2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
< ? php
* OpenSTAManager : il software gestionale open source per l ' assistenza tecnica e la fatturazione
* Copyright ( C ) DevCode s . r . l .
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < https :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
use Plugins\ListinoClienti\DettaglioPrezzo ;
use Plugins\ListinoFornitori\DettaglioFornitore ;
2024-03-05 16:01:45 +01:00
use Models\Module ;
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../core.php' ;
$id_articolo = $id_record ;
echo '
< div class = " box " >
< div class = " box-header " >
< h3 class = " box-title " > '.tr(' Informazioni specifiche per fornitore ').' </ h3 >
</ div >
< div class = " box-body " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-md-9 " >
2024-03-20 11:13:28 +01:00
{[ " type " : " select " , " label " : " '.tr('Fornitore').' " , " name " : " id_fornitore_informazioni " , " required " : " 1 " , " ajax-source " : " fornitori " , " icon-after " : " add|'.(new Module())->getByField('name', 'Anagrafiche').'|tipoanagrafica=Fornitore&readonly_tipo=1 " ]}
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
</ div >
< div class = " col-md-3 " >
< div class = " btn-group btn-group-flex " >
2023-03-24 12:06:58 +01:00
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-info " style = " margin-top:25px; " onclick = " aggiungiFornitorePrezzi(this) " >
2023-04-11 14:41:45 +02:00
< i class = " fa fa-money " ></ i > '.tr(' Aggiungi prezzi e fornitore ').'
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
</ button >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< h4 > '.tr(' Elenco fornitori ').' </ h4 > ' ;
$dettagli_fornitori = DettaglioFornitore :: where ( 'id_articolo' , $id_record ) -> get ()
-> mapToGroups ( function ( $item , $key ) {
return [ $item -> id_fornitore => $item ];
$prezzi_fornitori = DettaglioPrezzo :: where ( 'id_articolo' , $id_articolo )
-> where ( 'dir' , 'uscita' )
-> get ()
-> groupBy ( 'id_anagrafica' );
$fornitori_disponibili = $dettagli_fornitori -> keys ()
-> merge ( $prezzi_fornitori -> keys ())
-> unique ();
if ( ! $fornitori_disponibili -> isEmpty ()) {
echo '
< table class = " table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered " >
< tbody > ' ;
foreach ( $fornitori_disponibili as $id_fornitore ) {
$dettaglio = $dettagli_fornitori [ $id_fornitore ] ? $dettagli_fornitori [ $id_fornitore ] -> first () : null ;
$prezzi = $prezzi_fornitori [ $id_fornitore ];
$anagrafica = $dettaglio ? $dettaglio -> anagrafica : $prezzi -> first () -> anagrafica ;
echo '
< tr >
< th > '.tr(' Fornitore ').' </ th >
< th > '.tr(' Descrizione ').' </ th >
2022-02-16 16:29:13 +01:00
< th width = " 150 " > '.tr(' Codice ').' </ th >
< th width = " 150 " > '.tr(' Barcode ').' </ th >
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
< th class = " text-center " width = " 210 " > '.tr(' Q . tà minima ordinabile ').' </ th >
< th class = " text-center " width = " 150 " > '.tr(' Tempi di consegna ').' </ th >
< th class = " text-center " width = " 150 " > #</th>
</ tr >
< tr data - id_anagrafica = " '. $anagrafica->id .' " data - direzione = " uscita " '.(($anagrafica->id == $articolo->id_fornitore) ? ' class = " success " ' : ' ').' >
< td >
'.Modules::link(' Anagrafiche ', $anagrafica->id, $anagrafica->ragione_sociale).'
</ td > ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $dettaglio )) {
echo '
2022-02-16 16:29:13 +01:00
< td >
'.$dettaglio[' descrizione '].'
</ td >
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
< td class = " text-center " >
'.$dettaglio[' codice_fornitore '].'
</ td >
2022-02-16 16:29:13 +01:00
< td class = " text-center " >
'.$dettaglio[' barcode_fornitore '].'
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
</ td >
< td class = " text-right " >
'.numberFormat($dettaglio[' qta_minima ']).' '.$articolo->um.'
