2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
< ? php
* Classe per la gestione dei widgets del progetto .
* @ since 2.0
class Widgets
2017-08-31 11:32:49 +02:00
/** @var array Elenco delle strutture HTML dei widget */
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
public static $widgets = [];
2017-08-31 11:32:49 +02:00
* Prende da database tutti i widget associati al modulo passato come parametro e li aggiunge alla pagina .
* @ param string $id_module Modulo a cui aggiungere i widget
* @ param string $location Posizione all ' interno del modulo
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
public static function addModuleWidgets ( $id_module , $location )
if ( empty ( self :: $widgets [ $id_module ][ $location ])) {
$dbo = Database :: getConnection ();
// ottengo da db gli id dei widget associati al modulo
$results = $dbo -> fetchArray ( 'SELECT id, location, class FROM zz_widgets WHERE id_module=' . prepare ( $id_module ) . ' AND location=' . prepare ( $location ) . ' AND enabled=1 ORDER BY `order` ASC' );
$result = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $results )) {
$cont = count ( $results );
if ( $cont > 4 || $cont < 2 ) {
$cont = 4 ;
// Aggiungo la riga per bootstrap
$result = '
< ul class = " row widget " id = " widget-'. $location .' " data - class = " '. $results[0] ['class'].' " > ' ;
// Aggiungo ad uno ad uno tutti i widget
foreach ( $results as $widget ) {
$result .= self :: createWidget ( $widget [ 'id' ], $widget [ 'class' ], $cont );
$result .= '
</ ul >
< script >
equalHeight ( " #widget-'. $location .' .li-widget .box " );
</ script > ' ;
self :: $widgets [ $id_module ][ $location ] = $result ;
return self :: $widgets [ $id_module ][ $location ];
2017-08-31 11:32:49 +02:00
* A seconda del tipo di widget inserisce il codice HTML per la sua creazione nella pagina .
* Ottiene i dati per la creazione del widget dalla tabella , in maniera da crearli in maniera dinamica a seconda dei campi .
* @ param int $id_widget Identificativo numerico del widget
* @ param string $class
* @ param int $totalNumber
* @ return string
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
protected static function createWidget ( $id_widget , $class , $totalNumber = 4 )
global $rootdir ;
$dbo = Database :: getConnection ();
// ottengo i dati del widget passato come parametro da database
$results = $dbo -> fetchArray ( " SELECT *, (SELECT name FROM zz_modules WHERE id = zz_widgets.id_module) AS 'module_name' FROM zz_widgets WHERE id= " . prepare ( $id_widget ));
$module_name = $results [ 0 ][ 'module_name' ];
$result = '' ;
// a seconda del tipo inserisco il widget in maniera differente
switch ( $results [ 0 ][ 'type' ]) {
// widget di tipo statistiche
case 'print' :
case 'stats' :
$query = $results [ 0 ][ 'query' ];
$additionals = Modules :: getAdditionalsQuery ( $module_name );
if ( ! empty ( $additionals )) {
$query = str_replace ( '1=1' , '1=1 ' . $additionals , $query );
$query = str_replace ( '|period_start|' , $_SESSION [ 'period_start' ], $query );
$query = str_replace ( '|period_end|' , $_SESSION [ 'period_end' ], $query );
$dato = '' ;
if ( $query != '' ) {
$dato = $dbo -> fetchArray ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $dato )) {
$dato = $dato [ 0 ][ 'dato' ];
// inserisco il widget
$result .= '
< li class = " col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-'.intval(12 / $totalNumber ).' li-widget " id = " widget_'. $results[0] ['id'].' " >
2017-09-04 12:02:29 +02:00
< button type = " button " class = " close " onclick = " if(confirm( \ 'Disabilitare questo widget? \ ')) { $ .post( \ ''. $rootdir .'/modules/aggiornamenti/actions.php?id_module='. $results[0] ['id_module'].' \ ', { op: \ 'disable_widget \ ', id: \ ''. $results[0] ['id'].' \ ' }, function(response) { location.href = \ ''. $rootdir .'/controller.php?id_module='. $results[0] ['id_module'].' \ '; }); }; " >< span aria - hidden = " true " >& times ; </ span >< span class = " sr-only " > '.tr(' Chiudi ').' </ span ></ button > ' ;
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link' ])) {
$result .= '
< a class = " clickable " ' ;
if ( $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link_type' ] == 'link' ) {
$result .= 'href="' . $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link' ] . '"' ;
} elseif ( $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link_type' ] == 'popup' ) {
$result .= 'data-href="' . $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link' ] . '" data-toggle="modal" data-title="' . $results [ 0 ][ 'text' ] . '" data-target="#bs-popup"' ;
} elseif ( $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link_type' ] == 'javascript' ) {
$link = $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link' ];
$link = str_replace ( '|period_start|' , $_SESSION [ 'period_start' ], $link );
$link = str_replace ( '|period_end|' , $_SESSION [ 'period_end' ], $link );
$result .= 'onclick="' . $link . '"' ;
$result .= '>' ;
$result .= '
< div class = " info-box " >
< span class = " info-box-icon " style = " background-color:'. $results[0] ['bgcolor'].' " >
< i class = " '. $results[0] ['icon'].' " ></ i >
</ span >
< div class = " info-box-content " >
< span class = " info-box-text " > '.$results[0][' text '].' </ span >
< span class = " info-box-number " > '.$dato.' </ span >
</ div >
</ div > ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $results [ 0 ][ 'more_link' ])) {
$result .= '
</ a > ' ;
$result .= '
</ li > ' ;
break ;
// widget di tipo chart: importa la pagina php specificata nel campo php_include della tabella, non ha l'icona
case 'chart' :
$result .= '
< li class = " '. $class .' " id = " '. $results[0] ['id'].' " >
<!-- small box -->
< div class = " small-box bg-'. $results[0] ['bgcolor'].' " >
< div class = " inner " > ' ;
include_once $results [ 0 ][ 'php_include' ];
$result .= '
</ div >
</ div >
</ li > ' ;
break ;
// widget custom con codice php e icona
case 'custom' :
$result .= '
< li class = " '. $class .' " id = " '. $results[0] ['id'].' " >
<!-- small box -->
< div class = " small-box bg-'. $results[0] ['bgcolor'].' " >
< div class = " inner " > ' ;
include_once $results [ 0 ][ 'php_include' ];
$result .= '
</ div >
< div class = " icon " >
< i class = " '. $results[0] ['icon'].' " ></ i >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li > ' ;
break ;
return $result ;