2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
< ? php
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../core.php' ;
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
$tipi_interventi = $dbo -> fetchArray ( 'SELECT * FROM in_tipiintervento ORDER BY descrizione' );
2019-06-14 16:52:14 +02:00
$tecnici = $dbo -> fetchArray ( " SELECT idanagrafica, ragione_sociale, colore FROM an_anagrafiche WHERE idanagrafica IN (
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
SELECT idanagrafica FROM an_tipianagrafiche_anagrafiche WHERE idtipoanagrafica IN (
SELECT idtipoanagrafica FROM an_tipianagrafiche WHERE descrizione = 'Tecnico'
2019-05-03 15:49:27 -07:00
) AND deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY ragione_sociale " );
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $tecnici )) {
echo '
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
< form action = " " method = " post " id = " edit-form " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " op " value = " update " >
2019-06-14 16:52:14 +02:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " backto " value = " record-list " > ' ;
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
foreach ( $tecnici as $tecnico ) {
2019-06-29 11:01:26 +02:00
echo '<div class="box box-info collapsable" style="' . (( strtolower ( $tecnico [ 'colore' ]) == '#ffffff' or empty ( $tecnico [ 'colore' ])) ? '' : 'border-color: ' . $tecnico [ 'colore' ]) . ' " >
2019-06-14 16:52:14 +02:00
< div class = " box-header with-border " >
< h3 class = " box-title " >< i class = " fa fa-user " ></ i > '.$tecnico[' ragione_sociale '].' </ h3 >
< div class = " box-tools pull-right " >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-box-tool " data - widget = " collapse " >< i class = " fa fa-minus " ></ i ></ button >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " box-body " >
< table class = " table table-striped table-condensed " >
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
< tr >
2019-06-14 16:52:14 +02:00
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
< th > '.tr(' Attività ').' </ th >
2019-01-17 16:11:10 +01:00
< th > '.tr(' Addebito orario ').' < span class = " tip " title = " '.tr('Addebito al cliente').' " >< i class = " fa fa-question-circle-o " ></ i ></ span ></ th >
< th > '.tr(' Addebito km ').' < span class = " tip " title = " '.tr('Addebito al cliente').' " >< i class = " fa fa-question-circle-o " ></ i ></ span ></ th >
< th > '.tr(' Addebito diritto ch . ').' < span class = " tip " title = " '.tr('Addebito al cliente').' " >< i class = " fa fa-question-circle-o " ></ i ></ span ></ th >
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
2019-01-17 16:11:10 +01:00
< th > '.tr(' Costo orario ').' < span class = " tip " title = " '.tr('Costo interno').' " >< i class = " fa fa-question-circle-o " ></ i ></ span ></ th >
< th > '.tr(' Costo km ').' < span class = " tip " title = " '.tr('Costo interno').' " >< i class = " fa fa-question-circle-o " ></ i ></ span ></ th >
< th > '.tr(' Costo diritto ch . ').' < span class = " tip " title = " '.tr('Costo interno').' " >< i class = " fa fa-question-circle-o " ></ i ></ span ></ th >
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
< th width = " 40 " ></ th >
</ tr > ' ;
// Tipi di interventi
foreach ( $tipi_interventi as $tipo_intervento ) {
// Lettura costi
$rsc = $dbo -> fetchArray ( 'SELECT * FROM in_tariffe WHERE idtecnico=' . prepare ( $tecnico [ 'idanagrafica' ]) . ' AND idtipointervento=' . prepare ( $tipo_intervento [ 'idtipointervento' ]));
echo '
< tr >
2019-06-14 16:52:14 +02:00
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
< td > '.$tipo_intervento[' descrizione '].' </ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control inputmask-decimal " name = " costo_ore['. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .']['. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .'] " value = " '.Translator::numberToLocale( $rsc[0] ['costo_ore']).' " >
</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control inputmask-decimal " name = " costo_km['. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .']['. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .'] " value = " '.Translator::numberToLocale( $rsc[0] ['costo_km']).' " >
</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control inputmask-decimal " name = " costo_dirittochiamata['. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .']['. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .'] " value = " '.Translator::numberToLocale( $rsc[0] ['costo_dirittochiamata']).' " >
</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control inputmask-decimal " name = " costo_ore_tecnico['. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .']['. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .'] " value = " '.Translator::numberToLocale( $rsc[0] ['costo_ore_tecnico']).' " >
</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control inputmask-decimal " name = " costo_km_tecnico['. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .']['. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .'] " value = " '.Translator::numberToLocale( $rsc[0] ['costo_km_tecnico']).' " >
</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control inputmask-decimal " name = " costo_dirittochiamata_tecnico['. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .']['. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .'] " value = " '.Translator::numberToLocale( $rsc[0] ['costo_dirittochiamata_tecnico']).' " >
</ td >
< td >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-primary " data - toggle = " tooltip " title = " Importa valori da tariffe standard " onclick = " if( confirm( \ 'Importare i valori dalle tariffe standard? \ ') ) { $ .post( \ ''. $rootdir .'/modules/tecnici_tariffe/actions.php \ ', { op: \ 'import \ ', idtecnico: \ ''. $tecnico['idanagrafica'] .' \ ', idtipointervento: \ ''. $tipo_intervento['idtipointervento'] .' \ ' }, function(data) { location.href= \ ''. $rootdir .'/controller.php?id_module='. $id_module .' \ '; } ); } " >
< i class = " fa fa-download " ></ i >
</ button >
</ td >
</ tr > ' ;
2019-06-14 16:52:14 +02:00
echo '
</ table >
</ div >
</ div > ' ;
2017-08-04 16:28:16 +02:00
2018-07-17 07:37:05 +02:00
echo '
< div class = " pull-right " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-success " >< i class = " fa fa-check " ></ i > '.tr(' Salva modifiche ').' </ button >
</ div >
< div class = " clearfix " ></ div >
</ form > ' ;
} else {
echo '
< p > '.tr(' Non sono presenti anagrafiche di tipo " Tecnico " ').' </ p > ' ;