diff --git a/Changelog.md b/Changelog.md
index fa1072c..e77ae22 100644
--- a/Changelog.md
+++ b/Changelog.md
@@ -13,21 +13,21 @@
Associate .pcv file extension with Picocrypt
Generate checksums for text
Replace show password button with an eye icon
+ Add start button to shredder (improve user flow)
+ Make UI more consistent (minor DPI issues)
+ Improve Reed-Solomon performance
-# v1.17 (ETA: 2 weeks)
+# v1.17 (ETA: 1 weeks)
Note: v1.17 will be incompatible with 1.16 (and therefore 1.15 and 1.14).
- ✓ (abandoned due to UI issues with ASCII codes >128) Extended ASCII set in password generator
- - Add start button to shredder (improve user flow)
- - Tooltips for all advanced options
- - Localization support (use system default where possible)
+ - ✓ Tooltips for all advanced options
+ - ✓ Localization support (use system default where possible)
- ✓ Auto detect system locale, fallback to English
- - Make UI more consistent (minor DPI issues)
- - Improve Reed-Solomon performance
- ✓ Fix ETA negative number bug
- ✓ Add clear button to password field
- - Multiple keyfiles support and DND
+ - ✓ Multiple keyfiles support and DND
- Keyfile generator
- ✓ Make sure only one of "Fast mode" and "Paranoid mode" can be enabled
- ✓ (abandoned because this could cause issues with different language characters) Filter invalid charaters and emojis out of "Save as" text entry