
116 lines
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return [
| Configurations
| The following describes a set of configurations that can be used
| independently. Because Vite does not support generating multiple
| bundles, using separate configuration files is necessary.
'configs' => [
'default' => [
'entrypoints' => [
'paths' => [
'ignore' => '/\\.(d\\.ts|json)$/',
'dev_server' => [
'enabled' => true,
'url' => env('DEV_SERVER_URL', 'http://localhost:3000'),
'ping_before_using_manifest' => true,
'ping_url' => null,
'ping_timeout' => 1,
'key' => env('DEV_SERVER_KEY'),
'cert' => env('DEV_SERVER_CERT'),
'build_path' => 'build',
| Aliases
| You can define aliases to avoid having to make relative imports.
| Aliases will be written to tsconfig.json automatically so your IDE
| can know how to resolve them.
'aliases' => [
'@osm' => 'resources/js',
'@osm-images' => 'public/images',
'@osm-scss' => 'resources/scss',
| Commands
| Before starting the development server or building the assets, you
| may need to run specific commands. With these options, you can
| define what to run, automatically.
'commands' => [
'artisan' => [
// 'typescript:generate'
'shell' => [],
| Testing
| Depending on the way you are testing your application,
| you may or may not need to use the manifest. This option controls
| the manifest should be used in the "testing" environment.
'testing' => [
'use_manifest' => false,
| Environment variable prefixes
| This option defines the prefixes that environment variables must
| have in order to be accessible from the front-end.
'env_prefixes' => ['VITE_', 'MIX_', 'SCRIPT_'],
| Default interfaces
| Here you may change how some parts of the package work by replacing
| their associated logic.
'interfaces' => [
'heartbeat_checker' => Innocenzi\Vite\HeartbeatCheckers\HttpHeartbeatChecker::class,
'tag_generator' => Innocenzi\Vite\TagGenerators\CallbackTagGenerator::class,
'entrypoints_finder' => Innocenzi\Vite\EntrypointsFinder\DefaultEntrypointsFinder::class,
| Default configuration
| Here you may specify which of the configurations above you wish
| to use as your default one.
'default' => env('VITE_DEFAULT_CONFIG', 'default'),