package main /* Picocrypt v1.13 Copyright (c) Evan Su ( Released under a GNU GPL v3 License ~ In cryptography we trust ~ */ import ( "io" "os" "fmt" "math" "time" "sync" "os/exec" "strings" "strconv" "runtime" "net/http" "io/ioutil" "image/color" "crypto/md5" "archive/zip" "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha1" "encoding/hex" "path/filepath" "crypto/sha256" "runtime/debug" "" "" "" "" g "" "" "" "" di "" "" ig "" "" "" ) var version = "v1.13" var exe,_ = os.Executable() var rootDir = filepath.Dir(exe) // Global variables var dpi float32 var mode string var working = false var onlyFiles []string var onlyFolders []string var allFiles []string var inputFile string var outputFile string // UI-related global variables var tab = 0 var inputLabel = "Drag and drop file(s) and folder(s) into this window." var outputEntry string var outputWidth float32 = 376 var orLabel = "or" var passwordState = g.InputTextFlags_Password var showPassword = false var keyfile = false var keyfilePrompt = "Keyfile (optional):" var progress float32 = 0 var progressInfo = "" var status = "Ready." var _status = "Ready." var _status_color = color.RGBA{0xff,0xff,0xff,255} var splitUnits = []string{ "KB", "MB", "GB", } var splitSelected int32 var items = []string{ "Normal (4 passes)", "Paranoid (Still in development, don't use)", } var itemSelected int32 var shredProgress float32 var shredDone float32 var shredTotal float32 var shredOverlay string var shredding = "Ready." var recombine bool // User input variables var password string var cPassword string var keyfilePath string var keyfileLabel = "Use a keyfile" var metadata string var keep bool var erase bool var reedsolo bool var split bool var splitSize string var fast bool var _fast bool var kept = false // Reed-Solomon encoders var rs5_128,_ = reedsolomon.New(5,128) var rs10_128,_ = reedsolomon.New(10,128) var rs16_128,_ = reedsolomon.New(16,128) var rs24_128,_ = reedsolomon.New(24,128) var rs32_128,_ = reedsolomon.New(32,128) var rs64_128,_ = reedsolomon.New(64,128) // File checksum generator variables var cs_md5 string var cs_sha1 string var cs_sha256 string var cs_sha3_256 string var cs_blake2b string var cs_blake2s string var cs_blake3 string var cs_validate string var md5_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var sha1_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var sha256_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var sha3_256_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var blake2b_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var blake2s_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var blake3_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} var cs_progress float32 = 0 var md5_selected = false var sha1_selected = false var sha256_selected = false var sha3_256_selected = false var blake2b_selected = false var blake2s_selected = false var blake3_selected = false // Create the user interface func startUI(){ g.SingleWindow("Picocrypt").Layout( g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255}).To( // The tab bar, which contains different tabs for different features g.TabBar("TabBar").Layout( // File encryption/decryption tab g.TabItem("Encryption/decryption").Layout( // Update 'tab' to indicate active tab g.Custom(func(){ if g.IsItemActive(){ tab = 0 } }), // Confirm overwrite with a modal g.PopupModal("Confirmation").Layout( g.Label("Output already exists. Overwrite?"), g.Row( g.Button("No").Size(110,0).OnClick(func(){ g.CloseCurrentPopup() }), g.Dummy(-118,0), g.Button("Yes").Size(110,0).OnClick(func(){ g.CloseCurrentPopup() go work() }), ), ), // Label listing the input files and a button to clear input files //g.Dummy(0,10), g.Row( g.Label(inputLabel), g.Dummy(-55,0), g.Button("Clear").Size(46,0).OnClick(resetUI), ), // Allow user to choose a custom output path and name //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Label("Save output as:"), g.Row( g.InputText("##output",&outputEntry).Size(outputWidth/dpi), g.Label(orLabel), g.Button("Save as").OnClick(func(){ file,_ := di.File().Title("Save as").Save() // Return if user canceled the file dialog if file==""{ return } // Remove the extra ".pcv" extension if needed if strings.HasSuffix(file,".pcv"){ file = file[:len(file)-4] } outputEntry = file }), ), // Prompt for password //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Label("Password:"), g.Dummy(-220,0), g.Label(keyfilePrompt), ), g.Row( g.InputText("##password",&password).Size(200/dpi).Flags(passwordState), g.Checkbox("##showPassword",&showPassword).OnChange(func(){ if passwordState==g.InputTextFlags_Password{ passwordState = g.InputTextFlags_None }else{ passwordState = g.InputTextFlags_Password } g.Update() }), g.Dummy(-220,0), g.Checkbox(keyfileLabel,&keyfile).OnChange(func(){ if !keyfile{ keyfileLabel = "Use a keyfile" return } filename,err := di.File().Load() if err!=nil{ keyfile = false return } keyfileLabel = filename keyfilePath = filename }), ), // Prompt to confirm password //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Label("Confirm password:"), g.InputText("##cPassword",&cPassword).Size(200/dpi).Flags(passwordState), // Optional metadata //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Label("Metadata (optional):"), g.InputTextMultiline("##metadata",&metadata).Size(230,126), // Advanced options can be enabled with checkboxes //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Checkbox("Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified",&keep), g.Checkbox("Securely shred the original file(s) and folder(s)",&erase), g.Row( g.Checkbox("(Not ready) Encode with Reed-Solomon to prevent corruption",&reedsolo), g.Button("?").OnClick(func(){ browser.OpenURL("") }), ), g.Row( g.Checkbox("Split output into chunks of",&split), g.InputText("##splitSize",&splitSize).Size(30).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_CharsDecimal), g.Combo("##splitter",splitUnits[splitSelected],splitUnits,&splitSelected).Size(40), //g.Label("MB"), ), g.Checkbox("Fast mode (less secure, not as durable)",&fast), // Start and cancel buttons //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Button("Start").Size(-1,20).OnClick(func(){ if password!=cPassword{ _status = "Passwords don't match." _status_color = color.RGBA{0xff,0x00,0x00,255} return } if mode=="encrypt"{ outputFile = outputEntry+".pcv" }else{ outputFile = outputEntry } _,err := os.Stat(outputFile) if err==nil{ g.OpenPopup("Confirmation") }else{ go work() } }), //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorText,_status_color).To( g.Label(_status), ), ), // File shredder tab g.TabItem("Shredder").Layout( // Update 'tab' to indicate active tab g.Custom(func(){ if g.IsItemActive(){ tab = 1 } }), g.Label("Select a mode below and drop file(s) and folder(s) here."), g.Label("Warning: Anything dropped here will be shredded immediately!"), //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Combo("##shredder_mode",items[itemSelected],items,&itemSelected).Size(463), //g.Dummy(10,0), g.ProgressBar(shredProgress).Overlay(shredOverlay).Size(-1,0), g.Label(shredding).Wrapped(true), ), // File checksum generator tab g.TabItem("Checksum").Layout( // Update 'tab' to indicate active tab g.Custom(func(){ if g.IsItemActive(){ tab = 2 } }), g.Label("Toggle the hashes you would like to generate and drop a file here."), // MD5 //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("MD5:",&md5_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##md5").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_md5) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,md5_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_md5",&cs_md5).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // SHA1 //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("SHA1:",&sha1_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##sha1").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_sha1) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,sha1_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_sha1",&cs_sha1).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // SHA256 //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("SHA256:",&sha256_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##sha256").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_sha256) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,sha256_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_sha256",&cs_sha256).