import '@material/mwc-linear-progress';
import '@material/mwc-list/mwc-list-item';
import '../../WebComponents/Select';
import {type Cash} from 'cash-dom/dist/cash';
import {
type Children,
type Vnode
} from 'mithril';
import Component from '../Component.jsx';
import Mdi from '../Mdi.jsx';
import TableColumn from './TableColumn.jsx';
import TableFooter from './TableFooter.jsx';
import TableRow from './TableRow.jsx';
export default class DataTable extends Component {
rows: Cash[];
columns: Children[];
footer: Children[];
rowsPerPage = {
options: [10, 25, 50, 75, 100],
default: 10
onbeforeupdate(vnode) {
const children = (vnode.children: Children[]).flat();
this.rows = this.tableRows(children);
this.columns = this.filterElements(children, TableColumn);
this.footer = this.filterElements(children, TableFooter);
const rowsPerPage = this.attrs.get('rows-per-page');
if (rowsPerPage) {
this.rowsPerPage.options = rowsPerPage.split(',')
.map((value: string) => Number.parseInt(value, 10));
let defaultRowsPerPage = this.attrs.get('default-rows-per-page');
if (Number.isInteger(defaultRowsPerPage)) {
defaultRowsPerPage = Number.parseInt(defaultRowsPerPage, 10);
if (!this.rowsPerPage.options.includes(defaultRowsPerPage)) {
[this.rowsPerPage.default] = this.rowsPerPage.options;
view(vnode) {
{this.attrs.has('checkable') && }
{this.attrs.has('paginated') &&
{__('Righe per pagina')}
rowsPerPage => (
{__('1-:chunk di :total', {
chunk: 10,
total: 100
tableRows(children: Children[]): Children[] {
let rows = this.filterElements(children, TableRow);
if (this.attrs.has('checkable')) {
rows = Vnode) => (
return rows;
filterElements(elements: Children[], tag: Component | string): Children[] {
const filtered = [];
for (const element: Vnode of elements) {
if (element.tag === tag) {
return filtered;
oncreate(vnode) {
.find('thead th[sortable], thead th[sortable] mwc-icon-button-toggle')
.on('click', this.onColumnClicked.bind(this));
showProgress() {
.find('.mdc-data-table__progress-indicator mwc-linear-progress')
hideProgress() {
.find('.mdc-data-table__progress-indicator mwc-linear-progress')
onColumnClicked(event: Event) {
const column: Cash = $(
const ascendingClass = 'mdc-data-table__header-cell--sorted';
const descendingClass = 'mdc-data-table__header-cell--sorted-descending';
// If it's already sorted change direction
if (column.hasClass(ascendingClass)) {
// Clean previously sorted info and arrows
const columns = $(this.element)
.find('thead th');
// Add ony one header to sort
// Check if need descending sorting
const isDescending = column.hasClass(descendingClass);
// Do sorting
this.sortTable(column.index() + 1, isDescending, column.attr('type') === 'numeric');
sortTable(columnIndex: number, isDescending: boolean, isNumeric: boolean) {
const sorted = [...$(this.element)
.find(`tr td:nth-child(${columnIndex})`)].sort((a: HTMLElement, b: HTMLElement) => {
let aValue = a.textContent;
let bValue = b.textContent;
if (isNumeric) {
aValue = Number.parseFloat(aValue);
bValue = Number.parseFloat(bValue);
if (!isDescending) {
const temporary = aValue;
aValue = bValue;
bValue = temporary;
if (typeof aValue === 'string') {
return aValue.localeCompare(bValue);
return aValue < bValue ? -1 : (aValue > bValue ? 1 : 0);
for (const cell of sorted) {
const row = $(cell)