mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 01:07:58 +01:00
771 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
771 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
* OpenSTAManager: il software gestionale open source per l'assistenza tecnica e la fatturazione
* Copyright (C) DevCode s.r.l.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use Jurosh\PDFMerge\PDFMerger;
use Mpdf\Mpdf;
use Util\Query;
use Models\Module;
* Classe per la gestione delle informazioni relative alle stampe installate.
* @since 2.3
class Prints
/** @var array Elenco delle stampe disponibili */
protected static $prints = [];
/** @var array Elenco delle stampe per modulo */
protected static $modules = [];
* Restituisce tutte le informazioni di tutti i moduli installati.
* @return array
public static function getPrints()
if (empty(self::$prints)) {
$database = database();
$results = $database->fetchArray('SELECT * FROM zz_prints WHERE enabled = 1 ORDER BY `order`');
$prints = [];
// Inizializzazione dei riferimenti
$modules = Modules::getModules();
foreach ($modules as $module) {
self::$modules[$module['id']] = [];
foreach ($results as $result) {
$result['full_directory'] = base_dir().'/templates/'.$result['directory'];
$prints[$result['id']] = $result;
$prints[$result['name']] = $result['id'];
self::$modules[$result['id_module']][] = $result['id'];
self::$prints = $prints;
return self::$prints;
* Restituisce le informazioni relative a una singolo stampa specificata.
* @param string|int $print
* @return array
public static function get($print)
if (!is_numeric($print) && !empty(self::getPrints()[$print])) {
$print = self::getPrints()[$print];
return self::getPrints()[$print];
* Restituisce le informazioni relative alle stampe di un singolo modulo specificato.
* @param string|int $module
* @return array
public static function getModulePrints($module)
$module_id = Module::find($module)->id;
$result = [];
foreach ((array) self::$modules[$module_id] as $value) {
$print = self::get($value);
if (!empty($print['is_record'])) {
$result[] = $print;
return $result;
* Restituisce le informazioni relative alle stampe di un singolo modulo specificato.
* @param string|int $module
* @return array
public static function getModulePredefinedPrint($module)
$prints = self::getModulePrints($module);
$predefined = array_search(1, array_column($prints, 'predefined'));
if ($predefined !== false) {
return $prints[$predefined];
} elseif (!empty($prints)) {
return $prints[0];
return false;
* Genera la stampa in PDF richiesta.
* @param string|int $print
* @param int $id_record
* @param string $directory
* @param bool $return_string
* @param bool $overwrite
public static function render($print, $id_record, $directory = null, $return_string = false, $overwrite = true)
// ob_end_clean(); // Compatibilità con versioni vecchie delle stampe
$dbo = $database = database();
$infos = self::get($print);
$additional_checks = false;
if (!$return_string) {
$has_access = true;
if (!empty($infos['is_record'])) {
$module = Module::find($infos['id_module']);
$query = Query::getQuery($module, [
'id' => $id_record,
$has_access = !empty($query) ? $dbo->fetchNum($query) !== 0 : true;
$additional_checks = !Permissions::check([], false) || !$has_access;
if (empty($infos) || empty($infos['enabled']) || $additional_checks) {
return false;
// Individuazione della configurazione
if (!empty($directory) && !directory($directory)) {
$error = tr('Non hai i permessi per creare directory e files in _DIRECTORY_', [
'_DIRECTORY_' => $directory,
echo '
<p align="center">'.$error.'</p>';
if (self::isCompletelyCustom($print)) {
return self::customLoader($infos['id'], $id_record, $directory, $return_string);
} elseif (self::isOldStandard($print)) {
return self::oldLoader($infos['id'], $id_record, $directory, $return_string, $overwrite);
} else {
return self::loader($infos['id'], $id_record, $directory, $return_string, $overwrite);
* Individua il link per la stampa.
* @param string|int $print
* @param int $id_record
* @param string $get
* @return string
public static function getHref($print, $id_record, $get = '')
$infos = self::get($print);
if (empty($infos)) {
return false;
$link = base_path().'/pdfgen.php?';
if (self::isOldStandard($infos['id'])) {
$link .= 'ptype='.$infos['directory'];
$link .= !empty($infos['previous']) && !empty($id_record) ? '&'.$infos['previous'].'='.$id_record : '';
} else {
$link .= 'id_print='.$infos['id'];
$link .= !empty($id_record) ? '&id_record='.$id_record : '';
$link .= !empty($get) ? '&'.$get : '';
return $link;
* Restituisce il codice semplificato per il link alla stampa.
