2024-07-14 21:31:14 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Safe Eyes is a utility to remind you to take break frequently
# to protect your eyes from eye strain.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Gobinath
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This module creates the RequiredPluginDialog which shows the error for a required plugin .
import os
from safeeyes import utility
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from safeeyes . model import PluginDependency
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REQUIRED_PLUGIN_DIALOG_GLADE = os . path . join ( utility . BIN_DIRECTORY , " glade/required_plugin_dialog.glade " )
class RequiredPluginDialog :
RequiredPluginDialog shows an error when a plugin has required dependencies .
def __init__ ( self , plugin_id , plugin_name , message , on_quit , on_disable_plugin ) :
self . on_quit = on_quit
self . on_disable_plugin = on_disable_plugin
builder = utility . create_gtk_builder ( REQUIRED_PLUGIN_DIALOG_GLADE )
self . window = builder . get_object ( ' window_required_plugin ' )
self . window . connect ( " delete-event " , self . on_window_delete )
builder . get_object ( ' btn_close ' ) . connect ( ' clicked ' , self . on_close_clicked )
builder . get_object ( ' btn_disable_plugin ' ) . connect ( ' clicked ' , self . on_disable_plugin_clicked )
builder . get_object ( ' lbl_header ' ) . set_label ( _ ( " The required plugin ' %s ' is missing dependencies! " ) % _ ( plugin_name ) )
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builder . get_object ( ' lbl_main ' ) . set_label ( _ ( " Please install the dependencies or disable the plugin. To hide this message, you can also deactivate the plugin in the settings. " ) )
builder . get_object ( ' btn_close ' ) . set_label ( _ ( " Quit " ) )
builder . get_object ( ' btn_disable_plugin ' ) . set_label ( _ ( " Disable plugin temporarily " ) )
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if isinstance ( message , PluginDependency ) :
builder . get_object ( ' lbl_message ' ) . set_label ( _ ( message . message ) )
btn_extra_link = builder . get_object ( ' btn_extra_link ' )
btn_extra_link . set_label ( _ ( " Click here for more information " ) )
btn_extra_link . set_uri ( message . link )
btn_extra_link . set_visible ( True )
else :
builder . get_object ( ' lbl_message ' ) . set_label ( _ ( message ) )
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def show ( self ) :
Show the dialog .
self . window . show_all ( )
def on_window_delete ( self , * args ) :
Window close event handler .
self . window . destroy ( )
self . on_quit ( )
def on_close_clicked ( self , * args ) :
self . window . destroy ( )
self . on_quit ( )
def on_disable_plugin_clicked ( self , * args ) :
self . window . destroy ( )
self . on_disable_plugin ( )