const utils = require('./utils') const parser = require('./parser') const ROOT_DIR = './.gh-pages' let list = { all: [], countries: {}, languages: {}, categories: {} } function main() { parseIndex() createRootDirectory() createNoJekyllFile() generateIndex() generateSFWIndex() generateChannelsJson() generateCountryIndex() generateLanguageIndex() generateCategoryIndex() generateCountries() generateLanguages() generateCategories() finish() } function createRootDirectory() { console.log('Creating root directory...') utils.createDir(ROOT_DIR) } function createNoJekyllFile() { console.log('Creating .nojekyll...') utils.createFile(`${ROOT_DIR}/.nojekyll`) } function parseIndex() { console.log(`Parsing index...`) const items = parser.parseIndex() for (const category of utils.supportedCategories) { list.categories[] = [] } list.categories['other'] = [] for (let item of items) { const playlist = parser.parsePlaylist(item.url) for (let channel of playlist.channels) { // all list.all.push(channel) // country if (!channel.countries.length) { const countryCode = 'undefined' if (!list.countries[countryCode]) { list.countries[countryCode] = [] } list.countries[countryCode].push(channel) } else { for (let country of channel.countries) { const countryCode = country.code || 'undefined' if (!list.countries[countryCode]) { list.countries[countryCode] = [] } list.countries[countryCode].push(channel) } } // language if (!channel.languages.length) { const languageCode = 'undefined' if (!list.languages[languageCode]) { list.languages[languageCode] = [] } list.languages[languageCode].push(channel) } else { for (let language of channel.languages) { const languageCode = language.code || 'undefined' if (!list.languages[languageCode]) { list.languages[languageCode] = [] } list.languages[languageCode].push(channel) } } // category const categoryId = channel.category.toLowerCase() if (!list.categories[categoryId]) { list.categories['other'].push(channel) } else { list.categories[categoryId].push(channel) } } } } function generateIndex() { console.log('Generating index.m3u...') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = utils.sortBy(list.all, ['name', 'url']) for (let channel of channels) { utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) } } function generateSFWIndex() { console.log('Generating index.sfw.m3u...') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.sfw.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const sorted = utils.sortBy(list.all, ['name', 'url']) const channels = utils.filterNSFW(sorted) for (let channel of channels) { utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) } } function generateChannelsJson() { console.log('Generating channels.json...') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/channels.json` const sorted = utils.sortBy(list.all, ['name', 'url']) const channels = => c.toJSON()) utils.createFile(filename, JSON.stringify(channels)) } function generateCountryIndex() { console.log('Generating') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = utils.sortBy(list.all, ['tvgCountry', 'name', 'url']) for (let channel of channels) { const category = channel.category channel.category = channel.tvgCountry utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) channel.category = category } } function generateLanguageIndex() { console.log('Generating index.language.m3u...') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.language.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = utils.sortBy(list.all, ['tvgLanguage', 'name', 'url']) for (let channel of channels) { const category = channel.category channel.category = channel.tvgLanguage utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) channel.category = category } } function generateCategoryIndex() { console.log('Generating index.category.m3u...') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.category.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = utils.sortBy(list.all, ['category', 'name', 'url']) for (let channel of channels) { utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) } } function generateCountries() { console.log('Generating /countries...') const outputDir = `${ROOT_DIR}/countries` utils.createDir(outputDir) for (const countryId in list.countries) { const filename = `${outputDir}/${countryId}.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') let channels = Object.values(list.countries[countryId]) channels = utils.sortBy(channels, ['name', 'url']) for (const channel of channels) { utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) } } } function generateLanguages() { console.log('Generating /languages...') const outputDir = `${ROOT_DIR}/languages` utils.createDir(outputDir) for (const languageId in list.languages) { const filename = `${outputDir}/${languageId}.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') let channels = Object.values(list.languages[languageId]) channels = utils.sortBy(channels, ['name', 'url']) for (const channel of channels) { utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) } } } function generateCategories() { console.log('Generating /categories...') const outputDir = `${ROOT_DIR}/categories` utils.createDir(outputDir) for (const category of utils.supportedCategories) { const filename = `${outputDir}/${}.m3u` utils.createFile(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') let channels = Object.values(list.categories[]) channels = utils.sortBy(channels, ['name', 'url']) for (const channel of channels) { utils.appendToFile(filename, channel.toString()) } } } function finish() { console.log('Done.\n') console.log( `Countries: ${Object.values(list.countries).length}. Languages: ${ Object.values(list.languages).length }. Categories: ${Object.values(list.categories).length}. Channels: ${list.all.length}.` ) } main()