plugin_obj['config']['path'] = os.path.join(plugin_dir, plugin['id']) self.__plugins[plugin['id']] = plugin_obj if utility.has_method(module, 'enable'): module.enable() if plugin_enabled: self.__init_plugin(module, plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'init', 3): self.__plugins_on_init.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'on_pre_break', 1): self.__plugins_on_pre_break.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'on_start_break', 1): self.__plugins_on_start_break.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'on_stop_break', 0): self.__plugins_on_stop_break.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'on_countdown', 2): self.__plugins_on_countdown.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'get_widget_title', 1) and utility.has_method(module, 'get_widget_content', 1): self.__widget_plugins.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'get_tray_action', 1): self.__tray_actions_plugins.append(plugin_obj) def __init_plugin(self, module, plugin_obj): """ Collect mandatory methods from the plugin and add them to the life cycle methods list. """ if utility.has_method(module, 'on_start'): self.__plugins_on_start.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'on_stop'): self.__plugins_on_stop.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'on_exit'): self.__plugins_on_exit.append(plugin_obj) if utility.has_method(module, 'update_next_break', 2): self.__plugins_update_next_break.append(plugin_obj)