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // SHA3-256 //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("SHA3-256:",&sha3_256_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##sha3_256").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_sha3_256) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,sha3_256_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_sha3_256",&cs_sha3_256).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // BLAKE2b //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("BLAKE2b:",&blake2b_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##blake2b").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_blake2b) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,blake2b_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_blake2b",&cs_blake2b).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // BLAKE2s //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("BLAKE2s:",&blake2s_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##blake2s").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_blake2s) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,blake2s_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_blake2s",&cs_blake2s).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // BLAKE3 //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Row( g.Checkbox("BLAKE3:",&blake3_selected), g.Dummy(-45,0), g.Button("Copy##blake3").Size(36,0).OnClick(func(){ clipboard.WriteAll(cs_blake3) }), ), g.Style().SetColor(ig.StyleColorBorder,blake3_color).To( g.InputText("##cs_blake3",&cs_blake3).Size(-1).Flags(g.InputTextFlags_ReadOnly), ), // Input box for validating checksum //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Label("Validate a checksum:"), g.InputText("##cs_validate",&cs_validate).Size(-1).OnChange(func(){ md5_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} sha1_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} sha256_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} sha3_256_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} blake2b_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} blake2s_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} blake3_color = color.RGBA{0x10,0x10,0x10,255} if cs_validate==""{ return } if cs_validate==cs_md5{ md5_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} }else if cs_validate==cs_sha1{ sha1_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} }else if cs_validate==cs_sha256{ sha256_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} }else if cs_validate==cs_sha3_256{ sha3_256_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} }else if cs_validate==cs_blake2b{ blake2b_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} }else if cs_validate==cs_blake2s{ blake2s_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} }else if cs_validate==cs_blake3{ blake3_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} } g.Update() }), // Progress bar //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Label("Progress:"), g.ProgressBar(cs_progress).Size(-1,0), ), g.TabItem("About").Layout( // Update 'tab' to indicate active tab g.Custom(func(){ if g.IsItemActive(){ tab = 3 } }), //g.Dummy(30,0), g.Label("Picocrypt "+version+", created by Evan Su ("), ), ), ), ) if working{ g.SingleWindow("Working..").IsOpen(&working).Layout( //g.Dummy(30,0), g.Label("Tips:"), g.Label(" - Choose a strong password with more than 16 characters."), g.Label(" - Use a unique password that isn't used anywhere else."), g.Label(" - Trust no one but yourself and never give out your key."), g.Label(" - For highly sensitive files, encrypt them while offline."), g.Label(" - An antivirus can be beneficial to prevent keyloggers."), g.Label(" - Encrypt your root filesystem for maximal security."), g.Dummy(0,-50), // Progress bar g.Row( g.ProgressBar(progress).Size(-54,0).Overlay(progressInfo), g.Dummy(-59,0), g.Button("Cancel").Size(50,0).OnClick(func(){ working = false }), ), //g.Dummy(10,0), g.Label(status), ) } } // Handle files dropped into Picocrypt by user func onDrop(names []string){ _status = "" recombine = false if tab==0{ // Clear variables onlyFiles = nil onlyFolders = nil allFiles = nil files,folders := 0,0 // Reset UI resetUI() // Hide the ".pcv" label orLabel = "or" outputWidth = 376 // There's only one dropped item if len(names)==1{ stat,_ := os.Stat(names[0]) // Check if dropped item is a file or a folder if stat.IsDir(){ folders++ inputLabel = "1 folder selected." // Add the folder onlyFolders = append(onlyFolders,names[0]) // Set 'outputEntry' to '' in the same directory outputEntry = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]),"") mode = "encrypt" // Show the ".pcv" file extension orLabel = ".pcv or" outputWidth = 341 }else{ files++ name := filepath.Base(names[0]) nums := []string{"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"} endsNum := false for _,i := range(nums){ if strings.HasSuffix(names[0],i){ endsNum = true } } isSplit := strings.Contains(names[0],".pcv.")&&endsNum // Decide if encrypting or decrypting if strings.HasSuffix(names[0],".pcv")||isSplit{ mode = "decrypt" inputLabel = name+" (will decrypt)" if isSplit{ ind := strings.Index(names[0],".pcv") names[0] = names[0][:ind] outputEntry = names[0] recombine = true }else{ outputEntry = names[0][:len(names[0])-4] } // Open input file in read-only mode fin,_ := os.Open(names[0]) // Read metadata and insert into box fin.Read(make([]byte,133)) tmp := make([]byte,138) fin.Read(tmp) tmp = rsDecode(tmp,rs10_128,10) metadataLength,_ := strconv.Atoi(string(tmp)) //fmt.Println(metadataLength) tmp = make([]byte,metadataLength) fin.Read(tmp) metadata = string(tmp) flags := make([]byte,133) fin.Read(flags) flags = rsDecode(flags,rs5_128,5) if flags[1]==1{ keyfilePrompt = "Keyfile (required):" keyfileLabel = "Click here to select keyfile." } fin.Close() }else{ mode = "encrypt" inputLabel = name+" (will encrypt)" outputEntry = names[0] // Show the ".pcv" file extension orLabel = ".pcv or" outputWidth = 341 } // Add the file onlyFiles = append(onlyFiles,names[0]) inputFile = names[0] } }else{ mode = "encrypt" // Show the ".pcv" file extension orLabel = ".pcv or" outputWidth = 341 // There are multiple dropped items, check each one for _,name := range names{ stat,_ := os.Stat(name) // Check if item is a file or a directory if stat.IsDir(){ folders++ onlyFolders = append(onlyFolders,name) }else{ files++ onlyFiles = append(onlyFiles,name) allFiles = append(allFiles,name) } } if folders==0{ // If folders==0, then there are multiple files inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d files selected.",files) }else if files==0{ // If files==0, then there are multiple folders inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d folders selected.",folders) }else{ // There are multiple files and folders if files==1&&folders>1{ inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("1 file and %d folders selected.",folders) }else if folders==1&&files>1{ inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d files and 1 folder selected.",files) }else if folders==1&&files==1{ inputLabel = "1 file and 1 folder selected." }else{ inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d files and %d folders selected.",files,folders) } } // Set 'outputEntry' to '' in the same directory outputEntry = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]),"") } // If there are folders that were dropped, recusively add all files into 'allFiles' if folders>0{ for _,name := range(onlyFolders){ filepath.Walk(name,func(path string,_ os.FileInfo,_ error) error{ stat,_ := os.Stat(path) if !stat.IsDir(){ allFiles = append(allFiles,path) } return nil }) } } }else if tab==1{ go shred(names,true) }else if tab==2{ go generateChecksums(names[0]) } // Update the UI g.Update() } // Start encryption/decryption func work(){ debug.FreeOSMemory() // Set some variables working = true //headerBroken := false //reedsoloFixed := 0 //reedsoloErrors := 0 var salt []byte var nonce []byte var keyHash []byte var _keyHash []byte var khash []byte var khash_hash []byte var _khash_hash []byte var nonces []byte _fast = fast // Set the output file based on mode if mode=="encrypt"{ // Compress files into a zip archive if len(allFiles)>1||len(onlyFolders)>0{ rootDir := filepath.Dir(outputEntry) inputFile = outputEntry fmt.Println(inputFile) file,_ := os.Create(inputFile) w := zip.NewWriter(file) for _,path := range(allFiles){ if path==inputFile{ continue } stat,_ := os.Stat(path) header,_ := zip.FileInfoHeader(stat) header.Name = strings.Replace(path,rootDir,"",1) header.Method = zip.Deflate writer,_ := w.CreateHeader(header) file,_ := os.Open(path) io.Copy(writer,file) file.Close() } w.Flush() w.Close() file.Close() } } if recombine{ status = "Recombining file..." total := 0 for{ _,err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d",inputFile+".pcv",total)) if err!