2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
< ? php
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../core.php' ;
$idordine = save ( $_GET [ 'idordine' ]);
$show_costi = get_var ( 'Stampa i prezzi sugli ordini' );
// Lettura info ordine
$q = " SELECT *, (SELECT descrizione FROM or_tipiordine WHERE or_tipiordine.id=idtipoordine) AS tipo_doc, (SELECT descrizione FROM co_pagamenti WHERE id=idpagamento) AS tipo_pagamento FROM or_ordini WHERE id=' " . $idordine . " ' " ;
$rs = $dbo -> fetchArray ( $q );
$numero_ord = $rs [ 0 ][ 'numero' ];
$idcliente = $rs [ 0 ][ 'idanagrafica' ];
( ! empty ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'numero_esterno' ])) ? $numero = $rs [ 0 ][ 'numero_esterno' ] : $numero = $rs [ 0 ][ 'numero' ];
// Lettura righe ordine
$q2 = " SELECT * FROM or_righe_ordini WHERE idordine=' " . $idordine . " ' " ;
$righe = $dbo -> fetchArray ( $q2 );
// carica report html
$report = file_get_contents ( $docroot . '/templates/ordini/ordine.html' );
$body = file_get_contents ( $docroot . '/templates/ordini/ordine_body.html' );
include_once $docroot . '/templates/pdfgen_variables.php' ;
// Dati generici fattura
$body .= " <table style='width:200mm;' class='table_values' border='0' cellspacing='1'> \n " ;
$body .= " <tr><td width='229' class='center'><b> " . $rs [ 0 ][ 'tipo_doc' ] . " </b><br/>n<sup>o</sup> $numero </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td width='229' class='center'><b>Data:</b><br/> " . Translator :: dateToLocale ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'data' ]) . " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td width='229' class='center'><b>Pagamento:</b><br/> " . $rs [ 0 ][ 'tipo_pagamento' ] . " </td></tr> \n " ;
$body .= " </table><br/><br/> \n " ;
// Intestazione tabella per righe
$body .= " <table class='table_values' border='0' cellspacing='1' style='table-layout:fixed;'> \n " ;
$body .= " <col width='300'><col width='50'><col width='40'><col width='90'><col width='75'><col width='60'><col width='78'> \n " ;
$body .= " <thead> \n " ;
$body .= " <tr><th width='300'>Descrizione</th> \n " ;
$body .= " <th width='50' align='center'>Q.tà</th> \n " ;
$body .= " <th width='40' align='center'>u.m.</th> \n " ;
$body .= " <th width='90' align='center'>Costo unitario</th> \n " ;
$body .= " <th width='60' align='center'>Iva</th> \n " ;
$body .= " <th width='75' align='center'>Imponibile</th></tr> \n " ;
$body .= " </thead> \n " ;
$body .= " <tbody> \n " ;
// Mostro le righe del ordine
$totale_ordine = 0.00 ;
$totale_imponibile = 0.00 ;
$totale_iva = 0.00 ;
$sconto = 0.00 ;
2017-09-07 16:51:14 +02:00
$q_art = " SELECT *, CONCAT_WS(serial, 'SN: ', ', ') AS codice, SUM(qta) AS sumqta FROM `or_righe_ordini` JOIN mg_prodotti ON or_righe_ordini.idarticolo = mg_prodotti.id_articolo GROUP BY idarticolo, idordine, lotto HAVING idordine=' $idordine ' AND NOT idarticolo='0' ORDER BY idarticolo ASC " ;
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
$rs_art = $dbo -> fetchArray ( $q_art );
$tot_art = sizeof ( $rs_art );
$imponibile_art = 0.0 ;
$iva_art = 0.0 ;
if ( $tot_art > 0 ) {
$prec_art = '' ;
$riga_art = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $tot_art ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'idarticolo' ] != $prec_art ) {
$q_art = 0 ;
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell'> \n " ;
$body .= nl2br ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'descrizione' ]);
if ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'codice' ] != '' ) {
$body .= '<br/><small>' . $rs_art [ $i ][ 'codice' ] . " </small> \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'sumqta' ], 2 ) . " \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= $rs_art [ $i ][ 'um' ] . " \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ] / $rs_art [ $i ][ 'sumqta' ], 2 ) . " € \n " ;
} else {
$body .= '-' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Iva
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$iva = $rs_art [ $i ][ 'iva' ];
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $iva , 2 ) . " € \n " ;
} else {
$body .= '-' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Imponibile
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ], 2 ) . " € \n " ;
if ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'sconto' ] > 0 ) {
$body .= " <br/> \n <small style='color:#555;'>- sconto " . Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_art [ $i ][ 'sconto' ], 2 ) . " €</small> \n " ;
} else {
$body .= '-' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$imponibile_art += $rs_art [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ];
$iva_art += $iva ;
$sconto += $rs_art [ $i ][ 'sconto' ];
$imponibile_ordine += $imponibile_art ;
$totale_iva += $iva_art ;
$totale_ordine += $imponibile_art ;
Righe generiche
$q_gen = " SELECT * FROM `or_righe_ordini` WHERE idordine=' $idordine ' AND idarticolo=0 " ;
$rs_gen = $dbo -> fetchArray ( $q_gen );
$tot_gen = sizeof ( $rs_gen );
$imponibile_gen = 0.0 ;
$iva_gen = 0.0 ;
if ( $tot_gen > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $tot_gen ; ++ $i ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell'> \n " ;
