import '@osm/../scss/app.scss'; import {createInertiaApp} from '@maicol07/inertia-mithril'; import {showSnackbar} from '@osm/utils/misc'; import Mithril from 'mithril'; import Stream from 'mithril/stream'; import {pwaInfo} from 'virtual:pwa-info'; import {registerSW} from 'virtual:pwa-register'; import {resolvePage} from '~inertia'; import {OpenSTAManager} from './typings/modules'; import { __ as stringTranslator, _v as vnodeTranslator, tr as translator } from './utils/i18n'; // Let vite process assets import.meta.glob([ '../images/**', '../fonts/**' ]); // Variabili globali window.m = Mithril; = translator; window._v = vnodeTranslator; window.__ = stringTranslator; // Load modules bootstrap file import.meta.glob('../../vendor/**/**/resources/{js,ts}/bootstrap.{tsx,ts,js,jsx}', {eager: true}); // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports,import/prefer-default-export,prefer-const export const titleCallback = Stream((title: string) => `${title} - OpenSTAManager`); await createInertiaApp({ title: (title) => titleCallback()(title), // This rule is disabled to avoid a bug in Inertia plugin // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style resolve: resolvePage(() => { return import.meta.glob('./Views/**/*.tsx'); }), setup({el, App, props}) { if (!el) { throw new Error('No mounting HTMLElement found'); } m.mount(el, { view: () => m(App, props) }); } }); // PWA const updateSW = registerSW({ async onNeedRefresh() { const action = await showSnackbar(__('Aggiornamento del frontend disponibile!'), false, __('Ricarica'), __('Annulla')); if (action === 'action') { await updateSW(); } }, onOfflineReady() { void showSnackbar(__('È ora possibile lavorare offline!'), false); } }) as (reloadPage?: boolean) => Promise; if (pwaInfo) { const {href, useCredentials} = pwaInfo.webManifest; /* Add link to head: href is the link */ const linkElement = document.createElement('link'); linkElement.setAttribute('rel', 'manifest'); linkElement.setAttribute('href', href); if (useCredentials) { linkElement.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'use-credentials'); } document.head.append(linkElement); }