{[ "type": "text", "label": "", "name": "numero", "required": 1, "class": "text-center", "value": "$numero$" ]}
{[ "type": "text", "label": "", "name": "numero_esterno", "class": "text-center", "value": "$numero_esterno$" ]}
{[ "type": "date", "label": "", "name": "data", "required": 1, "value": "$data$" ]}
getByField('name', 'Evaso', Models\Locale::getPredefined()->id);
$id_stato_parz_evaso = (new Stato())->getByField('name', 'Parzialmente evaso', Models\Locale::getPredefined()->id);
$id_stato_fatt = (new Stato())->getByField('name', 'Fatturato', Models\Locale::getPredefined()->id);
$id_stato_parz_fatt = (new Stato())->getByField('name', 'Parzialmente fatturato', Models\Locale::getPredefined()->id);
if ($ordine->stato->id == $id_stato_fatt || $ordine->stato->id == $id_stato_parz_fatt || $ordine->stato->id == $id_stato_evaso || $ordine->stato->id == $id_stato_parz_evaso) {
{[ "type": "select", "label": "", "name": "idstatoordine", "required": 1, "values": "query=SELECT `or_statiordine`.*, `or_statiordine_lang`.`name` as descrizione, `colore` AS _bgcolor_ FROM `or_statiordine` LEFT JOIN `or_statiordine_lang` ON (`or_statiordine_lang`.`id_record` = `or_statiordine`.`id` AND `or_statiordine_lang`.`id_lang` = id); ?>) ORDER BY `name`", "value": "$idstatoordine$", "extra": "readonly", "class": "unblockable" ]}
{[ "type": "select", "label": "", "name": "idstatoordine", "required": 1, "values": "query=SELECT `or_statiordine`.*, `or_statiordine_lang`.`name` as descrizione, `colore` AS _bgcolor_ FROM `or_statiordine` LEFT JOIN `or_statiordine_lang` ON (`or_statiordine_lang`.`id_record` = `or_statiordine`.`id` AND `or_statiordine_lang`.`id_lang` = id); ?>) WHERE (`is_fatturabile` = 0 AND `name` != 'Fatturato' || `name` = 'Accettato') ORDER BY `name`", "value": "$idstatoordine$", "class": "unblockable" ]}
{[ "type": "select", "label": "", "name": "idstatoordine", "required": 1, "values": "query=SELECT `or_statiordine`.*, `colore` AS _bgcolor_, `or_statiordine_lang`.`name` as descrizione FROM `or_statiordine` LEFT JOIN `or_statiordine_lang` ON (`or_statiordine_lang`.`id_record` = `or_statiordine`.`id` AND `or_statiordine_lang`.`id_lang` = id); ?>) ORDER BY `name`", "value": "$idstatoordine$", "class": "unblockable" ]}
if ($record['idagente'] != 0) {
echo Modules::link('Anagrafiche', $record['idagente'], null, null, 'class="pull-right"');
echo '
{[ "type": "select", "label": "'.tr('Agente').'", "name": "idagente", "ajax-source": "agenti", "select-options": {"idanagrafica": '.$record['idanagrafica'].'}, "value": "$idagente$" ]}