. */ include_once __DIR__.'/core.php'; $file_id = filter('file_id'); $file = Models\Upload::find($file_id); if (empty($file)) { return; } $link = base_path().'/'.$file->filepath; // Force download of the file if (get('force') == '1') { header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($file->original_name) . "\""); readfile($docroot.'/'.$file->filepath); exit(); } else { if ($file->isFatturaElettronica()) { $content = file_get_contents(base_dir().'/'.$file->filepath); // Individuazione stylesheet $default_stylesheet = 'asso-invoice'; $name = basename($file->original_name); $filename = explode('.', $name)[0]; $pieces = explode('_', $filename); $stylesheet = $pieces[2]; $stylesheet = base_dir().'/plugins/xml/'.$stylesheet.'.xsl'; $stylesheet = file_exists($stylesheet) ? $stylesheet : base_dir().'/plugins/xml/'.$default_stylesheet.'.xsl'; // XML $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->loadXML($content); // XSL $xsl = new DOMDocument(); $xsl->load($stylesheet); // XSLT $xslt = new XSLTProcessor(); $xslt->importStylesheet($xsl); echo ' '; echo $xslt->transformToXML($xml); } else { echo ' '; if ($file->isImage()) { echo ' '; } else { if ($file->isPDF()) { $src = \Prints::getPDFLink($file->filepath); } echo ' '; } } }