# Twitter timeline cleaner ## Clean your Twitter timeline ## Prerequisites Before running, remember to set these environment variables: ``` export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN='' export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET='' export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY='' export TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET='' export TWITTER_NAME='@your_twitter_name' ``` and follow the instructions to claim a [Twitter developers account](https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply) and [to create an app](https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps/create), needed to fetch your Twitter timeline's tokens and keys. ## Usage ``` usage: twitter-timeline-cleaner.py [-h] --until UNTIL_DATE [--dry-run] [--save] [--limit LIMIT] Maintain clean your Twitter timeline optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --until UNTIL_DATE delete tweets until this date (YYYY-MM-DD) --dry-run simulate (don't delete anything) --save save deleted tweets in JSON --limit LIMIT define how many tweets to delete (default: all) ``` Article in italian talking about this project: [Ripulire la propria Twitter timeline](https://www.zerozone.it/tecnologia-privacy-e-sicurezza/ripulire-la-propria-twitter-timeline/19195) Work inspired by [delete-tweets](https://github.com/koenrh/delete-tweets) by Koen Rouwhorst