=nil{ break } total++ } fout,_ := os.OpenFile( outputEntry+".pcv", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0755, ) for i:=0;i=chunkSize{ break } } fout.Close() finished++ splitted = append(splitted,fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d",outputFile,i)) progress = float32(finished)/float32(chunks) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d",finished,chunks) g.Update() } fin.Close() if erase{ status = "Shredding the unsplitted file..." progressInfo = "" shred([]string{outputFile}[:],false) }else{ os.Remove(outputFile) } } if recombine{ os.Remove(inputFile) } // Delete the temporary zip file if len(allFiles)>1{ if erase{ progressInfo = "" status = "Shredding temporary files..." shred([]string{outputEntry}[:],false) }else{ os.Remove(outputEntry) } } fmt.Println("==============================") if erase{ progressInfo = "" shred(onlyFiles,false) shred(onlyFolders,false) } resetUI() if kept{ _status = "The input is corrupted and/or modified. Please be careful." _status_color = color.RGBA{0xff,0xff,0x00,255} }else{ _status = "Completed." _status_color = color.RGBA{0x00,0xff,0x00,255} } working = false kept = false key = nil status = "Ready." debug.FreeOSMemory() fmt.Println("Exit goroutine") } func shred(names []string,separate bool){ shredTotal = 0 shredDone = 0 if separate{ shredOverlay = "Shredding..." } for _,name := range(names){ filepath.Walk(name,func(path string,_ os.FileInfo,err error) error{ if err!=nil{ return nil } stat,_ := os.Stat(path) if !stat.IsDir(){ shredTotal++ } return nil }) } for _,name := range(names){ shredding = name if runtime.GOOS=="linux"||runtime.GOOS=="darwin"{ stat,_ := os.Stat(name) if stat.IsDir(){ var coming []string filepath.Walk(name,func(path string,_ os.FileInfo,err error) error{ if err!=nil{ return nil } fmt.Println(path) stat,_ := os.Stat(path) if !stat.IsDir(){ if len(coming)==128{ var wg sync.WaitGroup for i,j := range(coming){ wg.Add(1) go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup,id int,j string){ defer wg.Done() cmd := exec.Command("") if runtime.GOOS=="linux"{ cmd = exec.Command("shred","-ufvz","-n","3",j) }else{ cmd = exec.Command("rm","-rfP",j) } output,err := cmd.Output() fmt.Println(err) fmt.Println(output) shredding = j shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) g.Update() }(&wg,i,j) } wg.Wait() coming = nil }else{ coming = append(coming,path) } } return nil }) fmt.Println(coming) for _,i := range(coming){ go func(){ cmd := exec.Command("") if runtime.GOOS=="linux"{ cmd = exec.Command("shred","-ufvz","-n","3",i) }else{ cmd = exec.Command("rm","-rfP",i) } output,err := cmd.Output() fmt.Println(err) fmt.Println(output) shredding = i shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) g.Update() }() } os.RemoveAll(name) }else{ cmd := exec.Command("") if runtime.GOOS=="linux"{ cmd = exec.Command("shred","-ufvz","-n","3",name) }else{ cmd = exec.Command("rm","-rfP",name) } cmd.Run() shredding = name+"/*" shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) } }else if runtime.GOOS=="windows"{ stat,_ := os.Stat(name) if stat.IsDir(){ filepath.Walk(name,func(path string,_ os.FileInfo,err error) error{ if err!=nil{ return nil } fmt.Println(path) stat,_ := os.Stat(path) if stat.IsDir(){ t := 0 files,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(path) for _,f := range(files){ if !f.IsDir(){ t++ } } shredDone += float32(t) shredUpdate(separate) tmp := filepath.Join(rootDir,"sdelete64.exe") cmd := exec.Command(tmp,"*","-p","4") cmd.Dir = path cmd.Run() shredding = strings.ReplaceAll(path,"\\","/")+"/*" } return nil }) os.RemoveAll(name) }else{ o,e := exec.Command(filepath.Join(rootDir,"sdelete64.exe"),name,"-p","4").Output() fmt.Println(string(o),e) shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) } } fmt.Println(name) g.Update() } /*if itemSelected==1&&runtime.GOOS=="windows"{ cmd := exec.Command("cipher","/w:\""+name+"\"") stdout,err := cmd.Output() if err!