const { logger, parser, db, date } = require('../../core') const { program } = require('commander') const options = program .option( '-t, --threshold <threshold>', 'Number of days after which the stream should be deleted', parser.parseNumber, 7 ) .option('--input-dir <input-dir>', 'Set path to input directory', 'streams') .parse(process.argv) .opts() async function main() { await db.streams.load() const streams = await db.streams.all() let total = 0 for (const stream of streams) { if ( stream.status === 'error' && date.utc().diff(stream.updated_at, 'day') >= options.threshold ) { total += await db.streams.remove({ url: stream.url }, { multi: true }) } } await db.streams.compact()`removed ${total} streams`) } main()