Update helper.js

This commit is contained in:
freearhey 2021-01-30 01:58:52 +03:00
parent e401ef069d
commit cb2c787c3c

@ -1,53 +1,14 @@
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const playlistParser = require('iptv-playlist-parser')
const axios = require('axios')
const zlib = require('zlib')
const epgParser = require('epg-parser')
const urlParser = require('url')
const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp')
const markdownInclude = require('markdown-include')
const iso6393 = require('iso-639-3')
const intlDisplayNames = new Intl.DisplayNames(['en'], {
style: 'long',
type: 'region'
let helper = {}
helper.supportedCategories = {
auto: 'Auto',
business: 'Business',
classic: 'Classic',
comedy: 'Comedy',
documentary: 'Documentary',
education: 'Education',
entertainment: 'Entertainment',
family: 'Family',
fashion: 'Fashion',
food: 'Food',
general: 'General',
health: 'Health',
history: 'History',
hobby: 'Hobby',
kids: 'Kids',
legislative: 'Legislative',
lifestyle: 'Lifestyle',
local: 'Local',
movies: 'Movies',
music: 'Music',
news: 'News',
quiz: 'Quiz',
religious: 'Religious',
'sci-fi': 'Sci-Fi',
shop: 'Shop',
sport: 'Sport',
travel: 'Travel',
weather: 'Weather',
xxx: 'XXX',
other: 'Other'
helper.code2flag = function (code) {
switch (code) {
case 'uk':
@ -63,6 +24,25 @@ helper.code2flag = function (code) {
helper.code2name = function (code) {
const intlDisplayNames = new Intl.DisplayNames(['en'], {
style: 'long',
type: 'region'
try {
return intlDisplayNames.of(code.toUpperCase())
} catch (e) {
return null
helper.language2code = function (name) {
const lang = iso6393.find(l => l.name === name)
return lang && lang.iso6393 ? lang.iso6393 : null
helper.sortBy = function (arr, fields) {
return arr.sort((a, b) => {
for (let field of fields) {
@ -80,54 +60,7 @@ helper.sortBy = function (arr, fields) {
helper.createDir = function (dir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
helper.compileMarkdown = function (filepath) {
return markdownInclude.compileFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, filepath))
helper.escapeStringRegexp = function (scring) {
return escapeStringRegexp(string)
helper.getISO6391Name = function (code) {
const lang = iso6393.find(l => l.iso6393 === code.toLowerCase())
return lang && lang.name ? lang.name : null
helper.getISO6391Code = function (name) {
const lang = iso6393.find(l => l.name === name)
return lang && lang.iso6393 ? lang.iso6393 : null
helper.parsePlaylist = function (filename) {
const content = this.readFile(filename)
const result = playlistParser.parse(content)
const playlist = new Playlist(result)
playlist.url = filename
return playlist
helper.parseEPG = async function (url) {
return this.getEPG(url).then(content => {
const result = epgParser.parse(content)
const channels = {}
for (let channel of result.channels) {
channels[channel.id] = channel
return { url, channels }
helper.getEPG = function (url) {
helper.loadEPG = function (url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var buffer = []
@ -163,28 +96,24 @@ helper.getEPG = function (url) {
helper.readFile = function (filename) {
return fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + `/../${filename}`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
helper.appendToFile = function (filename, data) {
fs.appendFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + '/../' + filename, data)
helper.createFile = function (filename, data = '') {
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + '/../' + filename, data)
helper.getBasename = function (filename) {
return path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename))
helper.getUrlPath = function (u) {
let parsed = urlParser.parse(u)
let searchQuery = parsed.search || ''
let path = parsed.host + parsed.pathname + searchQuery
helper.filterPlaylists = function (arr, include = '', exclude = '') {
if (include) {
const included = include.split(',').map(filename => `channels/${filename}.m3u`)
return path.toLowerCase()
return arr.filter(i => included.indexOf(i.url) > -1)
if (exclude) {
const excluded = exclude.split(',').map(filename => `channels/${filename}.m3u`)
return arr.filter(i => excluded.indexOf(i.url) === -1)
return arr
helper.generateTable = function (data, options) {
@ -216,8 +145,30 @@ helper.generateTable = function (data, options) {
return output
helper.createChannel = function (data, parent) {
return new Channel(data, parent)
helper.createDir = function (dir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
helper.readFile = function (filename) {
return fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + `/../${filename}`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
helper.appendToFile = function (filename, data) {
fs.appendFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + '/../' + filename, data)
helper.compileMarkdown = function (filepath) {
return markdownInclude.compileFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, filepath))
