. */ namespace API\App\v1; use API\Interfaces\CreateInterface; use API\Interfaces\RetrieveInterface; use API\Resource; use Modules\Emails\Mail; use Modules\Emails\Template; use Notifications\EmailNotification; class RapportinoIntervento extends Resource implements RetrieveInterface, CreateInterface { public function retrieve($request) { $database = database(); $id_record = $request['id']; $template = Template::where('name', 'Rapportino intervento')->first(); $module = $template->module; $account = $template->account; $body = $module->replacePlaceholders($id_record, $template['body']); $subject = $module->replacePlaceholders($id_record, $template['subject']); $email = $module->replacePlaceholders($id_record, '{email}'); $prints = $database->fetchArray('SELECT id, title, EXISTS(SELECT id_print FROM em_print_template WHERE id_template = '.prepare($template['id']).' AND em_print_template.id_print = zz_prints.id) AS selected FROM zz_prints WHERE id_module = '.prepare($module->id).' AND enabled = 1'); return [ 'sender' => $account['from_name'].'<'.$account['from_address'].'>', 'email' => $email, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'prints' => $prints, 'read_notify' => $template->read_notify, ]; } public function create($request) { $data = $request['data']; $id_record = $data['id']; $template = Template::where('name', 'Rapportino intervento')->first(); $mail = Mail::build($this->getUser(), $template, $id_record); // Rimozione allegati predefiniti $mail->resetPrints(); // Destinatari $receivers = $data['receivers']; foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { $mail->addReceiver($receiver['email'], $receiver['tipo']); } // Contenuti $mail->subject = $data['subject']; $mail->content = $data['body']; $mail->read_notify = $data['read_notify']; // Stampe da allegare $prints = $data['prints']; foreach ($prints as $print_id) { $mail->addPrint($print_id); } $mail->save(); // Tentativo di invio diretto $email = EmailNotification::build($mail); $email_success = $email->send(); // Rimozione email in casi di errore if (!$email_success) { $mail->delete(); } return [ 'sent' => $email_success, ]; } }