2017-09-14 16:20:11 +02:00
< ? php
//carica report html
$report = file_get_contents ( $docroot . '/templates/registro_iva/registroiva.html' );
$body = file_get_contents ( $docroot . '/templates/registro_iva/registroiva_body.html' );
include_once __DIR__ . '/../pdfgen_variables.php' ;
$dir = $_GET [ 'dir' ];
$periodo = $_GET [ 'periodo' ];
$v_iva = [];
$v_totale = [];
$totale_iva = 0 ;
$totale_subtotale = 0 ;
$date_start = $_SESSION [ 'period_start' ];
$date_end = $_SESSION [ 'period_end' ];
$periodo = explode ( '-' , $periodo );
switch ( $periodo [ 0 ]) {
case 'Y' :
$date_start = $periodo [ 2 ] . '-01-01' ;
$date_end = $periodo [ 2 ] . '-12-31' ;
break ;
case 'M' :
$date_start = $periodo [ 2 ] . '-' . $periodo [ 1 ] . '-01' ;
$date_end = date ( 'Y-m-t' , strtotime ( $date_start ));
break ;
case 'T' :
$date_start = $periodo [ 2 ] . '-' . $periodo [ 1 ] . '-01' ;
$date_end = date ( 'Y-m-t' , strtotime ( '+2 months' , strtotime ( $date_start )));
break ;
case 'S' :
$date_start = $periodo [ 2 ] . '-' . $periodo [ 1 ] . '-01' ;
$date_end = date ( 'Y-m-t' , strtotime ( '+5 months' , strtotime ( $date_start )));
break ;
} */
if ( $dir == 'entrata' ) {
$query = " SELECT *, SUM(subtotale-co_righe_documenti.sconto) AS subtotale, SUM(iva) AS iva, (SELECT ragione_sociale FROM an_anagrafiche WHERE an_anagrafiche.idanagrafica=co_documenti.idanagrafica) AS ragione_sociale FROM co_documenti INNER JOIN co_righe_documenti ON co_documenti.id=co_righe_documenti.iddocumento INNER JOIN co_tipidocumento ON co_documenti.idtipodocumento=co_tipidocumento.id WHERE dir='entrata' AND co_documenti.data>=' " . $date_start . " ' AND co_documenti.data<=' " . $date_end . " ' GROUP BY co_documenti.id, co_righe_documenti.idiva " ;
} elseif ( $dir == 'uscita' ) {
$query = " SELECT *, SUM(subtotale-co_righe_documenti.sconto) AS subtotale, SUM(iva) AS iva, (SELECT ragione_sociale FROM an_anagrafiche WHERE an_anagrafiche.idanagrafica=co_documenti.idanagrafica) AS ragione_sociale FROM co_documenti INNER JOIN co_righe_documenti ON co_documenti.id=co_righe_documenti.iddocumento INNER JOIN co_tipidocumento ON co_documenti.idtipodocumento=co_tipidocumento.id WHERE dir='uscita' AND co_documenti.data>=' " . $date_start . " ' AND co_documenti.data<=' " . $date_end . " ' GROUP BY co_documenti.id, co_righe_documenti.idiva " ;
$rs = $dbo -> fetchArray ( $query );
if ( $dir == 'entrata' ) {
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
$body .= " <span style='font-size:15pt; margin-left:6px;'><b> " . tr ( 'Registro iva vendita dal _START_ al _END_' , [
'_START_' => Translator :: dateToLocale ( $_SESSION [ 'period_start' ]),
'_END_' => Translator :: dateToLocale ( $_SESSION [ 'period_end' ]),
], [ 'upper' => true ]) . '</b></span><br><br>' ;
2017-09-14 16:20:11 +02:00
} elseif ( $dir == 'uscita' ) {
2017-09-15 12:50:59 +02:00
$body .= " <span style='font-size:15pt; margin-left:6px;'><b> " . tr ( 'Registro iva acquisto dal _START_ al _END_' , [
'_START_' => Translator :: dateToLocale ( $_SESSION [ 'period_start' ]),
'_END_' => Translator :: dateToLocale ( $_SESSION [ 'period_end' ]),
], [ 'upper' => true ]) . '</b></span><br><br>' ;
2017-09-14 16:20:11 +02:00
$body .= "
< table cellspacing = '0' style = 'table-layout:fixed;' >