=nil{ fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Println(string(stdout)) }*/ shredding = "Ready." shredProgress = 0 shredOverlay = "" } func shredUpdate(separate bool){ if separate{ shredOverlay = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d",int(shredDone),int(shredTotal)) shredProgress = shredDone/shredTotal }else{ status = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d",int(shredDone),int(shredTotal)) progress = shredDone/shredTotal } g.Update() } // Generate file checksums func generateChecksums(file string){ fin,_ := os.Open(file) cs_md5 = "" cs_sha1 = "" cs_sha256 = "" cs_sha3_256 = "" cs_blake2b = "" cs_blake2s = "" cs_blake3 = "" if md5_selected{ cs_md5 = "Calculating..." } if sha1_selected{ cs_sha1 = "Calculating..." } if sha256_selected{ cs_sha256 = "Calculating..." } if sha3_256_selected{ cs_sha3_256 = "Calculating..." } if blake2b_selected{ cs_blake2b = "Calculating..." } if blake2s_selected{ cs_blake2s = "Calculating..." } if blake3_selected{ cs_blake3 = "Calculating..." } crc_md5 := md5.New() crc_sha1 := sha1.New() crc_sha256 := sha256.New() crc_sha3_256 := sha3.New256() crc_blake2b,_ := blake2b.New256(nil) crc_blake2s,_ := blake2s.New256(nil) crc_blake3 := blake3.New() stat,_ := os.Stat(file) total := stat.Size() var done int64 = 0 for{ var data []byte _data := make([]byte,1048576) size,err := fin.Read(_data) if err!=nil{ break } data = _data[:size] if md5_selected{ crc_md5.Write(data) } if sha1_selected{ crc_sha1.Write(data) } if sha256_selected{ crc_sha256.Write(data) } if sha3_256_selected{ crc_sha3_256.Write(data) } if blake2b_selected{ crc_blake2b.Write(data) } if blake2s_selected{ crc_blake2s.Write(data) } if blake3_selected{ crc_blake3.Write(data) } done += int64(size) cs_progress = float32(done)/float32(total) g.Update() } cs_progress = 0 if md5_selected{ cs_md5 = hex.EncodeToString(crc_md5.Sum(nil)) } if sha1_selected{ cs_sha1 = hex.EncodeToString(crc_sha1.Sum(nil)) } if sha256_selected{ cs_sha256 = hex.EncodeToString(crc_sha256.Sum(nil)) } if sha3_256_selected{ cs_sha3_256 = hex.EncodeToString(crc_sha3_256.Sum(nil)) } if blake2b_selected{ cs_blake2b = hex.EncodeToString(crc_blake2b.Sum(nil)) } if blake2s_selected{ cs_blake2s = hex.EncodeToString(crc_blake2s.Sum(nil)) } if blake3_selected{ cs_blake3 = hex.EncodeToString(crc_blake3.Sum(nil)) } g.Update() } // Reset the UI to a clean state with no nothing selected func resetUI(){ inputLabel = "Drag and drop file(s) and folder(s) into this window." outputEntry = "" orLabel = "or" outputWidth = 376 password = "" cPassword = "" keyfilePrompt = "Keyfile (optional):" keyfileLabel = "Use a keyfile" keyfile = false metadata = "" keep = false erase = false reedsolo = false split = false splitSize = "" fast = false progress = 0 progressInfo = "" _status = "" _status_color = color.RGBA{0xff,0xff,0xff,255} g.Update() } func broken(){ working = false _status = "The file is either corrupted or intentionally modified." _status_color = color.RGBA{0xff,0x00,0x00,255} os.Remove(outputFile) debug.FreeOSMemory() } func rsEncode(data []byte,encoder reedsolomon.Encoder,size int) []byte{ shards,_ := encoder.Split(data) encoder.Encode(shards) tmp := make([]byte,size) for i,shard := range(shards){ tmp[i] = shard[0] } return tmp } func rsDecode(data []byte,encoder reedsolomon.Encoder,size int) []byte{ res := make([][]byte,len(data)) for i,_ := range(data){ tmp := make([]byte,1) tmp[0] = data[i] res[i] = tmp } _ = encoder.Reconstruct(res) res = res[:size] tmp := make([]byte,size) for i,shard := range(res){ tmp[i] = shard[0] } return tmp } // Create the master window, set callbacks, and start the UI func main(){ go func(){ v,err := http.Get("") if err==nil{ fmt.Println(v) body,err := io.ReadAll(v.Body) v.Body.Close() if err==nil{ if string(body[:5])!=version{ _status = "A newer version is available." _status_color = color.RGBA{0,0xff,0,255} } } } }() di.Init() if runtime.GOOS=="windows"{ exec.Command(filepath.Join(rootDir,"sdelete64.exe"),"/accepteula") } window := g.NewMasterWindow("Picocrypt",480,488,g.MasterWindowFlagsNotResizable,nil) window.SetDropCallback(onDrop) dpi = g.Context.GetPlatform().GetContentScale() window.Run(startUI) }