
320 lines
9.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

echo "
<table class='table-bordered'>
<td colspan=".(!empty($sconto) ? 5 : 3)." class='cell-padded' style='height:".($records[0]['ritenutaacconto'] != 0 ? 20 : 30)."mm'>";
// Tabella (scadenze + iva)
echo "
<table class='table-normal'>
<td style='width:10mm;'>&nbsp;</td>
<td style='width:45mm;'>
<table class='border-bottom'>
<td colspan='2'>
<p class='small-bold'>".tr('Scadenze pagamenti', [], ['upper' => true]).'</p>
// Elenco scadenze
$rs2 = $dbo->fetchArray('SELECT * FROM co_scadenziario WHERE iddocumento='.prepare($iddocumento).' ORDER BY `data_emissione` ASC');
if (!empty($rs2)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rs2); ++$i) {
echo "
<td style='width:50%;'>
<td style='width:50%;' class='text-right'>
<small>".Translator::numberToLocale($rs2[$i]['da_pagare']).' &euro;</small>
echo '
// Fine elenco scadenze
// Separatore
echo "
<td style='width:10mm;'>&nbsp;</td>";
// Tabella iva
echo "
<td style='width:75mm;'>";
if (!empty($v_iva)) {
echo "
<table class='border-bottom'>
<td style='width:40mm;'>
<p class='small-bold'>".tr('Aliquota IVA', [], ['upper' => true])."</p>
<td style='width:20mm;' class='text-center'>
<p class='small-bold'>".tr('Importo', [], ['upper' => true])."</p>
<td style='width:20mm;' class='text-center'>
<p class='small-bold'>".tr('Importo IVA', [], ['upper' => true]).'</p>
foreach ($v_iva as $desc_iva => $tot_iva) {
if (!empty($desc_iva)) {
echo '
<td class='text-right'>
<small>".Translator::numberToLocale($v_totale[$desc_iva])." &euro;</small>
<td class='text-right'>
<small>".Translator::numberToLocale($v_iva[$desc_iva]).' &euro;</small>
echo '
echo '
<td style="width:10mm;">&nbsp;</td>";
// Fine tabelle iva
echo '
// Fine tabella (scadenze + iva)
echo '
$width = round(100 / (!empty($sconto) ? 5 : 3), 2);
echo "
<th class='text-center small' style='width:".$width."'>
".tr('Imponibile', [], ['upper' => true]).'
if (!empty($sconto)) {
echo "
<th class='text-center small' style='width:".$width."'>
".tr('Sconto', [], ['upper' => true])."
<th class='text-center small' style='width:".$width."'>
".tr('Imponibile scontato', [], ['upper' => true]).'
echo "
<th class='text-center small' style='width:".$width."'>
".tr('Totale IVA', [], ['upper' => true])."
<th class='text-center small' style='width:".$width."'>
".tr('Totale documento', [], ['upper' => true])."
<td class='cell-padded text-center'>
".Translator::numberToLocale($imponibile).' &euro;
if (!empty($sconto)) {
echo "
<td class='cell-padded text-center'>
".Translator::numberToLocale($sconto)." &euro;
<td class='cell-padded text-center'>
".Translator::numberToLocale($imponibile - $sconto).' &euro;
echo "
<td class='cell-padded text-center'>
".Translator::numberToLocale($iva)." &euro;
<td class='cell-padded text-center'>
".Translator::numberToLocale($totale).' &euro;
// Aggiunta della marca da bollo al totale
$totale = sum($totale, $records[0]['bollo']);
// Rivalsa INPS
if (!empty($records[0]['rivalsainps'])) {
$rs2 = $dbo->fetchArray('SELECT percentuale FROM co_rivalsainps WHERE id=(SELECT idrivalsainps FROM co_righe_documenti WHERE iddocumento='.prepare($iddocumento).' AND idrivalsainps!=0 LIMIT 0,1)');
$first_colspan = 3;
$second_colspan = 2;
if (abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
if (empty($sconto)) {
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="'.$first_colspan.'">
'.tr('Rivalsa INPS _PRC_%', [
'_PRC_' => Translator::numberToLocale($rs2[0]['percentuale'], 0),
], ['upper' => true]).'
if (abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="1">
'.tr('Marca da bollo', [], ['upper' => true]).'
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="'.$second_colspan.'">
'.tr('Totale documento', [], ['upper' => true]).'
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="'.$first_colspan.'">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($records[0]['rivalsainps']).' &euro;
if (abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
echo '
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="1">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($records[0]['bollo']).' &euro;
echo '
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="'.$second_colspan.'">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($totale).' &euro;
// Ritenuta d'acconto
if (!empty($records[0]['ritenutaacconto'])) {
$rs2 = $dbo->fetchArray('SELECT percentuale FROM co_ritenutaacconto WHERE id=(SELECT idritenutaacconto FROM co_righe_documenti WHERE iddocumento='.prepare($iddocumento).' AND idritenutaacconto!=0 LIMIT 0,1)');
$first_colspan = 3;
$second_colspan = 2;
if (empty($records[0]['rivalsainps']) && abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
if (empty($sconto)) {
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="'.$first_colspan.'">
'.tr("Ritenuta d'acconto _PRC_%", [
'_PRC_' => Translator::numberToLocale($rs2[0]['percentuale'], 0),
], ['upper' => true]).'
if (empty($records[0]['rivalsainps']) && abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="1">
'.tr('Marca da bollo', [], ['upper' => true]).'
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="'.$second_colspan.'">
'.tr('Netto a pagare', [], ['upper' => true]).'
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="'.$first_colspan.'">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($records[0]['ritenutaacconto']).' &euro;
if (empty($records[0]['rivalsainps']) && abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
echo '
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="1">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($records[0]['bollo']).' &euro;
echo '
2018-01-05 17:24:39 +01:00
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="'.$second_colspan.'">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($totale - $records[0]['ritenutaacconto']).' &euro;
if (empty($records[0]['ritenutaacconto']) && empty($records[0]['rivalsainps']) && abs($records[0]['bollo']) > 0) {
$first_colspan = 3;
$second_colspan = 2;
if (empty($sconto)) {
$first_colspan = 1;
echo '
<th class="text-center small" colspan="'.$first_colspan.'">
'.tr('Marca da bollo', [], ['upper' => true]).'
<th class="text-center small" colspan="'.$second_colspan.'">
2018-01-19 21:35:56 +01:00
'.tr('Netto a pagare', [], ['upper' => true]).'
2018-01-05 17:24:39 +01:00
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="'.$first_colspan.'">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($records[0]['bollo']).' &euro;
<td class="cell-padded text-center" colspan="'.$second_colspan.'">
'.Translator::numberToLocale($totale - $records[0]['ritenutaacconto']).' &euro;
echo '
echo '
<table style="font-size:7pt; color:#999;">
<td style="text-align:center;">