* @deprecated 2.4.1
* @param string|int $print
* @param int $id_record
* @param string $btn
* @param string $title
* @param string $icon
* @param string $get
* @return string
public static function getLink($print, $id_record, $btn = null, $title = null, $icon = null, $get = '')
return '{( "name": "button", "type": "print", "id": "'.$print.'", "id_record": "'.$id_record.'", "label": "'.$title.'", "icon": "'.$icon.'", "parameters": "'.$get.'", "class": "'.$btn.'" )}';
* Restituisce il link per la visualizzazione della stampa.
* @param string|int $print
* @param int $id_record
* @param string $directory
* @return string
public static function getPreviewLink($print, $id_record, $directory)
$info = self::render($print, $id_record, $directory);
return self::getPDFLink($info['path'].'?'.rand());
* Restituisce il link per la visualizzazione del PDF.
* @param string $path
* @return string
public static function getPDFLink($path)
return base_path().'/assets/dist/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file='.base_url().'/'.ltrim(str_replace(base_dir(), '', $path.'?'.rand()), '/');
* Individua il percorso per il file.
* @param string|int $template
* @param string $file
* @return string|null
public static function filepath($template, $file)
$template = self::get($template);
$directory = 'templates/'.$template['directory'].'|custom|';
return App::filepath($directory, $file);
* Restituisce un array associativo dalla codifica JSON delle opzioni di stampa.
* @param string $string
* @return array
protected static function readOptions($string)
// Fix per contenuti con newline integrate
$string = str_replace(["\n", "\r"], ['\\n', '\\r'], $string);
$result = (array) json_decode($string, true);
return $result;
* Controlla se la stampa segue lo standard HTML2PDF.
* @param string|int $print
* @return bool
protected static function isOldStandard($print)
$infos = self::get($print);
return file_exists($infos['full_directory'].'/pdfgen.'.$infos['directory'].'.php') || file_exists($infos['full_directory'].'/custom/pdfgen.'.$infos['directory'].'.php');
* Controlla se la stampa segue lo standard MPDF.
* @param string|int $print
* @return bool
protected static function isNewStandard($print)
return !self::isOldStandard($print) && !self::isCompletelyCustom($print);
* Controlla se la stampa segue lo standard completamente autonomo.
* @param string|int $print
* @return bool
protected static function isCompletelyCustom($print)
$infos = self::get($print);
return file_exists($infos['full_directory'].'/stampa.php') || file_exists($infos['full_directory'].'/custom/stampa.php');
* Crea la stampa secondo il formato deprecato HTML2PDF.
* @param string|int $id_print
* @param int $id_record
* @param string $directory
* @param bool $return_string
protected static function oldLoader($id_print, $id_record, $directory = null, $return_string = false, $overwrite = true)
$format = 'A4';
$body = '';
$report = '';
$footer = '';
$infos = self::get($id_print);
$options = self::readOptions($infos['options']);
$docroot = base_dir();
$dbo = $database = database();
$user = Auth::user();
$_GET[$infos['previous']] = $id_record;
${$infos['previous']} = $id_record;
$ptype = $infos['directory'];
$orientation = 'P';
$body_table_params = "style='width:210mm;'";
$table = 'margin-left:1.7mm';
$font_size = '10pt';
// Decido se usare la stampa personalizzata (se esiste) oppure quella standard
if (file_exists($infos['full_directory'].'/custom/pdfgen.'.$infos['directory'].'.php')) {
include $infos['full_directory'].'/custom/pdfgen.'.$infos['directory'].'.php';
} else {
include $infos['full_directory'].'/pdfgen.'.$infos['directory'].'.php';
if (empty($filename)) {
// Sostituzione di variabili generiche
$report = str_replace('$body$', $body, $report);
$report = str_replace('$footer$', $footer, $report);
$report = str_replace('$font_size$', $font_size, $report);
$report = str_replace('$body_table_params$', $body_table_params, $report);
$report = str_replace('$table$', $table, $report);
// Footer di default
if (!string_contains($report, '<page_footer>')) {
$report .= '<page_footer>$default_footer$</page_footer>';
// Operazioni di sostituzione
include base_dir().'/templates/replace.php';
$mode = !empty($directory) ? 'F' : 'I';
$mode = !empty($return_string) ? 'S' : $mode;
$file = self::getFile($infos, $id_record, $directory, $replaces);
$title = $file['name'];
$path = $file['path'];
$html2pdf = new Spipu\Html2Pdf\Html2Pdf($orientation, $format, 'it', true, 'UTF-8');
// Ridenominazione file se l'impostazione è disattivata
if (!$overwrite) {
$index = 1;
$file_parts = pathinfo($path);
$filename_no_extension = $file_parts['filename'];
while (file_exists($directory.'/'.$file_parts['basename'])) {
$path = $file_parts['dirname'].'/'.$filename_no_extension.'_'.$index++.'.'.$file_parts['extension'];
$file_parts = pathinfo($path);
$pdf = $html2pdf->output($path, $mode);
$file['pdf'] = $pdf;
} else {
$file = self::getFile($infos, $id_record, $directory, $replaces);
$file['pdf'] = file_get_contents($filename);
return $file;
protected static function getFile($record, $id_record, $directory, $original_replaces)
$module = Module::find($record['id_module']);
$name = $record['filename'].'.pdf';
$name = $module->replacePlaceholders($id_record, $name);
$replaces = [];
foreach ($original_replaces as $key => $value) {
$key = str_replace('$', '', $key);
$replaces['{'.$key.'}'] = $value;
$name = replace($name, $replaces);
$filename = sanitizeFilename($name);
$file = (empty($directory)) ? $filename : rtrim($directory, '/').'/'.$filename;
return [
'name' => $name,
'path' => $file,
* Crea la stampa secondo il formato modulare MPDF.
