# HTTP Chained Requests Automator This PHP script automates and chains HTTP requests, extracting values from headers or body and use them for the next requests. Very useful for penetration tests. ![image](https://github.com/loviuz/http-chained-requests-automator/blob/main/screenshots/hcra.jpg?raw=true) It has been ispired by a business-logic challenge of Port Swigger: https://portswigger.net/web-security/logic-flaws/examples/lab-logic-flaws-infinite-money ## Installation First download and install **composer** from here: https://getcomposer.org/download/ Then: ```bash $ php composer.phar install ``` ## Usage ```bash $ php hcra.php params.json [DEBUG] ``` - params.json: is the filename of the JSON file with specifications of the HTTP requests - DEBUG: use only for debug purpose. It additionally prints out the body response of every HTTP request ## Configuration To configure HTTP request you have to code your custom JSON file. You can start from the example in the repository: ```json [ { "url": "http://localhost/mysite/", "method": "GET", "headers": null, "body": null, "header-regexp": [ { "cookie": "/Set-Cookie: (.+?)$/" } ], "body-regexp": null }, { "url": "http://localhost/mysite/", "method": "POST", "headers": { "Cookie": "§cookie§", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, "body": "username=admin&password=s3cr3t", "header-regexp": [ { "next_url": "/Location: (.+)/" } ], "body-regexp": null, "extra_guzzle_options": [ { "allow_redirects": false } ] }, { "url": "http://localhost§next_url§", "method": "GET", "headers": { "Cookie": "§cookie§" }, "body": null, "header-regexp": null, "body-regexp": [ { "email": "/

Your email is (.+)!<\\/p>/" } ] }, { "url": "http://localhost§next_url§?email=§email§", "method": "GET", "headers": { "Cookie": "§cookie§" }, "body": null, "header-regexp": [ { "flag1": "/Set-Cookie: flag2=(.+?);/" } ], "body-regexp": [ { "flag2": "/

Congratulations, the flag is: (.+?)<\\/p>/" } ] } ] ``` Every JSON object is an HTTP request with specific parameters: - **url**: the URL to request - **method**: GET|POST (you could also use PUT, DELETE, etc, but not yet tested!) - **headers**: a JSON array with all headers you want to send with the request - **body**: the body of the request in case you send a POST request - **header-regexp**: an array of regular expressions you want to use to extract values from the headers. IMPORTANT: only the first value per regexp will be matched - **body-regexp**: like header-regexp, but the values will be matched against the response body - **extra_guzzle_options**: array of extra Guzzle options. Here you can find a full list of options: https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/request-options.html Example: ```php "next_url": "/Location: (.+?)$/" ``` This will match the redirection after the first request, for example: ```http Location: /mysite/welcome ``` If match happens, you can use ```php §next_url§ ``` as a variable on the next requests, so the 2nd url will change from: ```json "url": "http://localhost§next_url§", ``` to: ```json "url": "http://localhost/mysite/welcome", ``` until you match another **next_url** values with another regular expression with the next requests. ## TODO - better error handling - add some logics, so for example the script can restart from a specific request after getting some specific results from the variables