const file = require('./helpers/file') const log = require('./helpers/log') const db = require('./helpers/db') const ROOT_DIR = './.gh-pages' async function main() { await loadDatabase() createRootDirectory() createNoJekyllFile() // generateIndex() // generateCategoryIndex() generateCountryIndex() generateLanguageIndex() // generateCategories() // generateCountries() // generateLanguages() // generateChannelsJson() // showResults() } async function loadDatabase() { log.print('Loading database...\n') await db.load() } function createRootDirectory() { log.print('Creating .gh-pages folder...\n') file.createDir(ROOT_DIR) } function createNoJekyllFile() { log.print('Creating .nojekyll...\n') file.create(`${ROOT_DIR}/.nojekyll`) } function generateIndex() { log.print('Generating index.m3u...\n') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.m3u` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const nsfwFilename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.nsfw.m3u` file.create(nsfwFilename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = db.channels.sortBy(['name', 'url']).removeDuplicates().get() for (const channel of channels) { if (!channel.isNSFW()) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } file.append(nsfwFilename, channel.toString()) } } function generateCategoryIndex() { log.print('Generating index.category.m3u...\n') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.category.m3u` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = db.channels.sortBy(['category', 'name', 'url']).removeDuplicates().get() for (const channel of channels) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } } function generateCountryIndex() { log.print('Generating\n') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') for (const country of [{ code: 'undefined' }, ...db.countries.sortBy(['name']).all()]) { const channels = db.channels .sortBy(['name', 'url']) .forCountry(country) .removeDuplicates() .get() for (const channel of channels) { const groupTitle = const nsfw = channel.isNSFW() = || '' if (!nsfw) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } = groupTitle } } } function generateLanguageIndex() { log.print('Generating index.language.m3u...\n') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/index.language.m3u` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') for (const language of [{ code: 'undefined' }, ...db.languages.sortBy(['name']).all()]) { const channels = db.channels .sortBy(['name', 'url']) .forLanguage(language) .removeDuplicates() .get() for (const channel of channels) { const groupTitle = const nsfw = channel.isNSFW() = || '' if (!nsfw) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } = groupTitle } } } function generateCategories() { log.print(`Generating /categories...\n`) const outputDir = `${ROOT_DIR}/categories` file.createDir(outputDir) for (const category of [...db.categories.all(), { id: 'other' }]) { const filename = `${outputDir}/${}.m3u` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = db.channels .sortBy(['name', 'url']) .forCategory(category) .removeDuplicates() .get() for (const channel of channels) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } } } function generateCountries() { log.print(`Generating /countries...\n`) const outputDir = `${ROOT_DIR}/countries` file.createDir(outputDir) for (const country of [...db.countries.all(), { code: 'undefined' }]) { const filename = `${outputDir}/${country.code}.m3u` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = db.channels .sortBy(['name', 'url']) .forCountry(country) .removeDuplicates() .get() for (const channel of channels) { if (!channel.isNSFW()) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } } } } function generateLanguages() { log.print(`Generating /languages...\n`) const outputDir = `${ROOT_DIR}/languages` file.createDir(outputDir) for (const language of [...db.languages.all(), { code: 'undefined' }]) { const filename = `${outputDir}/${language.code}.m3u` file.create(filename, '#EXTM3U\n') const channels = db.channels .sortBy(['name', 'url']) .forLanguage(language) .removeDuplicates() .get() for (const channel of channels) { if (!channel.isNSFW()) { file.append(filename, channel.toString()) } } } } function generateChannelsJson() { log.print('Generating channels.json...\n') const filename = `${ROOT_DIR}/channels.json` const channels = db.channels .sortBy(['name', 'url']) .get() .map(c => c.toObject()) file.create(filename, JSON.stringify(channels)) } function showResults() { log.print( `Total: ${db.channels.count()} channels, ${db.countries.count()} countries, ${db.languages.count()} languages, ${db.categories.count()} categories.\n` ) } main()