* @param string|int $id_print
* @param int $id_record
* @param string $directory
* @param bool $return_string
protected static function loader($id_print, $id_record, $directory = null, $return_string = false, $overwrite = true)
$infos = self::get($id_print);
$options = self::readOptions($infos['options']);
$dbo = $database = database();
$user = Auth::user();
// Generazione a singoli pezzi
$single_pieces = self::filepath($id_print, 'piece.php');
// Impostazioni di default
$default = include App::filepath('templates/base|custom|', 'settings.php');
// Impostazioni personalizzate della stampa
$print_settings = self::filepath($id_print, 'settings.php');
if (!empty($print_settings)) {
$custom = include $print_settings;
// Individuazione delle impostazioni finali
$settings = array_merge($default, (array) $custom);
$settings = array_merge($settings, (array) $options);
// Individuazione delle variabili fondamentali per la sostituzione dei contenuti
$print_init = self::filepath($id_print, 'init.php');
if (!empty($print_init)) {
include $print_init;
// Individuazione delle variabili per la sostituzione
include base_dir().'/templates/info.php';
// Instanziamento dell'oggetto mPDF
$mpdf = new Mpdf([
'format' => $settings['format'],
'orientation' => strtoupper($settings['orientation']) == 'L' ? 'L' : 'P',
'font-size' => $settings['font-size'],
'margin_left' => $settings['margins']['left'],
'margin_right' => $settings['margins']['right'],
'setAutoTopMargin' => $settings['margins']['top'] === 'auto' ? 'stretch' : false,
'margin_top' => $settings['margins']['top'] === 'auto' ? 0 : $settings['margins']['top'], // Disabilitato se setAutoTopMargin impostato
'setAutoBottomMargin' => $settings['margins']['bottom'] === 'auto' ? 'stretch' : false,
'margin_bottom' => $settings['margins']['bottom'] === 'auto' ? 0 : $settings['margins']['bottom'], // Disabilitato se setAutoBottomMargin impostato
'default_font' => 'dejavusanscondensed',
'tempDir' => base_dir().'/files/temp',
// Abilitazione per lo standard PDF/A
// 'PDFA' => true,
// 'PDFAauto' => true,
if (setting('Filigrana stampe')) {
base_dir().'/files/anagrafiche/'.setting('Filigrana stampe'),
// false = 'showWatermarkImage' => false,
if ($settings['showWatermarkImage'] == null) {
$mpdf->showWatermarkImage = true;
} else {
$mpdf->showWatermarkImage = intval($settings['showWatermarkImage']);
// Inclusione dei fogli di stile CSS
$styles = [
App::filepath('templates/base|custom|', 'bootstrap.css'),
App::filepath('templates/base|custom|', 'style.css'),
foreach ($styles as $value) {
$mpdf->WriteHTML(file_get_contents($value), 1);
// Impostazione del font-size
$mpdf->WriteHTML('body {font-size: '.$settings['font-size'].'pt;}', 1);
// Generazione totale
if (empty($single_pieces)) {
$print_body = self::filepath($id_print, 'body.php');
if (!empty($print_body)) {
include $print_body;
$report = ob_get_clean();
if (!empty($autofill)) {
$result = $autofill->generate();
$report = str_replace('|autofill|', $result, $report);
if (empty($filename)) {
// Generazione dei contenuti dell'header
$print_header = self::filepath($id_print, 'header.php');
if (!empty($print_header)) {
include $print_header;
$head = ob_get_clean();
// Header di default
$head = !empty($head) ? $head : '$default_header$';
// Generazione dei contenuti del footer
$print_footer = self::filepath($id_print, 'footer.php');
if (!empty($print_footer)) {
include $print_footer;
$foot = ob_get_clean();
// Footer di default
$foot = !empty($foot) ? $foot : '$default_footer$';
// Operazioni di sostituzione
include base_dir().'/templates/replace.php';
// Impostazione di header e footer
// Generazione dei contenuti della stampa
if (!empty($single_pieces)) {
$print_top = self::filepath($id_print, 'top.php');
if (!empty($print_top)) {
include $print_top;
$top = ob_get_clean();
