const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { execSync } = require('child_process') beforeEach(() => { fs.rmdirSync('tests/__data__/temp', { recursive: true }) fs.mkdirSync('tests/__data__/temp') fs.copyFileSync('tests/__data__/input/update.db', 'tests/__data__/temp/test.db') }) it('can update database', () => { const result = execSync( 'DB_FILEPATH=tests/__data__/temp/test.db LOGS_PATH=tests/__data__/input/logs EPG_CODES_FILEPATH=tests/__data__/input/codes.json node scripts/commands/update-database.js', { encoding: 'utf8' } ) const database = fs.readFileSync('tests/__data__/temp/test.db', { encoding: 'utf8' }) const lines = database.split('\n') expect(JSON.parse(lines[0])).toMatchObject({ name: 'ЛДПР ТВ', id: '', filepath: 'tests/__data__/output/channels/ru.m3u', src_country: { name: 'Russia', code: 'RU', lang: 'rus' }, tvg_country: 'RU', countries: [{ name: 'Russia', code: 'RU', lang: 'rus' }], regions: [ { name: 'Asia', code: 'ASIA' }, { name: 'Commonwealth of Independent States', code: 'CIS' }, { name: 'Europe, the Middle East and Africa', code: 'EMEA' }, { name: 'Europe', code: 'EUR' } ], languages: [{ name: 'Russian', code: 'rus' }], categories: [{ name: 'General', slug: 'general', nsfw: false }], tvg_url: '', guides: [''], logo: '', resolution: { height: 1080, width: 1920 }, status: { label: '', code: 'online', level: 1 }, url: '', http: { referrer: '', 'user-agent': '' }, is_nsfw: false, is_broken: false, updated: true, cluster_id: 1, _id: '2ST8btby3mmsgPF0' }) expect(JSON.parse(lines[1])).toMatchObject({ name: 'BBC News HD', id: '', filepath: 'tests/__data__/output/channels/uk.m3u', src_country: { name: 'United Kingdom', code: 'UK', lang: 'eng' }, tvg_country: 'UK', countries: [{ name: 'United Kingdom', code: 'UK', lang: 'eng' }], regions: [ { name: 'Europe, the Middle East and Africa', code: 'EMEA' }, { name: 'Europe', code: 'EUR' } ], languages: [{ name: 'English', code: 'eng' }], categories: [{ name: 'News', slug: 'news', nsfw: false }], tvg_url: '', guides: [], logo: '', resolution: { height: 720, width: null }, status: { label: 'Not 24/7', code: 'not_247', level: 3 }, url: '', http: { referrer: '', 'user-agent': '' }, is_nsfw: false, is_broken: false, updated: false, cluster_id: 3, _id: '3TbieV1ptnZVCIdn' }) expect(JSON.parse(lines[2])).toMatchObject({ name: 'ATV', id: '', filepath: 'tests/__data__/output/channels/ad.m3u', src_country: { name: 'Andorra', code: 'AD', lang: 'cat' }, tvg_country: 'AD', countries: [{ name: 'Andorra', code: 'AD', lang: 'cat' }], regions: [ { name: 'Europe, the Middle East and Africa', code: 'EMEA' }, { name: 'Europe', code: 'EUR' } ], languages: [{ name: 'Catalan', code: 'cat' }], categories: [{ name: 'General', slug: 'general', nsfw: false }], tvg_url: '', guides: [''], logo: '', resolution: { height: 720, width: null }, status: { label: 'Offline', code: 'offline', level: 5 }, url: '', http: { referrer: '', 'user-agent': '' }, is_nsfw: false, is_broken: true, updated: true, cluster_id: 1 }) expect(JSON.parse(lines[4])).toMatchObject({ id: '', status: { label: 'Geo-blocked', code: 'geo_blocked', level: 2 }, is_broken: false, updated: false }) expect(JSON.parse(lines[5])).toMatchObject({ id: '', status: { label: 'Offline', code: 'offline', level: 5 }, is_broken: true, updated: true }) })