< col width = '40' >< col width = '100' >< col width = '100' >< col width = '362' >< col width = '160' >< col width = '90' >< col width = '90' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Prot .</ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Data </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > N° Documento </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Causale < br > Ragione sociale </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Aliquota </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Imponibile </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Imposta </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
" ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $rs ); ++ $i ) {
$body .= '<tr>' ;
if ( $rs [ $i ][ 'numero' ] == $rs [ $i - 1 ][ 'numero' ]) {
$body .= " <td class='first_cell cell-padded text-center'></td> " ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded text-center'></td> " ;
} else {
$body .= " <td class='first_cell cell-padded text-center'> " . $rs [ $i ][ 'numero' ] . '</td>' ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded text-center'> " . date ( 'd/m/Y' , strtotime ( $rs [ $i ][ 'data' ])) . '</td>' ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded text-center'> " . $rs [ $i ][ 'numero_esterno' ] . '</td>' ;
if ( $dir == 'entrata' ) {
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'>
Fattura di vendita < br >
" . $rs[$i] ['ragione_sociale'].'
</ td > ' ;
} elseif ( $dir == 'uscita' ) {
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'>
Fattura di acquisto < br >
" . $rs[$i] ['ragione_sociale'].'
</ td > ' ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'> " . $rs [ $i ][ 'desc_iva' ] . '</td>' ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded text-right'> " . Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ], 2 ) . ' €</td>' ;
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded text-right'> " . Translator :: numberToLocale ( $rs [ $i ][ 'iva' ], 2 ) . ' €</td>' ;
$body .= '</tr>' ;
$v_iva [ $rs [ $i ][ 'desc_iva' ]] += $rs [ $i ][ 'iva' ];
$v_totale [ $rs [ $i ][ 'desc_iva' ]] += $rs [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ];
$totale_iva += $rs [ $i ][ 'iva' ];
$totale_subtotale += $rs [ $i ][ 'subtotale' ];
$body .= '
</ table >
' ;
$body .= " <br><br><span style='font-size:12pt; margin-left:6px;'><b>RIEPILOGO IVA</b></span><br><br> " ;
$body .= "
< table cellspacing = '0' style = 'table-layout:fixed;' >
< col width = '140' >< col width = '90' >< col width = '90' >
< tr >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Cod . IVA </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Imponibile </ th >
< th bgcolor = '#dddddd' class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded' > Imposta </ th >
</ tr >
" ;
foreach ( $v_iva as $desc_iva => $tot_iva ) {
if ( $desc_iva != '' ) {
$body .= " <tr><td valign='top' class='first_cell cell-padded'> \n " ;
$body .= $desc_iva . " \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td valign='top' align='right' class='table_cell cell-padded'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $v_totale [ $desc_iva ], 2 ) . " € \n " ;
$body .= " </td> \n " ;
$body .= " <td valign='top' align='right' class='table_cell cell-padded'> \n " ;
$body .= Translator :: numberToLocale ( $v_iva [ $desc_iva ], 2 ) . " € \n " ;
$body .= " </td></tr> \n " ;
$body .= " <tr bgcolor='#dddddd'>
< td class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded text-right' >< b > TOTALE </ b ></ td >
< td class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded text-right' > " .Translator::numberToLocale( $totale_subtotale , 2). " & euro ; </ td >
< td class = 'full_cell1 cell-padded text-right' > " .Translator::numberToLocale( $totale_iva , 2).' €</td>
</ tr > ' ;
$body .= '
</ table >
' ;
$orientation = 'L' ;
$report_name = 'registro_iva.pdf' ;