$top = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $top);
$print_piece = self::filepath($id_print, 'piece.php');
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (!empty($print_piece)) {
include $print_piece;
$piece = ob_get_clean();
$print_bottom = self::filepath($id_print, 'bottom.php');
if (!empty($print_bottom)) {
include $print_bottom;
$bottom = ob_get_clean();
$bottom = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $bottom);
$report = '';
// Footer per l'ultima pagina
if (!empty($options['last-page-footer'])) {
$is_last_page = true;
// Generazione dei contenuti del footer
$print_footer = self::filepath($id_print, 'footer.php');
if (!empty($print_footer)) {
include $print_footer;
$foot = ob_get_clean();
// Operazioni di sostituzione
include base_dir().'/templates/replace.php';
$mode = !empty($directory) ? 'F' : 'I';
$mode = !empty($return_string) ? 'S' : $mode;
$file = self::getFile($infos, $id_record, $directory, $replaces);
$title = $file['name'];
$path = $file['path'];
// Ridenominazione file se l'impostazione è disattivata
if (!$overwrite) {
$index = 1;
$file_parts = pathinfo($path);
$filename_no_extension = $file_parts['filename'];
while (file_exists($directory.'/'.$file_parts['basename'])) {
$path = $file_parts['dirname'].'/'.$filename_no_extension.'_'.$index++.'.'.$file_parts['extension'];
$file_parts = pathinfo($path);
// Impostazione del titolo del PDF
// Aggiunta dei contenuti
// Impostazione footer per l'ultima pagina
if (!empty($options['last-page-footer'])) {
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<div class="hidden">'.$foot.'</div>');
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<div style="position:absolute; bottom: 13mm; margin-right: '.$settings['margins']['right'].'mm">'.$foot.'</div>');
$id_files = $dbo->select('zz_files_print', 'id_file', [], ['id_print' => $id_print]);
$has_pdf = false;
foreach ($id_files as $id_file) {
$fil = Models\Upload::find($id_file)->first();
if ($fil->isImage()) {
$link = base_path().'/'.$fil->filepath;
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<pagebreak />');
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<img src="'.$link.'"></img>');
} elseif ($fil->isPdf()) {
$has_pdf = true;
// Creazione effettiva del PDF
if ($has_pdf) {
$pdf_merger = new PDFMerger();
$mpdf->Output(base_dir().'/files/'.$infos['directory'].'/'.basename($path), 'F');
foreach ($id_files as $id_file) {
$fil = Models\Upload::find($id_file)->first();
$pdf_merger->addPDF(base_dir().'/'.$fil->file_path, 'all');
$mode_merger = ($mode == 'F' ? 'file' : ($mode == 'D' ? 'download' : ($mode == 'S' ? 'string' : 'I')));
$path_merger = $mode == 'F' ? base_dir().'/files/'.$infos['directory'].'/'.basename($path) : $path;
$pdf = $pdf_merger->merge($mode_merger, $path_merger);
} else {
$pdf = $mpdf->Output($path, $mode);
$file['pdf'] = $pdf;
} else {
$file = self::getFile($infos, $id_record, $directory, $replaces);
$file['pdf'] = file_get_contents($filename);
$file['pages'] = $mpdf->pages;
return $file;
* Gestore per il formato di stampa completamente gestito dalla stampa stessa.
* Rischiede la compilazione della variabile $file, utilizzata coe return.
* @param null $directory
* @param false $return_string
* @return array
protected static function customLoader($id_print, $id_record, $directory = null, $return_string = false)
$infos = self::get($id_print);
$options = self::readOptions($infos['options']);
$dbo = $database = database();
$user = Auth::user();
$file = null;
// Decido se usare la stampa personalizzata (se esiste) oppure quella standard
// La stampa personalizzata deve gestire tutto manualmente
if (file_exists($infos['full_directory'].'/custom/stampa.php')) {
include $infos['full_directory'].'/custom/stampa.php';
} else {
include $infos['full_directory'].'/stampa.php';
return $file;