2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
< ? php
2020-09-07 15:04:06 +02:00
* OpenSTAManager : il software gestionale open source per l ' assistenza tecnica e la fatturazione
2021-01-20 15:08:51 +01:00
* Copyright ( C ) DevCode s . r . l .
2020-09-07 15:04:06 +02:00
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < https :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../core.php' ;
2020-12-31 16:13:28 +01:00
$date_start = session ( 'period_start' );
$date_end = session ( 'period_end' );
2018-07-08 15:41:38 +02:00
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
// Intestazione tabella per righe
echo "
< h3 class = 'text-bold' > " .tr('Spesometro dal _START_ al _END_', [
2021-01-04 18:54:23 +01:00
'_START_' => dateFormat ( $date_start ),
'_END_' => dateFormat ( $date_end ),
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
], [ 'upper' => true ]) . " </h3>
< table class = 'table table-bordered' >
< thead >
< tr >
2017-10-31 19:22:09 +01:00
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:10%' > " .tr('Ragione sociale', [], ['upper' => true]). " </ th >
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:15%' > " .tr('P.Iva', [], ['upper' => true]). " </ th >
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:25%' > " .tr('Documento', [], ['upper' => true]). " </ th >
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:20%' > " .tr('Aliquota', [], ['upper' => true]). " </ th >
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:10%' > " .tr('Imponibile', [], ['upper' => true]). " </ th >
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:10%' > " .tr('IVA', [], ['upper' => true]). " </ th >
< th class = 'text-center' style = 'width:10%' > " .tr('Totale', [], ['upper' => true]).'</th>
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody > ' ;
$imponibile = [];
$iva = [];
$totale = [];
$anagrafiche = $dbo -> fetchArray ( 'SELECT idanagrafica, piva, ragione_sociale FROM `an_anagrafiche` WHERE `idanagrafica` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `idanagrafica` FROM `co_documenti` WHERE co_documenti.data>=' . prepare ( $date_start ) . ' AND co_documenti.data<=' . prepare ( $date_end ) . ' AND `co_documenti`.`id` IN (SELECT `iddocumento` FROM co_movimenti WHERE primanota = 1)) ORDER BY `ragione_sociale`' );
foreach ( $anagrafiche as $i => $anagrafica ) {
$fatture = $dbo -> fetchArray ( 'SELECT `co_documenti`.*, `co_tipidocumento`.`descrizione` AS tipo_documento, `co_tipidocumento`.`dir` FROM `co_documenti` JOIN `co_tipidocumento` ON `co_tipidocumento`.`id` = `co_documenti`.`idtipodocumento` WHERE `co_documenti`.`idanagrafica` = ' . prepare ( $anagrafica [ 'idanagrafica' ]) . ' AND `co_documenti`.`id` IN (SELECT `iddocumento` FROM co_movimenti WHERE primanota = 1) AND co_documenti.data>=' . prepare ( $date_start ) . ' AND co_documenti.data<=' . prepare ( $date_end ) . ' ORDER BY `data`' );
$num = 0 ;
foreach ( $fatture as $key => $fattura ) {
$righe = $dbo -> fetchArray ( 'SELECT `idiva`, `desc_iva`, SUM(subtotale) - SUM(sconto) AS imponibile, SUM(iva) AS iva, SUM(subtotale) - SUM(sconto) + SUM(iva) AS totale FROM `co_righe_documenti` WHERE iddocumento=' . prepare ( $fattura [ 'id' ]) . ' GROUP BY `idiva`, `desc_iva` ORDER BY `idiva`' );
$fatture [ $key ][ 'righe' ] = $righe ;
$num += count ( $righe );
$extra = ( $i % 2 ) != 0 ? ' class="row-bg"' : '' ;
if ( $num > 0 ) {
echo '
< tr '.$extra.' >
< td rowspan = " '. $num .' " >
'.$anagrafica[' ragione_sociale '].'
</ td > ' ;
// Partita IVA
echo '
< td rowspan = " '. $num .' " >
'.$anagrafica[' piva '].'
</ td > ' ;
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $fatture as $fattura ) {
$descrizione = tr ( '_DOC_ num. _NUM_ del _DATE_' , [
'_DOC_' => $fattura [ 'tipo_documento' ],
'_NUM_' => ! empty ( $fattura [ 'numero_esterno' ]) ? $fattura [ 'numero_esterno' ] : $fattura [ 'numero' ],
2021-01-04 18:54:23 +01:00
'_DATE_' => dateFormat ( $fattura [ 'data' ]),
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
// Documenti replicati per IVA
foreach ( $fattura [ 'righe' ] as $riga ) {
if ( $count != 0 ) {
echo '
< tr '.$extra.' > ' ;
++ $count ;
// Documento
echo '
< td >
</ td > ' ;
// Descrizione IVA
echo '
< td >
'.$riga[' desc_iva '].'
</ td > ' ;
// Imponible
echo '
< td class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
'.moneyFormat($riga[' imponibile ']).'
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ td > ' ;
// IVA
echo '
< td class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
'.moneyFormat($riga[' iva ']).'
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ td > ' ;
// Totale
echo '
< td class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
'.moneyFormat($riga[' totale ']).'
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ td >
</ tr > ' ;
if ( empty ( $iva [ $riga [ 'desc_iva' ]])) {
$iva [ $riga [ 'desc_iva' ]] = [];
$imponibile [] = $riga [ 'imponibile' ];
$iva [ $riga [ 'desc_iva' ]][] = $riga [ 'iva' ];
$totale [] = $riga [ 'totale' ];
echo '
</ tbody > ' ;
// Totale imponibile
echo '
< tr >
< td colspan = " 4 " class = " text-right " >
< b > '.tr(' Imponibile ', [], [' upper ' => true]).' :</ b >
</ td >
< th colspan = " 3 " class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
< b > '.moneyFormat(sum($imponibile)).' </ b >
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ th >
</ tr > ' ;
foreach ( $iva as $desc => $values ) {
$sum = sum ( $values );
// Totale IVA
echo '
< tr >
< td colspan = " 4 " class = " text-right " >
< b > '.tr(' IVA " _TYPE_ " ' , [
'_TYPE_' => $desc ,
], [ 'upper' => true ]) . ' :</ b >
</ td >
< th colspan = " 3 " class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
< b > '.moneyFormat($sum).' </ b >
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ th >
</ tr > ' ;
$totale_iva += $sum ;
// Totale IVA
echo '
< tr >
< td colspan = " 4 " class = " text-right " >
< b > '.tr(' Totale IVA ', [], [' upper ' => true]).' :</ b >
</ td >
< th colspan = " 3 " class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
< b > '.moneyFormat($totale_iva).' </ b >
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ th >
</ tr > ' ;
echo '
< tr >
< td colspan = " 4 " class = " text-right " >
< b > '.tr(' Totale ', [], [' upper ' => true]).' :</ b >
</ td >
< th colspan = " 3 " class = " text-center " >
2019-04-12 17:56:39 -07:00
< b > '.moneyFormat(sum($totale)).' </ b >
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
</ th >
</ tr > ' ;
echo '
</ table > ' ;