query)); $results = array(); $domain = $this->opts->google_domain; $results_language = $this->opts->language; $number_of_results = $this->opts->number_of_results; $url = "https://www.google.$domain/search?q=$query_encoded&nfpr=1&start=$this->page"; if (3 > strlen($results_language) && 0 < strlen($results_language)) { $url .= "&lr=lang_$results_language"; $url .= "&hl=$results_language"; } if (3 > strlen($number_of_results) && 0 < strlen($number_of_results)) $url .= "&num=$number_of_results"; if (isset($_COOKIE["safe_search"])) $url .= "&safe=medium"; return $url; } public function parse_results($response) { $results = array(); $xpath = get_xpath($response); if (!$xpath) return $results; $didyoumean = $xpath->query(".//a[@class='gL9Hy']")[0]; if (!is_null($didyoumean)) array_push($results, array( "did_you_mean" => $didyoumean->textContent )); foreach($xpath->query("//div[@id='search']//div[contains(@class, 'g')]") as $result) { $url = $xpath->evaluate(".//div[@class='yuRUbf']//a/@href", $result)[0]; if ($url == null) continue; if (!empty($results)) // filter duplicate results, ignore special result { if (end($results)["url"] == $url->textContent) continue; } $url = $url->textContent; $title = $xpath->evaluate(".//h3", $result)[0]; $description = $xpath->evaluate(".//div[contains(@class, 'VwiC3b')]", $result)[0]; array_push($results, array ( "title" => htmlspecialchars($title->textContent), "url" => htmlspecialchars($url), // base_url is to be removed in the future, see #47 "base_url" => htmlspecialchars(get_base_url($url)), "description" => $description == null ? "No description was provided for this site." : htmlspecialchars($description->textContent) ) ); } if (empty($results) && !str_contains($response, "Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network.")) { $results["error"] = array( "message" => "There are no results. Please try different keywords!" ); } return $results; } } ?>