</ td >
< td class = " text-right " >
'.tr(' _NUM_ gg ' , [
'_NUM_' => numberFormat ( $dettaglio [ 'giorni_consegna' ], 0 ),
]) . '
</ td > ' ;
} else {
echo '
< td >-</ td >
2022-02-16 16:29:13 +01:00
< td class = " text-center " >-</ td >
< td class = " text-center " >-</ td >
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
< td class = " text-right " >-</ td >
< td class = " text-right " >-</ td > ' ;
echo '
< td class = " text-center " >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-xs btn-warning " onclick = " modificaPrezzi(this) " >
< i class = " fa fa-money " ></ i >
</ button > ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $dettaglio )) {
echo '
< a class = " btn btn-secondary btn-xs btn-warning " onclick = " modificaFornitore('. $dettaglio['id'] .', '. $anagrafica->id .') " >
< i class = " fa fa-edit " ></ i >
</ a >
< a class = " btn btn-secondary btn-xs btn-danger ask " data - op = " delete_fornitore " data - id_riga = " '. $dettaglio['id'] .' " data - id_plugin = " '. $id_plugin .' " data - backto = " record-edit " >
< i class = " fa fa-trash-o " ></ i >
</ a > ' ;
echo '
</ td >
</ tr > ' ;
$dettaglio_predefinito = $prezzi -> whereStrict ( 'minimo' , null )
-> whereStrict ( 'massimo' , null )
-> first ();
$prezzi = $prezzi -> reject ( function ( $item , $key ) use ( $dettaglio_predefinito ) {
return $item -> id == $dettaglio_predefinito -> id ;
if ( ! empty ( $prezzi ) && ! $prezzi -> isEmpty ()) {
echo '
< tr >
2022-02-16 16:29:13 +01:00
< td colspan = " 2 " ></ td >
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
< th class = " text-center " > '.tr(' Q . tà minima ').' </ th >
< th class = " text-center " > '.tr(' Q . tà massima ').' </ th >
< th class = " text-center " > '.tr(' Prezzo unitario ').' </ th >
< th class = " text-center " > '.tr(' Sconto ').' </ th >
< td ></ td >
</ tr > ' ;
foreach ( $prezzi as $key => $dettaglio ) {
echo '
< tr '.(($anagrafica->id == $articolo->id_fornitore) ? ' class = " success " ' : ' ').' >
2022-02-16 16:29:13 +01:00
< td colspan = " 2 " ></ td >
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
< td class = " text-right " >
'.($dettaglio->minimo ? numberFormat($dettaglio->minimo) : ' - ').'
</ td >
< td class = " text-right " >
'.($dettaglio->massimo ? numberFormat($dettaglio->massimo) : ' - ').'
</ td >
< td class = " text-right " >
2021-07-30 16:27:19 +02:00
< p >< small class = " label label-default tip " title = " '.Translator::timestampToLocale( $dettaglio['updated_at'] ).' " >< i class = " fa fa-clock-o " ></ i > '.$dettaglio->updated_at->diffForHumans().' </ small ></ p >
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
</ td >
< td class = " text-right " >
'.numberFormat($dettaglio->sconto_percentuale).' %
</ td >
< td > ' ;
if ( ! isset ( $dettaglio -> minimo ) && ! isset ( $dettaglio -> massimo )) {
echo '
< span class = " badge badge-primary " > '.tr(' Prezzo predefinito ').' </ span > ' ;
echo '
</ td >
</ tr > ' ;
echo '
</ tbody >
</ table > ' ;
} else {
echo '
< div class = " alert alert-info " >
< i class = " fa fa-info-circle " ></ i > '.tr(' Nessuna informazione disponibile ').' ...
</ div > ' ;
echo '
< script >
function modificaFornitore ( id_riga , id_anagrafica ) {
openModal ( " Modifica dati fornitore " , " '. $structure->fileurl ('dettaglio_fornitore.php').'?id_plugin='. $id_plugin .'&id_module='. $id_module .'&id_parent='. $id_record .'&id_articolo='. $id_record .'&id_riga= " + id_riga + " &id_anagrafica= " + id_anagrafica );
function aggiungiFornitore () {
let id_fornitore = $ ( " #id_fornitore_informazioni " ) . val ();
if ( id_fornitore ) {
modificaFornitore ( " " , id_fornitore );
} else {
swal ( " '.tr('Attenzione').' " , " '.tr('Inserire un \ 'anagrafica').' " , " warning " );
2023-03-24 12:06:58 +01:00
function modificaFornitorePrezzi ( id_anagrafica , direzione ) {
openModal ( " '.tr('Gestisci prezzi specifici fornitore').' " , " '. $structure->fileurl ('dettaglio_prezzi_fornitore.php').'?id_plugin='. $id_plugin .'&id_module='. $id_module .'&id_parent='. $id_record .'&id_articolo='. $id_record .'&id_anagrafica= " + id_anagrafica + " &direzione= " + direzione );
function aggiungiFornitorePrezzi ( button ) {
let panel = $ ( button ) . closest ( " .box " );
let direzione = " uscita "
let id_anagrafica = panel . find ( " select " ) . val ();
if ( id_anagrafica ) {
modificaFornitorePrezzi ( id_anagrafica , direzione );
} else {
swal ( " '.tr('Attenzione').' " , " '.tr('Inserire un \ 'anagrafica').' " , " warning " );
2021-07-27 18:11:54 +02:00
</ script > ' ;