helper.escapeStringRegexp = function (scring) {
return escapeStringRegexp(string)
helper.createFile = function (filename, data = '') {
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + '/../' + filename, data)
helper.writeToLog = function (country, msg, url) {
@ -226,26 +177,6 @@ helper.writeToLog = function (country, msg, url) {
this.appendToFile('error.log', now.toISOString() + ' ' + line + '\n')
helper.filterPlaylists = function (arr, include = '', exclude = '') {
if (include) {
const included = include.split(',').map(filename => `channels/${filename}.m3u`)
return arr.filter(i => included.indexOf(i.url) > -1)
if (exclude) {
const excluded = exclude.split(',').map(filename => `channels/${filename}.m3u`)
return arr.filter(i => excluded.indexOf(i.url) === -1)
return arr
helper.filterGroup = function (groupTitle) {
return this.supportedCategories[groupTitle.toLowerCase()] || ''
helper.filterNSFW = function (arr) {
const sfwCategories = [
@ -287,181 +218,4 @@ helper.sleep = function (ms) {
helper.code2country = function (code) {
code = code ? code.toLowerCase() : ''
if (code === 'int') {
return { code: 'int', name: 'International' }
} else if (code === 'unsorted') {
return null
return { code, name: intlDisplayNames.of(code.toUpperCase()) }
helper.parseCountries = function (value, source) {
if (!value) {
const country = helper.code2country(source)
return country ? [country] : []
return value
.filter(i => i)
helper.parseName = function (title) {
return title
.split(' ')
.map(s => s.trim())
.filter(s => {
return !/\[|\]/i.test(s) && !/\((\d+)P\)/i.test(s)
.join(' ')
helper.parseStatus = function (title) {
const regex = /\[(.*)\]/i
const match = title.match(regex)
return match ? match[1] : null
helper.parseResolution = function (title) {
const regex = /\((\d+)P\)/i
const match = title.match(regex)
return {
width: null,
height: match ? parseInt(match[1]) : null
helper.parseLanguages = function (lang) {
return lang
.map(name => {
const code = name ? helper.getISO6391Code(name) : null
if (!code) return null
return {
.filter(l => l)
class Playlist {
constructor(data) {
this.header = data.header
this.items = data.items
getHeader() {
let parts = ['#EXTM3U']
for (let key in this.header.attrs) {
let value = this.header.attrs[key]
if (value) {
return `${parts.join(' ')}\n`
class Channel {
constructor(data, parent) {
this.parseData(data, parent)
parseData(data, parent) {
this.source = helper.getBasename(parent.url)
this.logo = data.tvg.logo
this.category = helper.filterGroup(data.group.title)
this.url = data.url
this.name = helper.parseName(data.name)
this.status = helper.parseStatus(data.name)
this.http = data.http
this.tvg = data.tvg
this.tvg.url = parent.header.attrs['x-tvg-url'] || ''
this.countries = helper.parseCountries(data.tvg.country, this.source)
this.resolution = helper.parseResolution(data.name)
this.languages = helper.parseLanguages(data.tvg.language)
get languageAttribute() {
return this.getLanguageAttribute()
get countryAttribute() {
return this.getCountryAttribute()
getCountryAttribute() {
return this.countries.map(c => c.code.toUpperCase()).join(';')
getLanguageAttribute() {
return this.languages.map(l => l.name).join(';')
toString() {
const country = this.getCountryAttribute()
const language = this.getLanguageAttribute()
const tvgUrl = (this.tvg.id || this.tvg.name) && this.tvg.url ? this.tvg.url : ''
const resolution = this.resolution.height ? ` (${this.resolution.height}p)` : ''
const status = this.status ? ` [${this.status}]` : ''
let info = `-1 tvg-id="${this.tvg.id}" tvg-name="${this.tvg.name}" tvg-language="${language}" tvg-logo="${this.logo}" tvg-country="${country}" tvg-url="${tvgUrl}" group-title="${this.category}",${this.name}${resolution}${status}`
if (this.http['referrer']) {
info += `\n#EXTVLCOPT:http-referrer=${this.http['referrer']}`
if (this.http['user-agent']) {
info += `\n#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=${this.http['user-agent']}`
return '#EXTINF:' + info + '\n' + this.url + '\n'
toShortString() {
const country = this.getCountryAttribute()
const language = this.getLanguageAttribute()
const resolution = this.resolution.height ? ` (${this.resolution.height}p)` : ''
const status = this.status ? ` [${this.status}]` : ''
let info = `-1 tvg-id="${this.tvg.id}" tvg-name="${this.tvg.name}" tvg-language="${language}" tvg-logo="${this.logo}" tvg-country="${country}" group-title="${this.category}",${this.name}${resolution}${status}`
if (this.http['referrer']) {
info += `\n#EXTVLCOPT:http-referrer=${this.http['referrer']}`
if (this.http['user-agent']) {
info += `\n#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=${this.http['user-agent']}`
return '#EXTINF:' + info + '\n' + this.url + '\n'
toJSON() {
return {
name: this.name,
logo: this.logo || null,
url: this.url,
category: this.category || null,
languages: this.languages,
countries: this.countries,
tvg: {
id: this.tvg.id || null,
name: this.tvg.name || null,
url: this.tvg.url || null
module.exports = helper