
276 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File

* OpenSTAManager: il software gestionale open source per l'assistenza tecnica e la fatturazione
* Copyright (C) DevCode s.r.l.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace HTMLBuilder\Manager;
use Util\Query;
* @since 2.4
class WidgetManager implements ManagerInterface
public function manage($options)
$result = '';
if (isset($options['id'])) {
$result = $this->widget($options);
} else {
$result = $this->group($options);
return $result;
protected function widget($options)
$database = database();
// Widget richiesto
$widget = $database->fetchArray('SELECT * FROM `zz_widgets` LEFT JOIN `zz_widgets_lang` ON (`zz_widgets`.`id` = `zz_widgets_lang`.`id_record` AND `zz_widgets_lang`.`id_lang` = '.prepare(setting('Lingua')).') WHERE `zz_widgets`.`id` = '.prepare($options['id']))[0];
$result = ' ';
// Generazione del widget in base al tipo
switch ($widget['type']) {
// Stampa
case 'print':
$result = $this->prints($widget);
// Statistiche
case 'stats':
$result = $this->stats($widget);
// Chart (codice PHP)
case 'chart':
$result = $this->chart($widget);
// Personalizzato (codice PHP e icona)
case 'custom':
$result = $this->custom($widget);
return $result;
protected static function getModule()
return \Modules::get('Stato dei servizi');
protected function prints($widget)
return $this->stats($widget);
protected function stats($widget)
// Individuazione della query relativa
$query = $widget['query'];
$additionals = \Modules::getAdditionalsQuery($widget['id_module']);
if (!empty($additionals)) {
$query = str_replace('1=1', '1=1 '.$additionals, $query);
$query = Query::replacePlaceholder($query);
// Individuazione del risultato della query
$database = database();
$value = null;
if (!empty($query)) {
$value = $database->fetchArray($query)[0]['dato'];
if (!preg_match('/\\d/', $value)) {
$value = '-';
return $this->render($widget, $widget['text'], $value);
protected function chart($widget, $number = null)
$content = null;
if (!empty($widget['php_include'])) {
$is_title_request = true;
include base_dir().'/'.$widget['php_include'];
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $this->render($widget, $content, $number);
protected function custom($widget)
$content = null;
if (!empty($widget['php_include'])) {
$is_number_request = true;
include base_dir().'/'.$widget['php_include'];
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $this->render($widget, $widget['text'], $content);
protected function render($widget, $title, $number = null)
$result = '
<button type="button" class="close" onclick="if(confirm(\'Disabilitare questo widget?\')) { $.post( \''.base_path().'/actions.php?id_module='.self::getModule()->id.'\', { op: \'disabilita-widget\', id: \''.$widget['id'].'\' }, function(response){ location.reload(); }); };" >
<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">'.tr('Chiudi').'</span>
if (!empty($widget['more_link'])) {
$result .= '
<a class="clickable" ';
// Link diretto
if ($widget['more_link_type'] == 'link') {
$result .= 'href="'.$widget['more_link'].'"';
// Modal
elseif ($widget['more_link_type'] == 'popup') {
$result .= 'data-href="'.$widget['more_link'].'" data-toggle="modal" data-title="'.$widget['text'].'"';
// Codice JavaScript
elseif ($widget['more_link_type'] == 'javascript') {
$link = $widget['more_link'];
$link = Query::replacePlaceholder($link);
$result .= 'onclick="'.$link.'"';
$result .= '>';
$result .= '
<div class="info-box">
<span class="info-box-icon" style="background-color:'.$widget['bgcolor'].'">';
if (!empty($widget['icon'])) {
$result .= '
<i class="'.$widget['icon'].'"></i>';
$result .= '
<div class="info-box-content">
<span class="info-box-text'.(!empty($widget['help']) ? ' tip' : '').'"'.(!empty($widget['help']) ? ' title="'.prepareToField($widget['help']).'" data-position="bottom"' : '').'>
'.(!empty($widget['help']) ? '<i class="fa fa-question-circle-o"></i>' : '').'
if (isset($number)) {
$result .= '
<span class="info-box-number">'.$number.'</span>';
$result .= '
$result .= '
if (!empty($widget['more_link'])) {
$result .= '
return $result;
protected function group($options)
$query = 'SELECT id, id_module, class FROM zz_widgets WHERE id_module = '.prepare($options['id_module']).' AND (|position|) AND enabled = 1 ORDER BY `order` ASC';
// Mobile (tutti i widget a destra)
if (isMobile()) {
if ($options['position'] == 'right') {
$position = "location = '".$options['place']."_right' OR location = '".$options['place']."_top'";
} elseif ($options['position'] == 'top') {
$position = '1=0';
// Widget a destra
elseif ($options['position'] == 'right') {
$position = "location = '".$options['place']."_right'";
// Widget in alto
elseif ($options['position'] == 'top') {
$position = "location = '".$options['place']."_top'";
$query = str_replace('|position|', $position, $query);
// Individuazione dei widget interessati
$database = database();
$widgets = $database->fetchArray($query);
$result = ' ';
// Generazione del codice HTML
if (!empty($widgets)) {
$result = '
<ul class="row widget" id="widget-'.$options['position'].'" data-class="">';
// Aggiungo ad uno ad uno tutti i widget
foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
if ($widget['id_module'] == $database->fetchOne('SELECT id FROM zz_modules WHERE title = "Stato dei servizi"')['id']) {
$result .= '
<li class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 li-widget" id="widget_'.$widget['id'].'" style="height:100% !important;" data-id="'.$widget['id'].'">';
} else {
$result .= '
<li class= "col-sm-6 '.($widget['class'] ?: setting('Dimensione widget predefinita')).' li-widget" id="widget_'.$widget['id'].'" data-id="'.$widget['id'].'">';
$info = array_merge($options, [
'id' => $widget['id'],
$result .= $this->widget($info);
$result .= '
$result .= '
return $result;