$body .= nl2br ( $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'descrizione' ]);
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'qta' ], 2 ) . " \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'um' ] . " \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ] / $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'qta' ], 2 ) . " € \n " ;
} else {
$body .= '-' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Iva
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$iva = $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'iva' ];
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $iva , 2 ) . " € \n " ;
} else {
$body .= '-' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Imponibile
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ], 2 ) . " € \n " ;
if ( $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'sconto' ] > 0 ) {
$body .= " <br/> \n <small style='color:#555;'>- sconto " . Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'sconto' ], 2 ) . " €</small> \n " ;
} else {
$body .= '-' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$imponibile_gen += $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ];
$iva_gen += $iva ;
$sconto += $rs_gen [ $i ][ 'sconto' ];
$imponibile_ordine += $imponibile_gen ;
$totale_iva += $iva_gen ;
$totale_ordine += $imponibile_gen ;
// Totale imponibile
if ( $show_costi ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Totale imponibile:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $imponibile_ordine , 2 ) . ' €' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
// Mostra sconto se c'è
if ( abs ( $sconto ) > 0 ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Sconto:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Sconto
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $sconto , 2 ) . ' €' ;
$body .= '</td>' ;
$body .= " </tr> \n " ;
// Totale scontato
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Totale scontato:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Sconto
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$totale_ordine = $imponibile_ordine - $sconto ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $totale_ordine , 2 ) . ' €' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
// Mostra INPS se c'è
if ( abs ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'rivalsainps' ]) > 0 ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Rivalsa INPS:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Rivalsa INPS
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'rivalsainps' ], 2 ) . ' €' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$totale_ordine += $rs [ 0 ][ 'rivalsainps' ];
// Mostra iva se c'è
$totale_iva += $rs [ 0 ][ 'iva_rivalsainps' ];
if ( abs ( $totale_iva ) > 0 ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Iva:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Iva
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $totale_iva , 2 ) . " € \n " ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$totale_ordine += $totale_iva ;
Totale ordine
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Totale ordine:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell_h center'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>' . Translator :: numberToLocale ( $totale_ordine , 2 ) . " €</b> \n " ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$netto_a_pagare = $totale_ordine ;
// Mostra marca da bollo se c'è
if ( abs ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'bollo' ]) > 0 ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Marca da bollo:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Marca da bollo
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$marca_da_bollo = str_replace ( ',' , '.' , $rs [ 0 ][ 'bollo' ]);
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $marca_da_bollo , 2 ) . ' €' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$netto_a_pagare += $marca_da_bollo ;
// Mostra ritenuta d'acconto se c'è
if ( abs ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'ritenutaacconto' ]) > 0 ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= " <b>Ritenuta d'acconto:</b> " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
// Ritenuta d'acconto
$body .= " <td class='table_cell center'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'ritenutaacconto' ], 2 ) . ' €' ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$netto_a_pagare -= $rs [ 0 ][ 'ritenutaacconto' ];
Netto a pagare ( se diverso dal totale )
if ( $totale_ordine != $netto_a_pagare ) {
$body .= " <tr><td class='first_cell' colspan='5' align='right'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>Netto a pagare:</b>' ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell_h center'> \n " ;
$body .= '<b>' . Translator :: numberToLocale ( $netto_a_pagare , 2 ) . " €</b> \n " ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$body .= " </tbody> \n " ;
$body .= " </table> \n " ;
$body .= '<p>' . nl2br ( $rs [ 0 ][ 'note' ]) . " </p> \n " ;
$report_name = 'Ordine_' . $numero_ord . '.pdf' ;