2020-03-14 12:21:14 +01:00
< ? php
2024-12-02 11:17:31 +01:00
2020-09-07 15:04:06 +02:00
* OpenSTAManager : il software gestionale open source per l ' assistenza tecnica e la fatturazione
2021-01-20 15:08:51 +01:00
* Copyright ( C ) DevCode s . r . l .
2020-09-07 15:04:06 +02:00
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < https :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
2020-03-14 12:21:14 +01:00
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../../core.php' ;
2024-03-08 16:29:53 +01:00
use Modules\Interventi\Intervento ;
2024-03-22 15:52:24 +01:00
use Modules\Interventi\Stato ;
2024-02-28 15:28:39 +01:00
2024-03-08 16:29:53 +01:00
$rs = Intervento :: where ( 'idstatointervento' , '=' , Stato :: where ( 'codice' , '=' , 'TODO' ) -> first () -> id ) -> get ();
2020-03-14 12:21:14 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $rs )) {
echo '
< table class = " table table-hover " >
< tr >
2024-06-06 11:33:40 +02:00
< th width = " 50 " > '.tr(' Codice ').' </ th >
< th width = " 150 " > '.tr(' Cliente ').' </ th >
2024-03-13 17:01:54 +01:00
< th width = " 70 " >< small > '.tr(' Data richiesta ').' </ small ></ th >
< th width = " 20% " class = " text-center " > '.tr(' Tecnici assegnati ').' </ th >
< th width = " 200 " > '.tr(' Tipo intervento ').' </ th >
< th width = " 200 " > '.tr(' Stato intervento ').' </ th >
< th width = " 40 " ></ th >
2020-03-14 12:21:14 +01:00
</ tr > ' ;
foreach ( $rs as $r ) {
2024-03-08 16:29:53 +01:00
$rs_tecnici = $dbo -> fetchArray ( " SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ragione_sociale SEPARATOR ',') AS tecnici FROM an_anagrafiche INNER JOIN in_interventi_tecnici_assegnati ON in_interventi_tecnici_assegnati.id_tecnico=an_anagrafiche.idanagrafica WHERE id_intervento= " . prepare ( $r -> id ) . ' GROUP BY id_intervento' );
2020-03-14 12:21:14 +01:00
echo '
2024-03-08 16:29:53 +01:00
< tr id = " int_'. $r->id .' " >
< td >< a target = " _blank " > '.Modules::link(' Interventi ', $r->id, $r->codice).' </ a ></ td >
< td >< a target = " _blank " > '.Modules::link(' Anagrafiche ', $r->idanagrafica, $dbo->fetchOne(' SELECT ragione_sociale FROM an_anagrafiche WHERE idanagrafica = '.prepare($r->idanagrafica))[' ragione_sociale ']).' < br >< small > Presso : ' ;
2021-11-26 16:44:21 +01:00
// Sede promemoria
2025-02-07 16:58:33 +01:00
if ( $r -> idsede_destinazione == '-1' ) {
2024-01-15 15:30:45 +01:00
echo '- Nessuna -' ;
2025-02-07 16:58:33 +01:00
} elseif ( empty ( $r -> idsede_destinazione )) {
2021-11-26 16:44:21 +01:00
echo tr ( 'Sede legale' );
} else {
2025-02-07 16:58:33 +01:00
$rsp2 = $dbo -> fetchArray ( " SELECT id, CONCAT( CONCAT_WS( ' (', CONCAT_WS(', ', nomesede, citta), indirizzo ), ')') AS descrizione FROM an_sedi WHERE id= " . prepare ( $r -> idsede_destinazione ));
2021-11-26 16:44:21 +01:00
echo $rsp2 [ 0 ][ 'descrizione' ];
echo '
</ small >
</ td >
2024-03-08 16:29:53 +01:00
< td > '.Translator::dateToLocale($r->data_richiesta).' '.((empty($r->data_scadenza)) ? ' ' : ' < br >< small > Entro il '.Translator::dateToLocale($r->data_scadenza).' </ small > ').' </ td >
2021-11-26 16:44:21 +01:00
< td >
'.$rs_tecnici[0][' tecnici '].'
</ td >
2024-04-18 17:44:05 +02:00
< td > '.$dbo->fetchOne("SELECT CONCAT_WS(' - ', `codice`, `title`) AS descrizione FROM `in_tipiintervento` LEFT JOIN `in_tipiintervento_lang` ON (`in_tipiintervento`.`id` = `in_tipiintervento_lang`.`id_record` AND `in_tipiintervento_lang`.`id_lang` = ".prepare(Models\Locale::getDefault()->id).' ) WHERE `in_tipiintervento` . `id` = '.prepare($r->idtipointervento))[' descrizione '].' </ td >
2021-11-26 16:44:21 +01:00
2024-03-13 17:01:54 +01:00
< td class = " text-right " >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-xs btn-default " onclick = " toggleDettagli(this) " >
< i class = " fa fa-plus " ></ i >
</ button >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr style = " display: none " >
< td colspan = " 7 " >
' . input ([
2024-03-22 15:52:24 +01:00
'type' => 'ckeditor' ,
'name' => 'descrizione_' . $r -> id ,
'value' => $r -> richiesta ,
'disabled' => true ,
]) . '
2024-03-13 17:01:54 +01:00
</ td >
2021-11-26 16:44:21 +01:00
</ tr > ' ;
2020-03-14 12:21:14 +01:00
echo '
</ table > ' ;
} else {
echo '
< p > '.tr(' Non ci sono attività da programmare ').' .</ p > ' ;
2024-03-13 17:01:54 +01:00
echo '
< script >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function (){ init ();});
function toggleDettagli ( trigger ) {
const tr = $ ( trigger ) . closest ( " tr " );
const dettagli = tr . next ();
if ( dettagli . css ( " display " ) === " none " ){
dettagli . show ( 500 );
$ ( trigger ) . children () . removeClass ( " fa-plus " );
$ ( trigger ) . children () . addClass ( " fa-minus " );
} else {
dettagli . hide ( 500 );
$ ( trigger ) . children () . removeClass ( " fa-minus " );
$ ( trigger ) . children () . addClass ( " fa-plus " );
2024-03-22 15:52:24 +01:00
</ script > ' ;