2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import * as Mithril from 'mithril' ;
export interface ComponentAttrs extends Mithril . Attributes { }
/ * *
* @ abstract
* The ` Component ` class defines a user interface 'building block' . A component
* generates a virtual DOM to be rendered on each redraw .
* Essentially , this is a wrapper for Mithril ' s components that adds several useful features :
* - In the ` oninit ` and ` onbeforeupdate ` lifecycle hooks , we store vnode attrs in ` this.attrs.
* This allows us to use attrs across components without having to pass the vnode to every single
* method .
* - The static ` initAttrs ` method allows a convenient way to provide defaults ( or to otherwise
* modify ) the attrs that have been passed into a component .
* - When the component is created in the DOM , we store its DOM element under ` this.element ` ;
* this lets us use jQuery to modify child DOM state from internal methods via the ` this. $ () `
* method .
* - A convenience ` component ` method , which serves as an alternative to hyperscript and JSX .
* As with other Mithril components , components extending Component can be initialized
* and nested using JSX , hyperscript , or a combination of both . The ` component ` method can also
* be used .
* @ example
* return m ( 'div' , < MyComponent foo = "bar" > < p > Hello World < / p > < / M y C o m p o n e n t > ) ;
* @ example
* return m ( 'div' , MyComponent . component ( { foo : 'bar' ) , m ( 'p' , 'Hello World!' ) ) ;
* @ see https : //mithril.js.org/components.html
* /
export default class Component implements ComponentAttrs {
/ * *
* The root DOM element for the component .
* @ protected
* /
element : Element ;
/ * *
* The attributes passed into the component .
* @ see https : //mithril.js.org/components.html#passing-data-to-components
* @ protected
* /
attrs ;
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* @ abstract
* /
2021-08-03 23:12:53 +02:00
view ( vnode : Mithril . Vnode ) : Mithril . Children { }
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* /
2021-08-03 23:12:53 +02:00
oninit ( vnode : Mithril . Vnode ) {
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
this . setAttrs ( vnode . attrs ) ;
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* /
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oncreate ( vnode : Mithril . VnodeDOM ) {
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
this . element = vnode . dom ;
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* /
2021-08-03 23:12:53 +02:00
onbeforeupdate ( vnode : Mithril . VnodeDOM ) {
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
this . setAttrs ( vnode . attrs ) ;
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* /
2021-08-03 23:12:53 +02:00
onupdate ( vnode : Mithril . VnodeDOM ) { }
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* /
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onbeforeremove ( vnode : Mithril . VnodeDOM ) { }
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
/ * *
* @ inheritdoc
* /
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onremove ( vnode : Mithril . VnodeDOM ) { }
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
/ * *
* Returns a jQuery object for this component ' s element . If you pass in a
* selector string , this method will return a jQuery object , using the current
* element as its buffer .
* For example , calling ` component. $ ('li') ` will return a jQuery object
* containing all of the ` li ` elements inside the DOM element of this
* component .
* @ param [ selector ] a jQuery - compatible selector string
* @ returns the jQuery object for the DOM node
* @ final
* @ protected
* /
/ * $ ( s e l e c t o r ? : s t r i n g ) : J Q u e r y {
const $element : JQuery < HTMLElement > = $ ( this . element ) ;
return selector ? $element . find ( selector ) : $element ;
} ; * /
/ * *
* Convenience method to attach a component without JSX .
* Has the same effect as calling ` m(THIS_CLASS, attrs, children) ` .
* @ see https : //mithril.js.org/hyperscript.html#mselector,-attributes,-children
* /
2021-08-03 23:12:53 +02:00
static component ( attrs = { } , children = null ) : Mithril . Vnode {
2021-08-02 13:16:10 +02:00
const componentAttrs : Record < string , unknown > = { ... attrs } ;
return Mithril . m ( this , componentAttrs , children ) ;
/ * *
* Saves a reference to the vnode attrs after running them through initAttrs ,
* and checking for common issues .
* @ private
* /
setAttrs ( attrs = { } ) : void {
this . initAttrs ( attrs ) ;
if ( attrs ) {
if ( 'children' in attrs ) {
throw new Error ( ` [ ${ this . constructor . name } ] The "children" attribute of attrs should never be used. Either pass children in as the vnode children or rename the attribute ` ) ;
if ( 'tag' in attrs ) {
throw new Error ( ` [ ${ this . constructor . name } ] You cannot use the "tag" attribute name with Mithril 2. ` ) ;
this . attrs = attrs ;
/ * *
* Initialize the component ' s attrs .
* This can be used to assign default values for missing , optional attrs .
* @ protected
* /
initAttrs ( attrs ) : void { }