# Roadmap
Here's the road ahead for Picocrypt. Not all items listed will be added; they are simply possible new features. They're not in any particular order. Have suggestions? Create an Issue. Thanks!
- Get Picocrypt audited (please donate to help fund the audit)
- Add to AUR (Arch User Repo) (thanks r/blackrosae)
- Drag and drop files (thanks r/your_username)
- Android/iOS support (thanks r/fzylqd), potentially via a web interface (thanks @Tutturuuu)
- Keyfile support (thanks r/PiratesOfTheArctic)
- Right click in file explorer and display "Encrypt folder with Picocrypt" (thanks @beerisgood)
- Full disk encryption (thanks r/playffy)
- Hardware keys (thanks r/Tech99bananas)