Protect your eyes from eye strain using this continuous breaks reminder. A Free and Open Source Linux alternative to EyeLeo; a sexy and customizable alternative to Workrave.
Safe Eyes is available in Ubuntu PPA, Arch AUR and Python PyPI. You can choose any installation source and install on any Linux system with Python 3. To see how to install Safe Eyes, visit [Getting Started](
One of the key advantage of Safe Eyes over other similar products is its highly customizable design. You can change almost everything in Safe Eyes. A detailed documentation is available in the official site: [Customize Safe Eyes](
I started this project for my own use and later released it as an open source alternative to EyeLeo and progressively reached to the current state with the great support of open source community. Most of the creative ideas were suggested and implemented by users. You can always add more to Safe Eyes. I have listed some possible ways here: [How to contribute](
Do you want to see your language here? Please translate Safe Eyes to whatever the languages you know. Visit to **Translate Safe Eyes** in [Customize Safe Eyes]( to see how to translate.